They call Marvel's Trinity "The Big Three" and they lose btw. He's the greatest Marvel character ever imo. Marvel's trinity is actually Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor. Wonder Woman v. Iron Man: WW should take this fairly easily, one day prep isn't enough for Tony. Oct 30, 2020 - Explore Robert Battinson's board "DC Trinity" on Pinterest. Marvel trinity consists of a high tier, a mid tier and a street tier. 0. So how is this fair? lol no I just wanted to bump the thread without saying the word bump. Marvel Trinity would be Captain America, Spiderman, and Wolverine. @blackdog2009: Marvel's big three is Cap, Thor & Iron Man. See more ideas about Dc trinity, Batman and superman, Dc comics. @the-wraith: You're right, there is no Marvel trinity. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. They are known as the Big 3. Thor can take a majority over Wonder Woman but not with out taking a serious licking and not before Superman stomps Ironman. No hacking for Tony. Ironically that's something that Geoff Johns wanted to establish on his brief run in the Marvel Universe. Followers. It's their top-selling book (despite being written by Dan Slott) Can't see how Iron Man and Thor are ahead of him. Cap Can't beat Batman quick enough to offer his minor assistance not that I think he takes a true majority over Batman not to mention Batman's tech can offer better support if need be than Cap's shield can. Be 50/50 with regular Clark kinda not fair, I meant a composite between Pre Flashpoint and new52, no way in hell would I put PC Superman or Thought Robot. © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Unless Tony can pull something crazy in a day,Team DC for a comfortable majority. Though be a good fight. In 2016, a second monthly comic book series was launched by DC Comics. Sep 25, 2020 - Explore Ray's board "DC Trinity" on Pinterest. I don't even know what series you are talking about. Superman takes a majority over anyone here in any matchup at does it faster than any other fight finishes. Marvel Trinity is better, but they are easily outclassed. Still, Batman has no business fighting Tony. There isn't a Marvel trinity, and if there was it would be Spider-Man, Hulk, and Wolverine. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Spiderman is basically DC's Superman, yet he has that street level swag. Marvel may take a couple if Thor decides to out of character planet size Lightning Storm or Godblast but by the same token WW or Supes could speedblitz him before he musters up the mojo. @krleavenger: No. @itouchedtheboat: lol well that Makes more sense then... @krleavenger: No. Team DC wins composite Clark and pre flashpoint Diana are too much without an amp marvel don't win here. He's the greatest Marvel character ever imo. I always thought the Marvel Trinity was Thor, Hulk and Spider-Man? The Fantastic Four are deeply rooted in the birth of the Marvel Universe (their adventures spawned and expanded the Marvel universe greatly with concepts like Dr. Doom, Silver Surfer, The Inhumans, Galactus, and many other cosmic aspects). Yes that ball of thought kept rolling with other writers but to achieve that iconic status of a Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman is pretty much impossible. Forum Posts. Marvel trinity consists of a high tier, a mid tier and a street tier. And if it comes to an all out team brawl instead of match-ups DC Trinity has the better teamwork imho and still have two powerhouses to Marvel's 1. DC trinity is much better to me, and they should win. Round 1: morals on for both. DC Trinity vs Marvel Trinity ITouchedTheBoat. The Fantastic Four are deeply rooted in the birth of the Marvel Universe (their adventures spawned and expanded the Marvel universe greatly with concepts like Dr. Doom, Silver Surfer, The Inhumans, Galactus, and many other cosmic aspects). @manwhohaseverything: I'm talking about there big 3 from the avengers compared with the big 3 of the justice league. Composite Clark is way to OP for regular Thor. Cap vs Batman: I've always thought it could go 50/50. So..Marvel's trinity doesn't have Spider-Man? DC trinity consists of two high tiers and a hidden street tier (god tier in disguise) .. Spiderman is basically DC's Superman, yet he has that street level swag. Superman v. Thor: relatively even with Superman having a slight edge. Stan Lee said it was his best creation. Team DC wins composite Clark and pre flashpoint Diana are too much without an amp marvel don't win here. DC and Marvel fans on Twitter have been debating which franchise has the more iconic superhero trinity - good luck getting them to agree. But Marvel is structured differently. Unless Tony is allowed to use the equipment he doesn't have anymore, he can't win with just one day of prep because he needs more time to build/rebuild tech he had before. There was a miniseries where the three of them were at conflict (written by GJ) . Reviews: 0. Otherwise Batman is the detective, he'll find out far more and I think he is a superior tactician to Tony and arguably Cap. But Marvel is structured differently. Wiki Points. User Lists: 0 #1 Edited By ITouchedTheBoat. Also, this should be moved to the Battle forum. They are alternate Fantastic Four members though. Composite Clark is way to OP for regular Thor. Ironically that's something that Geoff Johns wanted to establish on his brief run in the Marvel Universe. These being their main poster boys. Yes that ball of thought kept rolling with other writers but to achieve that iconic status of a Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman is pretty much impossible. Batman and Tony will have a day or so of prep, where they will primarily just be gathering information about the opposing team, Battle takes place in an old ghost town, combatants start 40 meters apart. Be 50/50 with regular Clark kinda not fair. If the prep is mostly information gathering then it benefits Batman far more than Tony unless Tony pulls some crazy Hacking shenanigans. Trinity is an American comic book series published by DC Comics featuring the superheroes Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman.The first series was published weekly from 2008 to 2009. With Batman to direct his focus (either to Thor to eliminate the Big Threat or to Ironman to very quickly eliminate a moderate threat) it's a matter of time till they gang up. DC trinity consists of two high tiers and a hidden street tier (god tier in disguise) .. Lmao, he isn't just a god tier character, he is the GOD..!! 0. There was a miniseries where the three of them were at conflict (written by GJ) . And no, those three you named wouldn't be it. See more ideas about dc trinity, superhero, batman vs superman.

dc trinity vs marvel trinity

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