If you have not resolved past issues, put them on … by Barry J. Jacobs and Julia L. Mayer, AARP, June 9, 2020 | Comments: 0 T — Take the boxing gloves off. Fight by mutual consent. The real goal should not be to win arguments, but stop fighting with your spouse. 7. How Not to Talk to (or Argue with) Your Spouse. Arguments in your marriage aren’t – or shouldn’t be – intended to draw blood. Begin by telling him your perspective—without insulting his. • Stop arguing about pointless stuff. It shows your partner is losing interest so you need to ask direct questions, seek clarity, and try … Here are 4 tips (summed up in one word) that anyone can use to learn how to argue respectfully with your spouse. 6. Your adult children probably aren’t going to do what you want them to do anyway, so it makes no difference if you and your spouse … When a number of issues seem to be accumulating, present them one at a time. January 9, 2015. Don’t argue about what your adult children should do or over facts that you easily can check. If your spouse sees that you understand where they’re coming from, even if you don’t agree, then they’re going to be more willing to compromise. How to Argue with Your Spouse Episode 507. Think T.A.L.K. Stick to the subject. If you “win”, then your partner “loses”, and do you really want to make your spouse into a loser? How to Argue With Your Partner Without Damaging Your Relationship. Remember that you can disagree without a fight. No Soul Is Too Far Gone Francis Chan Nov 14, 2018 Gospel Power Panel Discussion John Piper + 5 Feb 16, 2018 A fair fight requires two ready participants. Dr. Nadia Persun obtained her degree at the University of Chicago. Francis Chan Francis Chan is a pastor in San Francisco and is actively planting churches in the Bay Area. Related Articles. She is … The fight you had with your partner last night left you drained, depressed, and barely able to function this morning. How to Stop Arguing With Your Spouse About Coronavirus Risks Steps to calmly and productively reach a solution. Fights happen. Close. However, if you begin to find out your partner’s new plans from somewhere else, showing they are not updating you anymore, then your spouse is no more in love with you. Before you start talking, check your tone of voice and body language. Choose to argue fairly with your spouse and put your marriage ahead of your desire to “win.” (photo source) Nadia Persun, PhD. One of the best ways to win an argument with your spouse is by seeing both sides of an issue. See Both Sides. I hope not. These are pointless arguments. Don’t insist on a fight when your spouse is tired or unable to handle the strain. However, if your goal is to win at any cost, you will both lose, possibly everything. If the very thought of having an argument or disagreeing with your spouse makes your heart race, it's time to change your perspective from fearful to being open.