Convert less than and larger than signs Place the cursor in the Column_num text box. When I copy down the formula, it's giving me error: #NUM! [vb 1="vbnet" language=","] To enter multiple arrays, use the ampersand to concatenate the arrays together. If Match_type = -1, MATCH finds the smallest value that is greater than or equal to the Lookup_value. This formatting does not affect how the lookup formula works. Answer: Here is a formula (F2:F4) that creates a list with text values where both strings occur and is not case-sensitive. This argument tells Excel how to match the Lookup_value with values in the Lookup_array. The Lookup_value accepts only one search criteria or term. To create an array formula in Excel, press the CTRL, SHIFT, and ENTER keys simultaneously. SMALL({"";"";"";"";"";"";"";8;"";"";11}, 1) and returns 8. This range is the second array the function searches. This symbol causes the function to search two arrays. Would you able to search for those text strings (Search_Strings) contained in each cell then show? To search for multiple criteria, extend the Lookup_value by concatenating, or joining, two or more cell references using the ampersand symbol (&). ;#VALUE!, #VALUE! This tutorial includes a step-by-step example that shows how to create a lookup formula that uses multiple criteria to find a supplier of titanium widgets in a sample database. ;3;1}, Step 3 - Find cells containing both string 1 and 2, ISERR(SEARCH($D$2, Text_col)*SEARCH($D$3, Text_col)), ISERR(({#VALUE!;1;2;#VALUE!;#VALUE!;1;#VALUE!;1;2;#VALUE!;3})*({1;#VALUE!;#VALUE!;#VALUE!;#VALUE!;#VALUE!;1;2;#VALUE! In this tutorial, the Array Form is used to find the name of the supplier for titanium widgets, rather than the cell reference to this supplier in the database. Highlight cells E6 through E11 in the worksheet to enter the range. This number tells the formula to look for data in the third column of the range D6 through F11. I have a a sheet that i could use a little help with, is thee any chance you could give me some advise? Once pressed, the function is surrounded by curly braces, indicating that the function is now an array. Enter , (a comma) after the cell reference E3 to complete the entry of the MATCH function's Lookup_value argument. But I managed to create a "custom" data validation, see this post: ;#VALUE!, #VALUE! The Array Form returns the data from a database or table of data. I will look into this as soon as possible. If Match_type = 1 or is omitted, MATCH finds the largest value that is less than or equal to the Lookup_value. James, can you explain in greater detail? How to add a picture to your comment: Thanks for commenting! Thanks. To follow the steps in this tutorial, enter the sample data into the following cells, as shown in the image below. I have two Columns Cola with more than 10,000 records and Column B with 500 records. Follow along to learn how to create custom lookup formulas. Information on formatting options is available in this Basic Excel Formatting tutorial. Select cell F3. Use html character entities instead of less than and larger than signs. The function appears in the formula bar above the worksheet. Enter & (the ampersand) after the cell reference D3 to add a second cell reference. Feel free to comment and ask Excel questions. This is the cell where the function was entered. The cursor appears after the comma at the end of the current entry. This array allows the function to search for multiple terms in the table of data. Follow these steps to create the INDEX function: Select cell F3 to make it the active cell. ;#VALUE!, 1;1, 2;2, #VALUE! For short […]. ;1, #VALUE! The function has an Array Form and a Reference Form. Step 6 - Return a value at the intersection of a particular row and column, INDEX(array,row_num,[column_num]) returns a value or reference of the cell at the intersection of a particular row and column, in a given range, =INDEX(Text_col, SMALL(IF(ISERR(SEARCH($D$2, Text_col)*SEARCH($D$3, Text_col)), "", ROW(Text_col)-MIN(ROW(Text_col))+1), ROW(1:1))). 1. This number causes the nested function to return exact matches to the terms entered in cells D3 and E3. The INDEX function is one of the few functions in Excel that has … If you installed Kutools for Excel – a useful and handy Excel add-in, you can use its Select Specific Cells feature to quickly find multiple values at once. The formula isn't finished. ;#VALUE!, 3;3, 1}, "", {2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12}-2+1), IF(ISERR({#VALUE!, 1;1, #VALUE! This argument tells Excel the column number is in the range D6 through F11. This range is the first array the function searches. ;2, #VALUE! ;#VALUE!, #VALUE! Select cell E3 to enter the second cell reference. Former Lifewire writer Ted French is a Microsoft Certified Professional who teaches and writes about spreadsheets and spreadsheet programs. In Excel for Mac, the Formula Builder opens. In this case, a supplier for titanium widgets. Leave the Function Arguments dialog box open. If the formula finds a match for both terms in the appropriate columns in the database, it returns the value from the third column. After data is added to these two cells, the error is replaced by information from the database. Information in this article applies to Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, and Excel for Mac.