Know your own feelings. It’s also unfair to withdrawal from the argument and then open it up again without addressing the earlier conflict. Kim was right about one thing: all intimate partners have conflict from time to time. 2 Responses to “How to Respond When Your Partner Uses Unfair Fighting Tactics” cheating partners on June 27th, 2011 at 10:28 am The best thing to do is to be calm, be reasonable, be rational. If you’re in a relationship that you feel is fair and balanced, you usually don’t mind taking on certain responsibilities or chores. Oh well! 10 Rules For Fighting Unfairly in Your Relationship We Know How Tough It Can Be to Win an Argument With Your Loved One. Look for resolution: If a partner chooses to get even or spite their partner, that’s not fighting fair. Here Are a Few Tips to Give You the Edge at All Costs. Marriage is tough – it’s the toughest thing that I’ve ever done and apparently it’ll continue to be like that for as long as I live. Seven Unfair Fighting Tactics in Marriage. Understanding what dirty fighting is, recognizing when we do it, and learning to stop it is critical. Depending on how we treat each other during those conflicts, however, we will either grow closer or drive an emotional wedge between us. Relationships are not competition -- they are a partnership. 10 Most Common Need-To-Win Fighting Styles That Destroy Relationships. Please note that the words “fight” and “fighting fair” are used below to mean expressing one’s disagreement or anger to another constructively. What this means is that spending time making my marriage better is vitally important. At no time should physical harm be considered “fighting fair.” 1. A 2015 study from the University of Alberta suggested that people in more egalitarian relationships have higher relationship satisfaction and more sex than couples who don’t divvy up chores. Photo: weheartit. Seek to grow in self-awareness.