In my pursuit of that pen, I happened to read a great write-up on Brassing Adds Character on some of the additional details regarding the standard version of the Lamy 2000. I personally find the Studio looks more attractive and I love the coloured finishes. For quite some time I’ve been holding off on trying the incredibly popular Lamy 2000 fountain pen in hopes that I could find the limited edition version that is all stainless steel. The Lamy 2000 uses a piston filling mechanism, which is a departure from the cartridge and converter pens that make up the lower end of the Lamy product line. At around $150, both the Lamy 2000 and the Studio make great options for a “first gold-nibbed pen,” though I must say, I prefer the Studio’s extra-fine to the extra-fine on my Lamy 2000. The pen is very easy to fill. ラミー(LAMY) 2000 L201 油性ボールペン ラミーの原点である2000シリーズ。 ボディに区切りがなく、中央のなめらかな膨らみとヘアライン処理による表面のマット感が、手にしっくりなじみ … Twist the piston knob out, submerge the I suspect it’s because the lack of a hood (I'm not a spambot, I promise*. Hi folks! 以上、LAMY 2000 taxusとLAMY 2000 blackwoodの紹介でした。 木製素材は、他メーカーでもありますが、LAMY 2000 をベースにしたこちらは、持ちやすさの点で圧倒的に優れます。 Atlasも1本所有していますが、とても書き The Aion’s finish has a really unique soft texture to it though that is reminiscent of the LAMY 2000 in how nice it feels to hold. 「西暦2000年になっても色褪せないデザイン」というコンセプトで1966年に発売された『LAMY 2000』。50年間変わらぬデザイン・機能で、世界中から評価されている逸品です。デザインはバウハウス出身のゲルト・ハイト・ミュラー Excited to be joining the fountain pen community on Reddit - first time poster, long time fan! *) I'm going into my second year of university, lots of writing on my plate this semester and I'm thinking of picking up either the Lamy Studio or 2000 in the near future to serve as a replacement 'workhorse' pen for my Lamy CP1 and TWSBI Eco. Some owners find the