Its palmately compound leaves measure 3/4 to 1 inch across (2 to 2.5 cm). Sheep sorrel is composed of a clump of arrow-shaped leaves growing as a rosette which are joined underground by a creeping root system. Stems may be smooth or slightly hairy. The genus name for wood sorrel is oxalis. Garden sorrel (Rumex acetosa) and French sorrel are the two cultivated varieties of the herb. To grow sorrel, start in the early spring by finding a well-draining spot that gets at least 6 hours of full sunlight a day. The seed-head looks like a miniature form of a broad-leaved dock seed-head which is hardly surprising as the two species are closely related. In spring, each rosette forms a reddish upright flower stem. Wood sorrel, a common plant in both woodlands and yards, is readily available for harvesting. Next, plant the seeds in ½-inch deep holes spaced 2-3 inches apart and water them thoroughly. Each leaflet is creased along its midvein like a folded paper heart. Description. Mature leaves, flowers, and seed pods are all edible. The most likely plant to confuse wood sorrel with is black medick, which likes similar habitat, blooms about the same time, and also has yellow flowers and has 3 leaflets per leaf. A series of thin lilac or mauve veins runs from the outer edge to deep inside the cup, cleverly designed to tempt tiny, passing insects onto the creamy-white anthers contained within. The leaflets fold up at night and open during the day. Wood sorrel can grow up to 15 inches tall but typically only reaches eight or nine inches. Wood sorrel is one of my favorite edible wild plants. If you keep your eyes open, you're bound to encounter it. This plants grows in patches due to the creeping root system. Then, till the soil to a depth of 6 inches and mix in organic compost to enrich the soil. It's found all over the Los Angeles area. The light green leaves are alternate (but often bunched together appearing as opposite), palmately compound and resemble clover leaves. Stems can grow up to 23 centimeters (9 inches) tall, though they are usually shorter. But the flower on yellow clover is totally different and irregular with no obvious individual petals. Sorrel is identified by its five-petaled white or yellow flowers and heart-shaped leaves. It has a sour taste and can be used in salads, sauces, or as an herb. Common Yellow Wood Sorrel (Oxalis stricta) ... but do not root. Garden sorrel needs damp soils and temperate conditions. of water per week. Wood Sorrel Is Edible. The lower leaves are 7 to 15 centimetres (3 to 6 inches) in length with long petioles and a membranous ocrea formed of fused, sheathing stipules. How to Grow Sorrel. Sorrel is a slender herbaceous perennial plant about 60 centimetres (24 inches) high, with roots that run deep into the ground, as well as juicy stems and edible, arrow-shaped leaves.The leaves, when consumed raw, have a sour taste. Getting Acquainted With Wood Sorrel. Each leaf comprises three heart-shaped leaflets. Slender, red-tinged wood-sorrel stems rarely grow to more than a few inches high. Sorrel will not need a lot of supplemental care, but the bed does need to be kept weeded and the plants should receive at least 1 inch (2.5 cm.) Its lemony taste is a great addition to a morning salad. Each supports a single, delicate creamy-white, bell-shaped flower. Oxalis comes from the Greek oxus, which means "sour".