I believe the resulting list of products and the accompanying buying guide will make your shopping experience less strenuous. Let me know in the comments section or via email: Jack.Toildrop@gmail.com. If you'd rather buy top shelf and have local dealer support, PM is good stuff. For a powerful commercial-scale product, three-phase power is used. This tool has a helical insert cutter-head with staggered carbine inserts, which makes the 2hp motor hardly produce any noise. Unless it has some NASA designed impeller I doubt it really moves any more air. Shop Fox and Grizzly are owned by the same guy….Shiraz Balolia. I really like the Grizzly saw. Whether you’re a carpenter, a craftsman, or a lumberjack who deals with woodworking on a regular basis, a well-functioned table saw is always your big buddy. Or adding a helical head to the Grizzley would be $500 more….still less than Jet. I have had this jointer for about 4 years. Purchased this Lux Cut III cutter head from MyWoodCutters.com for my Delta DC-380 planer. The two brands have different retail approachesâ¦Grizzly is mail order, while Shop Fox has a dealer network, and Shop Fox offers a two year warranty vs Grizâs 1 year. But as we all know, you need to be wary about the things which look the least scariest â and thatâs right. Grizzly, Jet, and Laguna. This design offers 25% more CPM. This new Shop Fox® 20" Planer has been specially designed to provide many years of trouble free service. That is not to say that it was straightforward though. Looks like it close to the same planer. People have problems with all 3 of the brands I was looking at. Produced in an ISO 9001 certified factory, this 20" Planer has the quality, capacity, and features to be a proud addition in any shop. With a good 8-inch jointer, you can salvage a substantial amount of the stock. Since all the jointers featured here give the requisite 8-inch cut, there is a reason to look beyond this factor. Professionals and DIY users alike find this machine extremely easy to use since its three knives on the helical cutterhead are easy to fix in an out. Related: Picking a good jointer planer combo. 500mm Planer Blades Knives Jointer HSS Replacement for Grizzly G6702 G0454W Jet 208 Powermatic 209 Woodstock W163 W7147 Delta DJ-20 Dewalt Shop Fox W1754 and other 20" Planer 19.5 x 1x 1/8" 4pc 20" x 1" x 1/8" Blade replacement for Shop Fox D4618 HSS Planer Blades, Set of 4 to fit Grizzly, Shopfox, Woodstock and other 20" Planer I would place Shop Fox / Grizzly equal with any of the other Asian brands. Out of the box, the Shop Fox looks rather plain and old. Temporarily out of stock. It has worked flawlessly. 10. The jointer features a powerful 3 HP, 240V, single-phase motor. I had 4 General International machines, the Shop Fox are definitely equal to those. Steelex is a new line from Shop Fox/Grizzly that is "value based". That’s the big difference… I know some folks have had bad experiences with Grizzly customer service, but that seems to be the exception rather than the rule. For smoother bevel and versatile performance, the unit boasts of positive stops at 90 degrees and 45 degrees. Corded Planer: Price $ First, the tool is easy to use, so even inexperienced owners are able to do something. Cutech 40160HC-CT 6â³ Benchtop Jointer. I ended up buying the Shop Fox because I liked some of the features better. Jointers are designed to work with woods of various sizes, but I am concentrating on products that hold up to 8 inches width. As a woodworker, times come when you inevitably have unused wood that stocked up for so long that it warped. Learn the complete results of our testing of the Craftsman 21705, Delta 37-275X, General International 80-075L M1, Grizzly G0604X, Grizzly G0452Z, Jet JJ-6CSX, Ridgid JP0610, Rikon 20-110, Shop Fox W1745, and Sunhill SM-150 in the March 2009 issue of WOOD magazine, or download the review. It can offer a 1/8 depth of cut and ½ rabbeting depth. For a low volume hobbyist, my Griz jointer, DC, and Shop Fox table saw have been great. The biggest benefit I have realized with my jointer is money savings. $470.00. For users who constantly do a lot of jointing, I suggest a powerful, handy and durable joint that also happens to the best overall in this list- the Powermatic 1610086K. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Iâve got the 26â Shop Fox double drum and I love it. I noticed Grizzly doesn't sell their 15" planer (GO 550) with the motor mounted on top, and a fixed table. Some of the best cheap jointers can be found in this article here. Has anyone had experience with the Grizzly g1021? Installation was pretty straight forward. It handles bevel operations and has a rigid fence. The Grizzly Industrial G0490X – 8″ x 76″ Jointer is a display of the understanding the company has about professional requirements. The enclosure adds weight for extra stability. There can be some legit savings with Grizzly, and some of Grizzly's higher end tools are really pretty good.