The color is specified by: a color name - like "red" a HEX value - like "#ff0000" an RGB value - like "rgb(255,0,0)" Look at CSS Color Values for a complete list of possible color values.. Tobias Bäthge is a PhD student in the field of “Engineering Cybernetics” from Magdeburg, Germany. Then, Change the color of the second paragraph to red and its font size to 10px. This success color is defined in variables.scss file; You can add more color variables in variables.scss and use them. In your child theme, use either the style.less or style.css file and add the following code: .tm-header { background-color: #ccc; /* change the color to what you want here */ } The examples below are for an HTML file using an internal stylesheet. I’m looking for a way to change the main header background to a different color than the rest of the page. About the Developer. Thank you for reading. Add mouse hover effect for each row in a ta... Add padding to table cell in HTML and CSS. Is this possible through by adding additional CSS under Customize Appearance, or by editing the style.css? How to change the color of the header and footer Hello, I am currently creating a weebly website using a theme that I have selected. This thread is locked. But this doesn’t makes any difference. Click Customize to expand the set of choices for customizing your theme. Sorry about that @abdullah_soomro. The following code shows how to set background color for table header. To change the background color of a single table cell, you apply the same code, but to the table cell in question (i.e. I would surround the word(s) with a -element and give the element a class. If your template includes an animated Flash header, Flash header colors can be edited in either the .js file like the "header.js" or, in the template CSS file, or in both. How do i keep the header & footer the color i want them? How to change background color of header? In this snippet, you can find many different ways of adding a background color. Set border left for table cell in HTML and ... Set border right for table cell in HTML and... Set border space for table in HTML and CSS. set background color for table header. the td tag or the th tag, depending on whether the cell is a normal table data row or part of a table header). If you are able to add the css override to Settings>SEO>Header your site will still be a standard Weebly theme and it is much easier to troubleshoot. Thanks for replying @Bernadette ,but I was talking about this header. Above code will change background color of header or titlebar to success color. Thanks. Weebly employees are not able to assist with detailed instructions for code edits, but if you post a link to your site another user may be able to help you out. ; Use html attribute to change text font. First thing you should know is that there are different types of HTML colors, such as Hex color codes, HTML color names, RGB and RGBa values, HSL colors, etc.To choose your preferred color use our Color Tools.. All code belongs to the poster and no license is enforced. Now go to your command line or terminal and type: JSFiddle or its authors are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind during the usage of provided code. In this instance, you'd target tm-header for your styling. I tried adding CSS below: 1) Appearance –> Customize –> Custom css 2) Theme options –> Custom css. Set background for column group in HTML and... Set border bottom for table cell in HTML an... Set border collapse for table in HTML and C... Set border for table cell in HTML and CSS, Set border for table header in HTML and CSS. On Windows 10 the menubar and list header are white by default. Re: How to change the color of the header? Then Change the color of the first paragraph to violet. If you don not see a line of "background-color", then copy the following one-line codes: background-color:#fffbff; 5. The code above generates the following result. Click Header Image to choose an image to be the background of the header. Right-click on Form Header bar and select Properties from the contextual menu. The old HTML attribute is no longer supported in HTML5. Applying a background color style to either of these classes will change the color of the background. Text Color. Use the Property Sheet to change the color of the header. If you do edit the css/html area of your theme your site would be considered a "custom" theme. I.e. Click below to see the variables to change in a "header.js". The following code shows how to Change the Color. Click Change to add a site logo. Paste the one-line codes into the template above the} , as the same in above screenshot. It should be near the top of the … Not sure how to get the hex color code? Creating a Gradient Background Find your document's "html" header. Set table border collapse to separate in HT... Set table caption to bottom in HTML and CSS. Set border-spacing for table in HTML and CS... Set border top for table cell in HTML and C... Set color for table header in HTML and CSS. div#shopify-section-header.shopify-section { background-color: #ff1a1a; } { background-color: #ff1a1a; }