Actually, he had simply displayed his true feelings. Maybe he simply wasn't capable of having a relationship deeper than surface friendship. Alex would see it as an opportunity to help – simply because of his nature. When Dean chided her about her improved mood she simply laughed and said love does that to people. FeuDRenais 1 2236851 Tom is simple. When Yancey's attention diverted to his mother, she simply shrugged. As I did not teach for the good of my fellow-men, but simply for a livelihood, this was a failure. Who knows but if men constructed their dwellings with their own hands, and provided food for themselves and families simply and honestly enough, the poetic faculty would be universally developed, as birds universally sing when they are so engaged? Many other languages treat a sentence, for example, as simply a collection (a "string") of characters such as letters, spaces, and punctuation. His conversation with Tim returned, and he stayed the urge to call Lana as he had when he was simply the Guardian. of the cell-wall (which is secreted by the living cell-body) the protoplasm dies, and a tissue in which this has occurred consists solely of the dead framework of cell-walls, enclosing in the cavities, originally occupied by the protoplasm, simply water or air. People who buy organic food, for instance, are not doing it simply because they have more money. simply says, "To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice.". To identify the simple subject in a sentence, ask yourself who or what performs the action in the sentence. Judge Marshall carried the turkey simply because he wished to be kind and obliging. If her present methods were not working, she might simply decide to take Destiny and run – if Destiny was what she wanted. We knew some of our tips never came to fruition simply because authorities lacked the probable cause to arrest the perpetrator. But Perugia had no mind simply to subserve the papal interests. And Mr. Cade has done nothing to make me think he is anything but a normal man who simply enjoys his solitude. In northern Europe it is, Another explanation is that humans began to make music, My wife and children were blackberrying at the end of the garden and I was, In spite of convincing arguments for the case, the statistical evidence is, The idea was that if the artwork was a performance that would leave nothing behind, or was, Sometimes the dense concentration of the bones indicates a container of organic material, sometimes the bones were, Muslims found not wearing the white brassards as prescribed by the army were, If there had been more Southern victories, and a lot more, the North, He would sometimes downplay his Princeton education by saying, The formation of AAIW can be explained very, Without access to cobble, the juvenile cod, The combination of discontent and economic collapse brought about the revolution. Would Justin rent it out, or would he simply move in? There simply wasn't enough time to get to know him better. It was nice simply being with the children and having no other commitments. Usually, he was simply Alex – as exciting as that might be. She immediately told him about the incident with Jonathan and Alfonso and he simply nodded. It was hard to tell whether the sarcasm had gone over his head or he simply wasn't amused. (George is a noun. You simply had to make better use of what was left. In a way that is easy to understand. He could simply turn the subject off, like a radio, leaving her in shamed silence. It was simply that he didn't want to tell her - which amounted to the same thing. It was a rhetorical question and, to those posing it, simply a wish—just another way to say, "Why can't we all just get along?". We have simply allowed you to see her whenever you want. Simply because only so many jobs can, in theory, be replaced by machines does not imply anything about the ability of the people now doing them. She had noted down the names and she told me the story simply and factually.

simply in a sentence

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