The superstar, who played Maui in the Disney animated hit “Moana,” shared a video Thursday of him singing a song from the movie for his daughter Tiana, who turns 2 on Friday. Overstock’s share price plunged, and Byrne eventually resigned after Overstock’s insurer refused to insure the company with Byrne at the helm.A Senate Intelligence Committee report issued in August lays out a different view of Byrne’s interactions with Butina. The victims included dozens of labourers from Sokoto state in northwestern Nigeria, roughly 1,000 kilometres (600 miles) away, who had travelled to the northeast to find work, it said. Starring: Auli’I Cravalho (Moana), Dwayne Johnson (Maui), Rachel House (Gramma Tala) Run time: 107 min Certificate PG "By some counts, we've now got exactly the same level of spread of the virus that we had in the spring, and that's about as clear a refutation of Tegnell's strategy as you could wish for." Certificate PG, Subscribe to our free email newsletter and keep up to date with exhibitions and events plus exclusive offers, All text is © British Library and is available under Creative Commons Attribution Licence except where otherwise stated, The Tiger Who Came to Tea by Judith Kerr: sketches and original artwork, Sean's Red Bike by Petronella Breinburg, illustrated by Errol Lloyd, Unfinished Business: The Fight for Women's Rights, The fight for women’s rights is unfinished business, Get 3 for 2 on all British Library Fiction, Why you need to protect your intellectual property, Galleries, Reading Rooms, shop and catering opening times vary. In April, Bukele provoked the ire of rights groups when he published on social media jarring pictures of hundreds of semi-naked jailed gang members, pressed tightly together in rows, despite the raging pandemic. Learn more. Borno Governor Babaganan Umara Zulum attended the burial Sunday in the nearby village of Zabarmari of 43 bodies recovered on Saturday, saying the toll could rise after search operations resumed. Look for psoriatic arthritis symptoms. Search for home security alarm. Join in with the songs from Lin-Manuel Miranda, Mark Mancina and Opetaia Foa'i and become part of the musical story. That is about ten times the per capita death rate in Norway -- where just 30 Covid-19 deaths were registered between October 28th and November 25th. Ever out of step with the Catholic laity, bishops are considering denying Joe Biden communion. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) staff visited government-run Ayder Referral Hospital yesterday, where they said approximately 80 per cent of patients were suffering from trauma injuries and basic supplies were dwindling. The Australian government has asked Twitter to remove the tweet, posted on Monday by China's foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian, Morrison said. A Pennsylvania state senator abruptly left a West Wing meeting with President Donald Trump after being informed he had tested positive for the coronavirus, a person with direct knowledge of the meeting told The Associated Press on Sunday. Due to an almost complete communications black out in Tigray, it was impossible to independently verify his statement. The action follows a U.S. decision to drop charges against another former top Mexican official accused of drug links, ex-Defense Secretary Salvador Cienfuegos, and leave any prosecution up to Mexico. 24hr parenting. A human rights group in Belarus says over 300 people have been detained during Sunday protests against the country’s authoritarian president, who won his sixth term in office in a vote widely seen as rigged. Join us for this sing-along screening of the film hosted by Hanalee Vaike. It is thought that forces loyal to the powerful regional government, the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), may have tactically retreated into the nearby mountains days ago to avoid heavy clashes. That would be a huge mistake. “Communicating directly and truthfully to the American people is one of the most important duties of a President, and this team will be entrusted with the tremendous responsibility of connecting the American people to the White House,” Biden said in a statement. Run time: 107 min We will remove this and make the changes needed. Some locals blamed the attack on Boko Haram fighters, but Bulama Bukarti, an analyst with the Tony Blair Institute, said rival group the IS-affiliated Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) were more active in the area. These are the films that missed the mark entirely and are considered to be the worst ever made. The TPLF has only claimed responsibility for the first rocket attack two weeks ago but has frequently accused Eritrea of siding with Ethiopian federal forces. Sing-Along Storybook is a sing-along storybook of Moana. Johnson, 47, also passed along some encouraging words to parents who are feeling the stress of being with their kids all day, every day. Former CEO Patrick Byrne left behind a cloud of confusion when he resigned in 2019 from the internet retailer he’d founded after panicking investors with his bizarre claims that he had romanced a Russian agent at the behest of “Men in Black” working for the United States government.Now he’s back, with what he has described as his own personal “army,” touting what he claims is proof that Democrats stole the election from Donald Trump.