What is the best use of a real-life location in Days of Future Past? His powers, suit, and overall constitution just exuded cheesiness. I can’t say I enjoyed it. What is X-Men’s most iconic moment? What is the best random anecdote about The Amazing Spider-Man? Sivana launches into a well-practiced evil diatribe, but Billy is literally a mile away and can only barely hear mumbles over the sounds of traffic and the bustle of the city. Taken together—I mean, along with other stuff, like his untied shoes being a conscious choice—they render Spider-Man more relatable and human than he’s ever been. ), What is the most iconic moment in Civil War? Very few superhero movies can say the same. Who is the breakout star of Captain Marvel? It’s Inglourious Basterds, but with yellow superhero safety vests. But in Deadpool, he gets to be all of those things, all at once, in a role pitched exactly for him. What is the movie’s most iconic moment? The heroes may not be as familiar, but the classic rock sure is, and the Skittles-bright palette and crackling banter will suck you in. Her performance as Captain Marvel may not be winning any awards, but that video of her pushing a Jeep really should. Welp, just about everything, other than the great visuals and the patented Zack Snyder Lens Flare. What is Iron Man 2’s most iconic moment? —Andrew Gruttadaro. What is the Superman II’s most iconic moment? Who is the breakout star of Infinity War? And Iron Man—$300 million domestic box office on a second-tier superhero!” As easy as it is to drag Snyder for these comments, the fact is, he wasn’t wrong. He was great. X2 is the moment 20th Century Fox realized it could milk Hugh Jackman’s stardom for nearly two decades. *Please note that this is a ranking of the Chrises’ performances as superheroes only. That said, I actively blocked his presence whenever I encountered him in the past. So, even though Far From Home came out in 2019, it’s already an artifact of a different time. Heat with capes; the best superhero movie ever made because it’s not a superhero movie. Sigourney Weaver's Ripley is arguably the best female action hero of all time, and that is never more clear than in this outstanding sequel to 1979's Alien. Yay, everyone’s happy! The real answer, though, is Ledger’s meeting with the mob bosses—one of the great “what is happening here?” moments in recent movie history. He was always good (or serviceable, probably) when he could lean solely on his quips (Waiting... remains his best-ever work in that capacity). the Hulk. At the time, Marvel’s most popular and culturally relevant franchise was the X-Men, as it had been since the 1970s and the revolutionary run of writer Chris Claremont. His turn as “third-choice, tragicomic father figure” is Bill Murray–like. It’s a bird! In the movie, Lee appears to kill the samurai, but when he ended up dying later it was implied that the samurai had not been defeated, and that it eventually killed Lee. Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston are the perfect choices to play Thor and Loki in a movie that’s packed with beautiful visuals. What is the most The Dark Knight Rises’ most iconic moment? We finally figured out what to do with Ryan Reynolds. Magneto flexing on the Golden Gate Bridge. But most importantly, it brings Jake Frickin’ Gyllenhaal into the MCU as Mysterio, one of the most fully realized villains the franchise has ever seen—with one of the highest degrees of difficulty to boot, but one that the movie clears nonetheless. It’s Michael Peña—again! Deadpool’s superhero metajokes are becoming increasingly stale, but Shazam! What is the best use of a real-life location in Spider-Man? When Brandon died, it became a thing where the demon samurai was said to have killed him too (in the movie, the child version of Brandon gets to see the demon samurai fighting his father). To see a more thorough assessment of the Chris Wars, click here. What is Dark World’s most iconic moment? There’s a scene toward the end in which Janet Van Dyne takes over Scott Lang’s body in order to communicate with her long-lost husband and daughter, and it results in Paul Rudd as Scott Lang doing an impression of Michelle Pfeiffer as Janet Van Dyne. There's no female action hero more … Here’s a list of 2011 movies featuring Michael Fassbender: First Class, Cary Fukunaga’s devastating (in a good way) Jane Eyre, David Cronenberg’s Jung-and-Freud buddy movie A Dangerous Method, and the infamous Shame. How did Batman Begins influence the superhero movies that followed? Batman is the only superhero movie worthy of its own Prince album. What is the best use of a real-life location in The Last Stand? Sometimes, the spectacle of an X-Men film can obscure the fundamental point of the story: that being different is a gift, even if those in power occasionally need help remembering so. More Ryan Reynolds! Apparently, the most ambitious crossover event in history is the Marvel Cinematic Universe and … The Leftovers?! influence the superhero movies that followed? 2? How did The Dark Knight influence the superhero movies that followed? It’s a plane! THERE ARE ELVES!!!!!!!! Who is the breakout star of Guardians Vol. Guardians taught us a lot—namely about the nostalgic value of a novelty Walkman, but also that superhero blockbusters can be fun. Look at the highest-grossing films of 2019 so far—three of the top five are superhero movies. It’s a fake city meant to look as real as possible. Who is the breakout star of Iron Man 3? I have all the respect in the world for everyone ever responsible for creating Aquaman comics and cartoons. No question: the mega superhero fight that happens on the tarmac at an airport after Captain America (who is anti–superhero regulation) and Iron Man (who, surprisingly, is pro–superhero regulation) have recruited the other superheroes to their respective sides. It doesn’t make sense that a movie about a human ant starring Paul Rudd would be any good, but it absolutely is. What is The First Avenger’s most iconic movie? No superhero film has more built-in lore around it, and deservedly so. A 91 percent Rotten Tomatoes score and a $365 million box office return on a budget estimated between $90 and $100 million is exactly what DC execs love to see, and while it’s their most recent film, _Shazam!’_s success is another indicator that the Zack Snyder–y, blue filter–y look and feel of the DCEU is likely a thing of the past.

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