We complement our colleagues in China on their fantastic experiment published in Entanglement in composite quantum systems can be regarded as the most genuine trait of quantum physics. Quantum networks and communications will enhance and accelerate optical and electronic communication, while quantum computing could radically enhance Information Technologies. In recent years, miniaturization of optical elements, sources and detectors have allowed a full integration of very complex optical circuits in tunable photonic chips. His thesis is about the work on the lattice project, with title of "Two- and four-body spin-exchange processes in optical lattices". The position will be part of he theoretical quantum optics group, which investigates a broad range of topics in theoretical quantum optics and quantum information. Mini-conference with student presentations, Weekly problem sheet solving, paper reading and presentation, For a review of the basics of quantum optics. Introduction Exemples of quantum devices. Principal investigators: C. Gneiting, A. Buchleitner Quantum information in solid systems The overlap between the condensed matter physics and the quantum information brings together a very interesting research line, which combines powerful methods with fascinating questions. The generation of these superposition … Nature Physics (2016), Published online 21 March 2016, doi:10.1038/nphys3705. Reference: Xiao-Fan Xu, Manipulating quantum entanglement with atomic ensembles and with atoms in optical superlattices : towards scalable quantum information processing. The topics cover some aspects of quantum information processing, quantum sensing and quantum simulation. Most of the products have been developed and/or tested in the quantum information … Quantum technology, quantum computing, quantum simulation, quantum optics, laser cooling, quantum measurement, quantum electrodynamics, quantum devices, Good understanding of basic quantum mechanics, Quantum Electrodynamics and quantum optics (Fall semester), Solid state physics III, Optique III, Statistical physics IV, The two-level system and harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics, unitary transformations, Ex-cathaedra, exercise classes. on the generation, manipulation and detection of atomic spin entanglement in an optical superlattice. 1. Ring-exchange interactions between spins are experimental observed in a four-site optical plaquette created by a two-dimensional spin-dependent superlattice. 'For his Pioneering Achievements in the Realization of Quantum Communication and Multiphoton Entanglement', "Theory for 1D Quantum Materials Tested with Cold Atoms and Superconductors", Putting a good spin (wave) on quantum memory - Arstechnica, Research group creates longer lived and more efficient quantum memory - Story on Phys.org, Quantum optics: Entangled photons report for duty - News and Views, Nature Photonics (doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.180), Quantum physics: Entanglement for sure - Research Highlights, Nature China (doi:10.1038/nchina.2010.85), Verschraenkung von Lichtteilchen - Universitaet Heidelberg, 10.09.2010, Ein Schritt naeher am Quantencomputer - Journal@RupertoCarola Ausgabe 7/10 vom 12. Each ion holds a quantum version of the smallest unit of information, a quantum bit (qubit). "Bild" daily newspaper. Unlike a classical computer bit, the qubit can be in a superposition state, which can be loosely described as being in two states at the same time. Using a spin-dependent Review of two-level systems and harmonic oscillators. Topics of interest … Photons have been used to test many of the counter-intuitive predictions of quantum mechanics, such as entanglement and teleportation, and are a useful resource for quantum information processing. studies of quantum optics, especially applications in quantum information processing. Welcome - Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information - Austrian Academy of Sciences 13 million euros for basic quantum research 05.11.2020 The Austrian-based quantum physicists Oriol Romero-Isart and Markus Aspelmeyer, together with Lukas Novotny and Romain Quidant from ETH Zurich, will receive one of the prestigious ERC Synergy Grants. More information on current research projects 1. The “Quantum Optics and Quantum Information” research topic brings together 4 research groups dealing with different aspects of the foundations of quantum theory and quantum fluctuations. A minimum instance of the Kitaev's toric code is simulated, and the anyonic statistics between its elementary excitations are observed. 1. Our current research work focuses on the experimental and theoretical studies of quantum optics, especially applications in quantum information processing. This area emphasizes core concepts of quantum mechanics currently being exploited for the design and fabrication of state-of-the-art electrical, optical and mechanical technology relevant to a number of new applications, such as quantum information. superlattice, atomic spins in the left or right sites can be individually addressed and coherently manipulated with near-unity Further bibliographic elements on specific topics during the lectures and as exercises. It emphasizes the connection with ongoing research, and with the fast growing field of quantum technologies. Welcome to the Quantum Optics & Quantum Information group of Prof. Dr. Joachim von Zanthier. This area emphasizes core concepts of quantum mechanics currently being exploited for the design and fabrication of state-of-the-art electrical, optical and mechanical technology relevant to a number of new applications, such as quantum information. The Niels Bohr Institute, Faculty of Science at University of Copenhagen is offering a PhD scholarship in Theoretical Quantum Optics commencing 1 December 2020 or as soon as possible thereafter. The research is carried out in theory and in experiment and focuses on fundamental questions and possible applications. Introduction Exemples of quantum devices. Quantum Optics and Information. Starting from the lectures EP3 (Optics and Quantum Phenomena) and EP4 (Atomic and Molecular Physics) the lecture discusses light-matter interaction in different systems as well as the quantum nature of light. We investigate the interplay of interactions between light and matter, pursue robust long distance quantum communication, scalable quantum Content . A preprint article is on arXiv now. Han-Ning has his Thesis defense in QPQI, Shanghai June 5, 2013. By monitoring the collisional atom loss with in situ absorption fidelities by microwave pulses. Quantum optics and information Theory and experiments to understand and control the behaviour and interactions of light and matter in terms of quantum mechanics. Ultracold atoms in optical lattices hold promise for the creation of entangled states for quantum technologies.

quantum optics and quantum information

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