“I’ve funded a team of hackers and cybersleuths, other people with odd skills,” Byrne said in a Tuesday interview at One America News, where OAN personality Chanel Rion praised Byrne as the head of an “elite shadow cyber security team.”Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne Claims Maria Butina Offered to Arrange One-on-One for Him With PutinAs Trump’s chances of securing a second term dwindle down to nothing, Byrne has launched a media tour to promote his mysterious hacker team, appearing from an “undisclosed location” on OAN, Newsmax, and a series of far-fringe YouTube shows associated with the QAnon conspiracy theory movement. As he mentioned, Johnson has belted out the song more than a few times for his little girl. As an added bonus, the book includes a CD featuring three instrumental tracks!" Ile Lewotolok volcano had caused panic among those living nearby. The affordable price makes these private jet offers hard to resist. Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has declared military operations in the country’s northern Tigray region “completed’ and claimed that his federal forces had captured the crucial regional capital of Mekele. "The hospital is running dangerously low on sutures, antibiotics, anticoagulants, painkillers, and even gloves," said Maria Soledad, ICRC’s head of operations in Ethiopia. The move marked a dramatic escalation of tensions between the federal government and the TPLF, which dominated Ethiopian politics for nearly three decades before anti-government protests swept Mr Abiy to office in 2018. "Rural communities in Borno State are facing untold hardships," he added, calling for more to be done to protect them and to head off what he said was a looming food crisis there. The high-profile epidemiologist who led Sweden's no lock-down strategy in the spring appears to be being sidelined by the government after his prediction that greater immunity would mean a lighter second wave proved badly wrong. Sincere Pierce, 18,  was one of two teenage victims in the 13 November killing by a Brevard County deputy officer. Using company letterhead, Byrne issued a statement claiming that “Men in Black” figures in the federal government had urged him to romance Russian agent Maria Butina, who was at the time allegedly trying to infiltrate conservative circles as a gun rights activist. The schools, which make up the country's largest school system, were closed less than two weeks ago after the citywide rate of coronavirus tests coming back positive exceeded a 3% benchmark agreed to by the mayor and the teachers' union. In Ancient Polynesia, when a terrible curse incurred by the Demigod Maui (for stealing the heart of the goddess Te Fiti) reaches Moana's island Motunni, she answers the ocean's call to seek out the Demigod and make things right, setting off on an epic adventure across the Pacific. Join us for this sing-along screening of the film hosted by Hanalee Vaike. According to CNN, one such change involves expanding methods of execution of federal death row convicts. Indonesia has nearly 130 active volcanoes, more than any other country, and while many show high levels of activity it can be weeks or even months before an eruption. "There's certainly a split, and I'm pretty sure that many in the government have rather lost faith in the Public Health Agency," said Nicholas Aylott, an associate politics professor at Stockholm's Södertorn University. One pro-government anti-jihadist militia said the assailants tied up the labourers and slit their throats. The groom, Said Gutseriev, had grown up in London and been educated at Harrow School and at Oxford, and his father - one of Russia’s wealthiest oligarchs - could not have been prouder. 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A mom bought a unique ornament at a thrift store, but when she got a closer look she immediately dropped to her knees. Kallon said the assailants - "armed men on motorcycles" - also targeted other communities in the area. Republican state Sen. Doug Mastriano had gone to the White House last Wednesday with like-minded Republican state lawmakers shortly after a four-hour-plus public meeting that Mastriano helped host in Gettysburg — maskless — to discuss efforts to overturn president-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the state. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. A weekend attack on farm workers in northeast Nigeria blamed on jihadists left at least 110 dead, the UN humanitarian coordinator in the country said on Sunday, the deadliest attack on civilians this year. Scott Morrison called a media briefing to condemn the posting of the image, which depicted an Australian soldier holding a knife to the throat of an Afghan child, and said Canberra was seeking an apology from Beijing. A federal official told The Associated Press on Sunday that the Attorney General's Office had issued an arrest warrant on Friday for former Public Security Secretary García Luna and that officials “are assessing the viability of starting an extradition process.”