HWDSB Site. International students Students come from over 140 different countries to study at Imperial Campus life Experience what it's like to be a member of the College community Research & Innovation Instagram. Supporting and celebrating student social action throughout the UK. Mental well-being resources and Non-emergency student reporting. Upon logging in you will be redirected to: https://my.imperial.edu/ Login Instructions: IVC ID: Use your Social Security Number or user ID (also known as the G number) provided by the Admissions and Records Office or through the admission application process. School Messenger Report a Student Absence. Imperial Login Guest / External Login ... Imperial Login Guest / External Login Guest / External Login Student login. YouTube. Imperial College London | South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK | +44(0)2075895111 Facebook. Twitter. curiosity • creativity • possibility. Imperial Hub staff member 12-13. Get software, support and know-how. Username example: U1971234@unimail.hud.ac.uk PGRs use email address: John.Smith@hud.ac.uk Applicant login (includes pre-enrolment) Username example: U2071234 . By clicking Sign In, you agree that your use of the system is governed by your institution's privacy policies and our Privacy Policy and Terms The Hub is used to deliver online modules as part of the BPES programme, with the aim of offering a flexible, high-quality, rigorous learning experience. Imperial Valley College Student Portal. First-Time Users: If you've never logged into WebSTAR or the Student Portal …