Make sure to regularly water the houseplant. Purple. The potting soil must always be kept moist. The Begonia does love light, but not direct sunlight. The plant grows in a bushy form and is grown as an annual. The leaf is smooth and oval. See more ideas about begonia, plants, flowers. Purples come in shades ranging from bright pink-purple to nearly baby blue. A unique and easy-to-care-for house plant! Only the tuberous and cane begonia have big purple flowers along with the white and red flower petal colors. Rex begonias are grown for their colourful, dramatic foliage. Descubra 60 imagens de decoração com begônia, saiba mais sobre os principais tipos, como usar na decoração e outras dicas de cuidados. Ela é uma planta nativa da América do Sul, mais precisamente das florestas altas dos Andes, Bolivia e Argentina. Unique leaves. The flowers of the begonia plant are delicate and vary in size depending on the type of plant. The 'Maori Haze' has green leaves with a purple pattern. Shrub-like Begonia Leaves I begin that series today with Tradescantia ‘Purple Sabre’ and Begonia ‘Martin Johnson’, two alluring plants that came together quite by chance on a narrow shelf in my garden room. Semperflorens is readily available for home gardeners and are prized for their constant and prolific blooming. The enchanting Leaf Begonia adds colour and excitement to your living room! Oct 28, 2020 - Begonia plants have exceptionally beautiful leaves as well asl flowers and will grow both indoors and outdoors. Foliage can be green, red or bronze and some types are variegated or have white new leaves. There are many different cultivated varieties, sporting large leaves with streaks, spirals or veins, and often with splashes of silver, pink, purple green and burgundy. I first met Tradescantia ‘Purple Sabre’ on holiday in Montenegro where I admired it tumbling out of a mellow stone trough into pot of bright red, ivy-leaf geraniums. Plant profile of Begonia rex on Confira! Mesmo de altitudes altas onde normalmente é mais frio, essa planta se tornou resistente ao sol. Essa planta com flores vermelhas e folhagem escura é a Begonia Boliviensis, um tipo de begônia incomum.

purple begonia plant

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