The Legio Fortidus was one of the ancient Titan Legions of Mars and rightly proud of their heritage. Ever since reading about the Dies Irae's in Storm of Iron I have always wanted to create a Legio Mortis detachment for my Iron Warriors. Princeps Spotlight: Shane of Legio Mortis In the first post in a series highlighting other’s Titanicus forces, Shane shares his Legio Mortis engines. The Legio Yharma are a Titan Legion with a baleful reputation for wanton violence. First thoughts on Legio Rules. Tactics. So brace your self for all sort of disgusting super heavy action. ... Warhammer community put up a post today giving us our first taste of the the new legio rules… Legios. Legio Mortis griff durch die Wohn- und Industriegebiete hindurch an, ihre mutierten Skitarii im Schlepptau, die alle töteten, die den Titanen entgingen. Zuerst verloren sie einen Warhound an die Verteidiger, dann einen Reaver an ein Ordinatus-Geschütz. The Legio Fortidus ("Dauntless") was a Loyalist Titan Legion of the Collegia Titanica founded well before the Age of the Imperium, quite possibly during the Age of Strife on the Mechanicum's sacred world of Mars. Posted on January 17, 2019 June 13, 2019 by Phil. Created at the behest of Camulos, master of the Legio Mortis, they were conceived as allies for the Berserkers of Uran and duly took their place as such. Princeps Spotlight: Shane of Legio Mortis. In the Insurrection they would rank among the most dreaded of all Icarion's armies. Complimenting the transfer sheets found in the Adeptus Titanicus kits themselves, the Legio Mortis transfer sheet is ideal for fans of this most sinister Titan Legion, replete with iconographs, honorifics and embellishments. Atarus were fielded by the Warmaster as a diversionary attack and ultimately the full demi-Legio was used as a sacrificial pawn while the Warmaster struck elsewhere. Legio Interfector colour scheme as displayed by the Warlord-class Titan Abhorrent.. Im Gegenzug zerstörte Aquila Ignis den Ordinatus. I started with a warhound a while back but after picking up the knight renegade box i've really decided to sink my teeth into this project. Phil’s Note – Shane is part of the podcast The Road to Damnation, which I would highly recommend checking out for AT content. During this last stand, Legio Mortis and the Fureans refused to come to their aid – …