These animals are also preys in the wild and keeping these animals as pet increase their chances of survival greatly. 25 million cats and dogs are euthanized in the US each year. When you see horror movies about canibbals or something you feel freaked out do you eat meat how do you think the cows,pigs and lambs feel and so on. Not because he was someone's pet. If you don't provide sufficient environmental enrichment, they will likely find it for themselves, probably among your things. It is extremely important that you provide diverse enrichment for otters — and all animals for that matter. Question: Are otters illegal in western Australia? They’re not for us to put them in cute hats ! They’re very intelligent and need so much stimulation , just like an African parrot but maybe 10 times more. Don’t encourage this craziness! Not all our wants are positive. I’ve occasionally seen them offered for sale on in the past, but not for a while. Interestingly, however, otters can be legally obtained for private ownership. The local authority's regulations will need to be assessed before it could even be considered. Cage should have a top and fencing needs to extend in-ground. They got out one time and we keep checking to see if they came back Yeah I know but some people already own them and they couldn’t put them in the wild because they wouldn’t survive. They have exotic pet stores with meerkats in rabbit cages. Depending on the size, the cage should provide at least 30% water. Space alone is not enough to mimic the otter's natural ecosystem. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. There are many exotic pets that people fantasize about owning — baby penguins, panda bears, dragons — but they are often shocked to hear that some people can and do legally keep exotic pets like fennec foxes, wild cats, and marmosets. There are also many food dispensing devices available for dogs and cats that must be manipulated to dispense treats. However, there are few countries which appear to favor having otters as pets.,,,,, Types of German Shepherd - All Breed Variations, The Ocelot as a Pet: Everything you Need to Know, Ostriches as Pets: Guidelines and General Tips, Ferrets as Pets: Guidelines and General Tips, Gov UK. This does not even take into consideration the amount of capital needed to install the appropriate enclosure and keep the otters well fed. In so many States in the USA it is illegal to keep a pet otter. Animals and mostly exotic ones are not our toys or our means to make money. Other animals in the Mustelidae family include the ferret. Retrieved on 29 November, 2019. Are Otters Dangerous to Humans? Vegetables, insects, crayfish, monkey nuts, soft-boiled eggs, etc. Even if it weren't, keeping wild animals as pets is not a good idea. Great job on this article, Melissa! If you love animals, then volunteer at shelters, rescues, or an ACA accredited zoo. There are many different laws and regulations regarding "exotic" animals as pets and they vary from state to state, so the answer depends on where you live. Otters are a protected species and it is 100% illegal to have a North American otter as a pet. The space aka property with a huge pond that I would build a huge enclosure around. Answer: Probably not. Fencing needs to extend in-ground because they can also dig out. You need another animal carer to assist you if you need to leave. It is illegal to keep almost all otters as pets in North America, with one exception. They are in our backyard in a pond. There should be hollowed out logs, aptly placed shrubs and trees, and various cage furniture that will make the space more interesting. Not all countries have strict protection laws and many otter populations are already in decline. Pet Otters. The only legal pets are Asian Clawed Otters and African Clawed Otters. Mrs Smith, inform yourself, go back to University to learn the BASIC ethics of your job. So, here are some of the reasons you should not keep an otter as a pet: Above all, otters are wild animals that are happiest in their natural habitats and are not meant to be kept in our homes. That means you cannot own any animal that is naturally found in the wild in the US, as a pet. I cannot recommend any otter species as a personal "pet," although a few have maintained a strong bond with their handler their entire life. Can i legaly own a short clawed otter here in Ontario Canada? Such illegal trafficking is detrimental to wild populations of animals worldwide. It could benefit the scientific community as well since little is known about their behaviors. Otters aren’t happy to be one or two with a child pool and a bathtub ! Thanks to hunting, habit destruction and many other human activities, almost all species of otter are either endangered or at least threatened. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. When I worked for the park service, every year after easter people dump the bunnies,chicks and ducks they got for kids in the park because they grew up and couldn't handle them. Unclear Laws and Regulations Regarding Otters as Pets. The recommended space for a pair of otters is 60 m², roughly the size of an average apartment. Now international trade in the species may be banned. Have a secondary pond/enclosure that I keep stocked with fish,frogs, and other native species that I would let my baby out in daily and go swimming with it. Otters are much happier (and quieter) in their natural habitat. Answer: No, animals grouped in Carnivora, except wolfdogs, are illegal. If you like animals you can cuddle, ferrets are popular domesticated pets and can be a fine substitute for their larger and aquatic brown cousins. Summary of Husbandry Guidelines for Asian Small-clawed Otters in Captivity. Most people do not know what they are doing. Click to attach a photo related to your comment. Source: Wikipedia. Answer: Sea otters are not legal anywhere under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. No, sea otters are not pets. Otters can transmit rabies to humans and pets. I don't approve but it amazes me the animals aren't showing obvious signs of distress. Most states make their laws for certain animals unclear and otters could be regulated under some laws when it appears they are legal under another law. This can be fed irregularly with a "scatter" method to ward off stereotypic behavior — something that occurs when certain animals are fed at specific times. If i found a fox or coyote i would raise it. Stop being sensitive everyone. Do you know they have a higher rate of dying of starvation in the wild or dehydration or cars or other animals or hundreds of other things can kill home is a safer place for most animals. Speaking from experience in both areas, the caregivers who work with them are not taking on an easy job - they're noisier than a Siamese cat on an airplane. You should be ashamed Mellissa! Even cats and dogs require a team of people to help you. Half the houses in my neighborhood can't even take care of their own dogs right. The woman in the video DOES SAY she would 100% NOT recommend an otter as a pet... Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 27, 2019: Shame on you! In the wild, they feed on mostly invertebrates and occasionally frogs. You may not realize that the otter is likely there only as a stop gap in a larger conservation effort. I'm leaving school and need to know where to move to own one... okay kids... you really need to go move to where you can own a bear and just let it live with you in your house... just do us all a favor and go get mauled... people are really dumb holy shit lmfao. People who like to physically interact with their pets will be disappointed. They live in freshwater wetlands and mangrove swamps in Southern Asia. It is illegal in all US States to keep this indigenous otter as a pets. can also be offered to supplement the diet. Otters are usually kept outdoors because they emit an odor. Parasites and general hygiene issues created by otters are also significant factors in why you shouldn't keep an otter as a pet. As we have stated, they are not domestic animals. Asian small clawed otters may be kept with a permit. If you do not live in a warm climate, supplementary heat is necessary for land. It takes a tremendous amount of time, effort, patience, and experience to house them, provide them with enrichment, and keep them safe and secure. They smear their droppings, which they produce constantly to mark their territory. They are expensive to buy and house. I just have no words for it! Otters are so adorable, I can understand why we would want to have them as a pet, but it's not right. Poor animals in those cages, would you like to be in jail ? They are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. They are the smallest otter species in the world. Owning an otter is like unleashing Taz the Tasmanian Devil inside your house. As wild animals, otters will not want to be kept in a small enclosure and their dexterous claws mean they will try to climb or dig their way out.

having otters as pets

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