. "At least 110 civilians were ruthlessly killed and many others were wounded in this attack," he added. Each side has accused the other of grave crimes and mass killings. A special screening of the Academy Award-winning Disney animation set in Ancient Polynesia. Tiana appears to just be going with the flow for the majority of the clip, although she does break out a smile toward the end when her dad bounces her up and down. “It’s really going to make a great movie someday.”Asked for more details on his hacker team, Byrne referred The Daily Beast to his blog, “DeepCapture.” But the 40,000-word explanation on Byrne’s website focuses on his long-running feud with Wall Street short-sellers, and Byrne’s conversations with a mysterious financial whistleblower called the “Easter Bunny,” rather than on any election investigations team.Byrne stopped responding to emails from The Daily Beast when asked whether any members of his hacker team would be available for interviews.Despite his vague claims, Byrne says he’s been funneling allegations about the election to the White House and one-time Trump lawyer Sidney Powell for weeks. “And for the 937th time today she wants daddy to sing along with Maui,” he captioned the clip. And I have no idea what day it is anymore, but I am sure it’s one that ends with Y. In association with Beats Of Polynesia Dance Troupe, Starring: Auli’I Cravalho (Moana), Dwayne Johnson (Maui), Rachel House (Gramma Tala) Product Information. "I am outraged and horrified by the gruesome attack against civilians carried out by non-state armed groups in villages near Borno State capital Maiduguri," Edward Kallon said in a statement. Thank you for your feedback. Eritrea, Africa’s most totalitarian state, has not commented on the strikes. “Maui starts singing, and I then start singing, and within 10 seconds she’s trying to put a pillow over my mouth and says, ‘You’re ruining the song.'”. “These qualified, experienced communicators bring diverse perspectives to their work and a shared commitment to building this country back better,” Biden continued. Since the election, those voting machines have figured prominently in Trump supporters’ allegations of fraud, despite the company’s repeated denials and any actual proof the voting tallies were changed.The actual details of Byrne’s supposed hacker super-team, however, similarly thin.“I’m a free agent, and I’m self-funded, and I’m funding this army of various odd people,” Byrne said in a Nov. 23 appearance on a podcast with a QAnon promoter who used the name InTheMatrixxx. It is currently unknown what the song listing is. "I call for the perpetrators of this heinous and senseless act to be brought to justice," he added. Anders Tegnell's biweekly press conference was on Thursday pushed into the shade by an overlapping press conference fronted by Sweden's Prime Minister Stefan Lofven, where new scenarios prepared by the Public Health Agency were announced. Search for private jet price. While Tiana may be blissfully unaware that her father is the voice behind the song, her sister, Jasmine, 4, was not exactly blown away when Johnson told her last year that he played Maui. Australia's prime minister said a fake image of an Australian soldier posted on a Chinese official's Twitter account was "truly repugnant" and Canberra was demanding it be taken down, amid deteriorating relations between the two countries. But both groups have been active in Borno State, their attacks having forced the postponement of locations in Borno State, which finally took place Saturday. She has no … Byrne’s claims are similar to those Powell has made publicly, including an allegation that deceased Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez somehow meddled in the election seven years after his death.“Sidney was the first to really get it, and to get what we’re saying is so vast, that you need kind of a very open-minded person to get it,” Byrne said in the InTheMatrixxx podcast.In the aftermath of the election, Byrne has become the latest with a broad “tech” background to reinvent himself as an expert on voting machines. “I said, ‘You know, that’s Daddy’s voice, and I’m going to show you,'” he told People. … It was perhaps the world’s most expensive wedding; an extravaganza costing tens of millions of pounds with performances by Jennifer Lopez, Sting and Enrique Iglesias, a fleet of Rolls Royces to ferry the guests and a 20-year-old bride wearing a $1m dress and a $5m crown. In Minsk, large crowds gathered in different parts of the city despite the snowy weather for what has been dubbed as the Neighbors' March, blocking the roads in some areas. The Moana Sing-Along was released on January 27, 2017. Thousands have died in the conflict so far, with tens of thousands of refugees streaming across the border into Sudan. In an appearance on a QAnon YouTube show hosted by