2009 Nature Society (Singapore). The underbelly is generally white or off-white which continues to the toes with brown bands on the breast and stomach. Brown Hawk Owl from Singapore. The Brown Hawk-owl has the broadest geographic distribution of any species of the tribe ninoxini and is a long-distance migrant, ranging from siberia and China to Indonesia and the Philippines (del Hoyo et al. Photo Credit: Francis Yap. Brown Hawk-Owl at Venus Drive. Photo credit: Francis Yap The Sunda Scops Owl (Otus lempiji) has short ear tufts and a pale brown collar around its neck. Brown Hawk Owl Ninox scutulata scutulata Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Singapore 25 February 2006 Alt. Bird Feathers The Great Outdoors Singapore Creatures Birds Cats Nature Animals Brown. Next Image. Brown Hawk-Owl (Ninox scutulata) bird sounds on dibird.com. 2013. A Naturalist’s Guide to the Birds of Singapore. Menu. Craig Robson. The eyes are large and yellow. Its underparts are brown with faint black streaks and its eyes are dark brown with deep orange irises. Sexes are similar. Name : Brown Boobook, Brown Hawk Owl, Brown Hawk-Owl, Oriental Boobook, Oriental Hawk Owl, Oriental Hawk-Owl, Philippine Hawk Owl, Philippine Hawk-Owl … Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Breeding in Eurasia, Oriental Region: e Asia through Orient; can be seen in 22 countries. The Avifauna of Singapore. The upperparts are dark brown, with a barred tail. Brown Hawk-Owl . Like this: Like Loading... Posted on January 28, 2016 January 28, 2016 Full size 1200 × 800. John Beaufoy Publishing Limited. Yong Ding Li, Lim Kim Chuah and Lee Tiah Khee. Singapore birds information for birders by birders. Home; Singapore Bird List; Blog; Contributors; Downloads; Contact Us; Previous Image. The underparts are whitish with reddish-brown streaking, although the subspecies found in the Andaman Islands has dark brown underparts. It also boasts a long tail with brown banding. Learn more about these six different owls that can be found in Singapore. The northern hawk-owl plumage is relatively dark brown with an off-white spotting pattern on all dorsal parts of the body with the exception of the back of the neck which boasts a black v-shaped pattern. with a Brown Hawk Owl, Ninox scutulata, at Hindhede Nature Park, on the 16th. 1999). Saved by Karen Powell. The brown hawk-owl is a medium-sized (32 cm) owl with a hawk-like shape due to its long tail and lack of a distinct facial disk. Sunda Scops Owl . Fig 7 : Brown Hawk Owl Fig 8 : Oriental Scops Owl : Fig 1 : Barn Owl Tyto alba Location : Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia Habitat : Oil Palm plantation adjacent to lowland primary rainforest . Fig 2 : Spotted Wood Owl Strix seloputo Location : Portsdown, Singapore Habitat : Lowland secondary forest.