Being in the monkey dance screws up your judgment. You become a participant in the creation and escalation of the situation, but your monkey brain tells you that what you’re doing is self defense. The problem with using a knife in self defense is that most people don’t know that they’ve been cut. Doesn’t matter which way he’s facing, the monkey brain sees proximity and says “Threat!” So, if you’re hitting somebody with a knife and he’s not going away like you expected him to, you’re getting more scared. I have never carried weapons in public for the obvious reasons, However at home I have a variety of items from tools such as hammers, machetes etc or swords/knives I have collected etc, Now in a situation where my home is broken into by a burglar, am I able to pick up my machete for example to go downstairs to investigate and possibly confront a Intruder, I understand the concept of reasonable force where I would be jailed for repeatedly striking a burglar with a machete until he was dead because a jury might find it excessive. He’s left you no choice, so you can operate without hesitation and with commitment. This is where solid, articulable facts are the counter to the monkey brain. This interview first appeared in our December 2008 journal. You add to the problem. What do women do when attacked by a man? The same UK law also applies for your property - in so much as it is perfectly within the UK law to use reasonable force to prevent and stop someone who may be damaging or stealing your property. I just did a court case where this huge guy attacked a smaller guy and the smaller guy started slashing him. eJournal: How do the courts view using a knife compared to using a gun to fight off an assailant? MacYoung: You can, but you have to be trained. Hi See the blood trail? eJournal: Do we even know the facts during the monkey dance? The big but I was 46 5’9″ and carrying injuries from the job, my use of force was proportionate as if I did not go in so violent I would of lost which could of included my life. I live and work in Northern Ireland, I think the legislation there is a little different from the rest of England. A lot of people think that in the UK the use of lethal force with a deadly weapon is not allowed in self defence. But what a lot of people do not understand is how that decision affects somebody’s willingness to mess with them. MacYoung: No. Use ye skills and beat the shit out of the rat. So what better way to avoid having my hijab ripped off and at the same time helping an innocent victim? Conflict is never good. When he turns to run, your monkey brain doesn’t see that; it still sees him in front of you. That’s what they teach as the Filipino martial arts in the United States. But you never have the right to chase ‘em down the street, across their yard and up on to their front porch. If you pull that trigger there’s going to be legal consequences, so you spend a lot of time focusing when you are justified to shoot, don’t you? Let’s throw something else on top of this. Subsequent appeal, which again showed all the problems that led to it, proved their incompetence and inability to respond to it after my complaints, but the result was again a confirmation of the previous decision, despite obvious violations or passive inaction on their part. Clearly this is proportionate use of force with a deadly weapon. The problem is, people see movies where they shoot the guy and he falls down. MacYoung: No. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. My bedroom door was unlocked. Yet, unlike the cowards who just stood and watched, I would try and defend the victim. I think I may have worded some sentences that can be misinterpreted. The interview that follows is distilled from several hours of telephone conversation with MacYoung, and is offered in interview format to preserve as much as possible his explosive and often amusing style of communication. The right to own a weapon has everyone and it is inscribed instinctively as a reflex to defend one’s own life and every law that forbids it does not work in my defense and it is not enforced by me. eJournal: What’s an Omega solution here? Would I get arrested. If you find yourself being attacked, regardless of the actual reason, you have a perfect right within the UK law to use an amount of reasonable force in order to defend yourself against that attack. The fact is, the closer you get to Ragnarök, the fewer options you have. All Rights Reserved. You shooters start with when is lethal force justified, then begin working your way back. All the best, Steve UKpreppersGuide. It’s an unconscious pattern. That experience coupled with work as director of a correctional institute, body guard, bouncer and security for large public events, makes MacYoung an unusually accurate source of information about criminal behavior. You are cutting your way out of the situation. It is. Although layered out in written law, I still think it is subjected to so many different interpretations of different opinions. Fight them? I would say judge the moment if you feel that your life or the life of your loved ones are threatened then go as far as you see fit after all the law can not protect your life once it has been taken only avenge it with weak custodial sentences and anyone who has actually been in these types of situations knows you will very rarely get the time to call 999 let alone the response time it will take to come to your rescue. There are no special laws to allow them open fire on a criminal. So when I’m telling you to break contact, I’m telling you to get out of monkey brain. I don’t know if these replies even work but ive just figured a great defense; uncrew weights on fairly large dumbbells, use the steel cogs as missile weapons and use the steel pipe 2 handed and swing left and right, it should fit in your pocket well enough to maneuver before confrontation if you lean it towards your torso. Knowing that you are right is very powerful. But there are still grey areas: UK law allows you to use any force to defend yourself (or others) up to and including lethal force with deadly weapons. Simply owning a bladed keychain or a high-concentration pepper spray may be illegal and potentially result in fines or worse. AND… again, it is essential that the amount of reasonable force used must be in proportion to the attack on you. Most knife training goes the wrong direction. This can be somewhat of a problem as the grounds for reasonable force, and this includes various forms of martial arts, and under what particular circumstances that reasonable force is applied is only to be decided by a court of law. MacYoung: To developing a better understanding of different tools, that each has a time and place and when to use it. You pull the knife, deflect the incoming attack, you hold out the knife and you run screaming like a girl. It’s always a negotiation, “Stop the behavior and I will let you walk away.” If someone mildly violates my boundaries, I say, “Excuse me; be so kind as to step back.” I negotiate. When I say you don’t cross this line and we both live, that’s not a threat, it is a promise because I’m ready to back it up.

defending yourself with a knife laws

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