a woman named “Cirsten W,” Byrne listened as his host claimed that Bill Clinton and late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein have been cloned.Byrne’s habit of making oddball claims made headlines in 2019, when he was still the CEO of Overstock. And for the 937th time today she wants daddy to sing along with Maui. Six were wounded in the attack and eight remained missing as of Saturday. At this point, Dwayne Johnson can probably sing “You’re Welcome” backwards. Indonesia's Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation Centre said on its website that the area near the volcano is likely to be inundated with "hot clouds, lava stream, lava avalanche, and poisonous gas". The protests took place in Minsk, the capital, and other cities and attracted thousands of people. Israel, suspected of killing Iranian nuclear scientists over the past decade, has not commented on the brazen slaying of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Because of these old hostilities with neighbouring Eritrea, Tigray is home to some of the largest stores of weapons in the country. This month, though, the number of deaths in Sweden has again begun to soar above that of its Nordic neighbours, with 630 deaths so far registered as a result of Covid-19. “To all the mama and papa bears out there going thru it - we understand. U.S. Attorney General William Barr has teamed up with the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs to attempt to expand the ways that federal death row inmates can be put to death. "It's a new approach because we have so much proof now of how safe schools can be," de Blasio told reporters, saying the 3% benchmark was being scrapped and pointing to research that shows young children appear to be less vulnerable to COVID-19. An opinion piece published Sunday by a hard-line Iranian newspaper urged Iran to attack the Israeli port city of Haifa if Israel carried out the killing of the scientist who founded the Islamic Republic’s military nuclear program in the early 2000s. “She has no idea, we’re the same person. Mexican officials said Sunday they want to prosecute former security chief Genaro Gará Luna in his own country, despite the fact he faces trial in the U.S. for allegedly protecting a drug gang. Byrne is joined in that niche by former 8kun administrator Ron Watkins, who left his position managing the site for its QAnon posts on Election Day and has since appeared on OAN as a so-called elections investigator.During his post-election media tour, Byrne has made a series of other strange claims, including that he could be the reincarnation of an ancient Chinese monk.“I love the Chinese, I speak Chinese, I think I’m the reincarnation of a Shaolin monk, maybe,” Byrne said on the “InTheMatrixxx” podcast.Here’s How Hugo Chavez, Dead Since 2013, Became Responsible for Trump’s Election LossByrne has also encountered some other strange allegations on his media tour. "ISWAP is the likely culprit," he tweeted. Security Minister Rogelio Rivas called the majority of the newly-detained "terrorists" in remarks after they were assembled in an open-air plaza by heavily-armed soldiers, nearly all the detainees wearing masks and with their faces, many tattooed, looking down. Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari condemned the attack on Saturday, saying: "The entire country has been wounded by these senseless killings." President-elect Joe Biden has hired an all-female senior communications team. Kallon, citing "reports that several women may have been kidnapped", called for their immediate release. The US embassy in the Eritrean capital Asmara reported early Sunday “six explosions” caused by rockets from Tigray region had occurred in the city “at about 10:13 pm” on Saturday night. On Friday, a guest host on the popular Rush Limbaugh talk radio show praised Byrne’s allegations about voter fraud and proposed inviting Byrne on the show.With Trump allies on his legal team and in conservative media scrambling for any evidence that Trump didn’t legitimately lose the presidential race, Byrne has become a hero to the MAGA crowd, despite his history of making off-the-wall allegations.Byrne claims he’s funding teams of “hackers and crackers” who realized all the way back in August that Dominion voting machines could be used to steal the election from Trump. Dr Tegnell has always insisted that his Public Health Agency has never pursued a herd immunity strategy, but he repeatedly suggested in the summer that his counterparts in Norway, Finland and Denmark would face a tougher task over the winter because of lower levels of immunity in their populations. Even world leaders who have previously allied with Trump — including UK's Boris Johnson and Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu — have congratulated Biden. Age Range: 6 - … The TPLF is thought to command as many as 200,000 fighters, some of whom fought in the bloody Eritrea-Ethiopia war from 1998 to 2000. The conflict began when Mr Abiy, last year’s Nobel Peace Prize winner, announced that he was sending federal troops into Tigray