Scavenging Ooze | Lodo Necrófago - Creature — Ooze - {G}: Exile target card from a graveyard. You can sac it before you exile, so the creature is permanently exiled. No +1/+1 counter will be put on Scavenging Ooze and you won’t gain life. If it was a creature card, put a +1/+1 counter on Scavenging Ooze and you gain 1 life. Rules Info: For rules questions check the DCI Judge live rules chat or read the Yawgatog hyperlinked Magic rules * Want to be a judge? Altar of Dementia would be an all-star in this deck. * Play with Redditors: MTGO Clan * /r/PlayMagic Any excess mana just gets eaten by this guy. My favorite card to pair with Trostani is . Notes and Rules Information for Scavenging Ooze: If the target card is an illegal target when the ability tries to resolve, it won’t resolve and none of its effects will happen. Fiend Hunter is kinda absurd. Check /r/mtgjudge! Scavenging Ooze Asked by Silentfrowny 6 years ago Can you pump Scavenging Ooze 's ability multiple times at once, provided you have enough cards in your graveyard. Before letting it resolve, respond Read more. He also doesn't conflict with other oozes, which is nice because many oozes don't work together very well (and most ooze enchantments specify turning a non-ooze into an ooze, or similar.) Notably, this means that if you activate Scavenging Ooze’s ability multiple times targeting the same creature card, only the first instance of the ability to resolve will have any effect. Scavenging Ooze is a good card, but doesn't play into the theme. Magic: the Gathering MTG My favorite card to pair with Trostani is . After you cast the Scavenging Ooze and it resolves, the Trostani trigger goes on the stack. | {G}: Exile o card alvo de um cemitério. T3 - Manaplasm or Predator Ooze T4 - Mwonvuli acid-moss T5 - Acidic Slime T6 - Gelatinous Genesis for 3x 3/3 oozes! Se era um card de criatura, coloque um marcador +1/+1 em Lodo Necrófago e ganhe 1 ponto de vida. No +1/+1 counter will be put on Scavenging Ooze and you won’t gain life. Today’s tip submitted by reader Nicholas Brown loves to gain you life. If you find yourself mid-game with some creatures already in the graveyard, you can utilize the stack to your benefit to get the maximum life from your Trostani. If you find yourself mid-game with some creatures already in the graveyard, you can utilize the stack to your benefit to get the maximum life from your Trostani. Sometimes its good to get a nice big creature popping into play to get you a good life swing. Don't take it out necessarily, just something to keep in mind.