Ask for advice from your professors, and visit various department and university websites. The following are countries in which English is an official language. Visit Mason’s Safe Return to Campus Plan for COVID-19 updates. Talk to your TAs and professors about what it's like on their end - being a grad student or professor is You may be at an advantage if you’re willing to relocate to another region of the country. Fortunately and unfortunately, English is the lingua franca for many international businesses and organizations. You don’t want to seem too narrow, but a focused student will stand out. Some evaluators pay more attention to these scores than others, but high scores can help you stand out and low ones can most definitely sink you. Do not try to impress your readers with too much academic jargon. Give your professors everything they need to write a good, informed letter: resume or cv, transcript, samples of papers you’ve written for them, a list of courses you took with them and the grade you received. Whether you're applying to business school, medical school, law school, or another program, scholarship, or fellowship, most graduate school applicants are going to need two to three letters of recommendation that will be submitted to the admissions committee (along with your undergraduate transcripts, standardized test scores, essays, etc.) Most schools are looking for a good fit, and will seek out students whose interests match their specialties. Advice from your professors by Associate Professor and Associate Dean, Julie Nash: The road to a Ph.D. in English is long and challenging. Asking for a Recommendation Preparing for Graduate School Panel 10 Tips on Successfully Applying to a PhD Program, and 10 Definite Don'ts From a Recent Graduate Director. Above all, don’t come across as arrogant. It’s best to do this early in case you need to retake one or both. Advice From Your Professors. Have at least two professors look at your writing sample before sending it in and take their suggestions for revision seriously. The faculty here are proven scholars and the sooner we know what your plans are, the sooner we can steer you toward classes and experiences that will help you pursue your goals. We encourage students to apply to graduate school, and we welcome the chance to write letters of recommendation. Choose professors who know your work well and can say more about you than that you got a good grade in their class. You are willing to accept a job in most parts of the country. Graduate School Application Timeline If you're planning to apply to graduate school, it's best to start early—it will increase your odds of being admitted. Read up on their specialties, offerings, and programs. You enjoying writing and conducting research as much as you enjoy reading and talking about literature. What Career Opportunities Lie Beyond Graduate School? Your writing sample should have a developed context, and demonstrate solid research and analytical thinking skills. You should consider applying to graduate school if the following description applies to you: You have good grades, especially in upper-level English classes. Writing should be confident, interesting and – of course – error free. All citations should be double-checked for accurate MLA format. A good school is one that is right for you. But it’s a major investment: • In the US, a PhD will take at least five and sometimes ten or … Try to show that you are acquainted with your chosen field and that you know the central questions and issues in that field. Ask for these at least four weeks in advance. Once you’ve completed these initial preparations, you can write your dissertation. You should be prepared to tailor your application letters to each individual school. It can buy you a lot of good will for the next time—when you need just one more at the last minute. CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE Statement on the Impact of COVID-19 on Future Admissions Reviews April 27, 2020 . Start the application process (asking for letters of recommendation, working on your statement and writing sample, etc.) You enjoying writing and conducting research as much as you enjoy reading and talking about literature. It is very difficult to get right. Here’s what one graduate professor says about this letter: Whatever approach you take, the writing needs to be good. as part of the application process. Graduate school is not just a continuation of your undergraduate studies: it is professional training. They will give you important information about requesting letters of recommendation; taking the GRE; preparing your statement of purpose, personal statement, and writing sample; and the graduate application calendar. If you are consistently struggling in your English classes despite your best effort, you should consider the possibility that graduate study may not be for you. Your professors are a great resource. Source: Central Intelligence Agency's World Fact Book publication Over the years, we have developed examples of what we consider "best practices" for students who plan to apply, most of them inspired from what students like you have taught us. Once you have narrowed down the schools to which you want to apply, do your homework. English Ph.D. Employment. It can work, but only if you're a brilliant writer. Get 3 letters-usually 2 from professors and 1 from either a former employer or someone who has supervised you in some capacity (e.g., coach, community service site supervisor, student organization advisor). A gentle reminder a couple of weeks before the due date will not offend your recommender, and may help you. You’re trying to introduce your best self to people who don’t know you and who are reading hundreds of these applications. Find out a little about the department: who works in those areas, and what do they do, what is the department known for, what resources does it have? Look at graduate program web pages; visit campuses if you can. Before you decide to apply to graduate school, you should spend some time researching employment outcomes for recent English PhDs. Not every graduate school application process requires interviews, but if they do, they are often a key part of getting into grad school. Most graduate admissions committees are inundated with applications, so apply cut-off scores to the GRE, considering only applications that have scores above the cut-off point. Applying to Graduate School. Be aware that many graduate students spend years working very hard for very little money only to find that there are few employment opportunities in their fields when they finish. Make everybody you know read it. That said, the rewards can be worth it. You don't necessarily need to have a specific area lined up to work in, but it can help if you define yourself to some extent. Many schools now use automated on-line applications that are routed to the proper program. Many graduate programs have rolling admissions, which means applications are evaluated as they arrive (rather than all at once after the final deadline). Deciding Where to Apply. We want to celebrate your successes. You have good grades, especially in upper-level English classes. Spend time on it. Suite 420, 220 Pawtucket St. Many students have said this is the hardest thing they have ever written. Look around at the kinds of courses offered, the work the faculty are doing, etc. Take courses in a variety of subjects within the department and do well in them. University Crossing

applying to graduate school in english

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