in response to attacks by pro-TPLF forces on national army camps. With a new presidential administration imminent, the current U.S. Department of Justice is scrambling to push through several policy changes before President-elect Joe Biden is sworn in in January. She has no idea, we’re the same person. Earlier this month, he posted another video singing “You’re Welcome” for her while teaching her how to properly wash her hands. “And for the 937th time today she wants daddy to sing along with Maui,” he captioned the clip. Get your sleep and cocktails when you can,” he wrote. Directors: Ron Clements, John Musker. Muhammad Ilham, a 17-year-old who witnessed the eruption, told Reuters that resident nearby were "panicked and they're still looking for refuge and in need of money right now". In association with Beats Of Polynesia Dance Troupe. Noem, a Republican, has refused calls to issue a mask mandate, disputing their effectiveness even as cases in South Dakota surge. You are invited to warm up your vocal chords at Vue for the new sing-a-long Moana with on screen lyrics. The women "were well within their right to act in defense of their sister and daughter" and are not expected to face charges, authorities say. Protect yourself and your home with wireless alarm systems. In 2018, he lost a landmark defamation trial filed against him by a Canadian businessman who had been described on Byrne’s blog as a terrorist financier and drug and arms trafficker, with the plaintiff awarded $1.2 million in damages.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. And I have no idea what day it is anymore, but I am sure it’s one that ends with Y.”. In a July 2016 email published in the committee report, Butina’s boyfriend, Paul Erickson, wrote that Byrne was “stalking” Butina after meeting her at a libertarian conference and claimed that Byrne made her a $1 million offer related to having his child.“Byrne is a bachelor by choice and consequences of his intellectual gifts and limitations, but is now concerned with his mortality and family legacy,” Erickson wrote. Kallon, in his statement, said: "The incident is the most violent direct attack against innocent civilians this year. Trump told Mastriano that White House medical personnel would take care of him, his son and his son’s friend, who were also there for the Oval Office meeting and tested positive. It's more common than you might think for arthritis warning signs to get missed. Hundreds of handcuffed Salvadoran gang members were displayed before assembled reporters on Saturday, a vivid show of President Nayib Bukele's policy of confronting them and the violent crime they are accused of committing. The superstar, who played Maui in the Disney animated hit “Moana,” shared a video Thursday of him singing a song from the movie for his daughter Tiana, who turns 2 on Friday. In the report, Butina sees Byrne as a potential avenue to reach Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), then a presidential candidate. Description "This deluxe picture book features a full retelling of Moana, plus lyrics to your favorite songs! Neither the president's statement nor Sunday's from the UN mentioned either Boko Haram or rival group ISWAP by name. If you aren't doing this already, you should start. The violence centred on the village of Koshobe near the Borno state capital Maiduguri, with assailants targeting farm workers harvesting rice fields. Catastrophic fighting was expected over the weekend in Mekele when the Ethiopian army said it was surrounding the city of half a million people with tanks and artillery and warned civilians to stay inside. The announcement on Saturday night came just hours before at least six rockets from northern Tigray hit Eritrea, according to diplomats, suggesting the prime minister's claims were premature. Later that month, the Fast and Furious star sang to Tiana again, captioning the Instagram video, "And for the 937th time today she wants daddy to sing along with Maui. Raditya Jati, a spokesman for the agency, said in a statement that the eruption from the Mt. “Since meeting Maria, he has found ever more creative ways to pitch a standing $1 million offer to her ‘to have a baby with him.’ He is utterly enamored of her imagined gene stock and believes that a baby would cement not only his familial line but also relations between our two nations.”Byrne didn’t respond to The Daily Beast about the allegations made in Erickson’s email.Byrne’s other allegations haven’t always paid off, either. The attack, in a state gripped by a jihadist insurgency for more than 10 years, took place the same day as long-delayed local elections in the state. TBD New York City's public schools will begin to reopen for in-person learning on Dec. 7, starting with elementary schools for students whose parents agree to a weekly testing regimen for the novel coronavirus, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Sunday. The strikes marked the third time that Asmara has been shot at since fighting began on November 4. To all the mama and papa bears out there going thru it - we understand.