After all, there’s a big, beautiful world out there. Besides these quiz, we found more entertaining travel-related. So I decided to create this quiz, a tool to help you decide where to travel in 2020. Which Solo Travel Adventure Is Actually Perfect For You. You need to guess the correct capitals of a country, and put them on the map. So what are you waiting for? Get to the travel quiz Why Do you Love The World by BBC here, and find out why you might have constantly itchy feet. Major wanderlust ahead. Once thing I’ve quickly learned is I’m quite good at general knowledge but I really know my travel quiz questions. I’ve always loved a good pub quiz, but since I’ve been on lockdown I’ve been doing about 3 quizzes a week. Reporting on what you care about. What Caribbean Island Should You Visit For The Perfect Vacation? The BBC developed a small game to help you put your finger on it. Check out the travel Quiz ‘Where Are You’ here. This one can be really, really hard! BuzzFeed Staff ... June 17, 2020. Posted on Nov 8, 2020. We never send spam or bs. When we first found this travel quiz we expected a lot and we were not disappointed! The options of how a good travel quiz can be set up is actually endless and over time we have come across many travel quizzes: some were really great, some not so much. At first it is not that simple, but once your ears adjust to the sounds it becomes easier every time you try it! Have you ever thought about the reason(s) why you love to travel? Test your knowledge of the planet with these questions and kindle your curiosity for more. Dreaming of your next vacation destination? Can you guess the correct place based on what the photo shows you? The design is kept simple and clean, making it easy to click through the different photos. When you have selected your answer, you will also get a short, not too overwhelming explanation about the place. Do you know the capitals of Sierra Leone, Eritrea, or Tuvalu? Can You Pick Which 9 Cities Don't Actually Exist? Wanna give it a try? The Guardian put together this travel quiz which challenges you to identify these world cities from their street plans alone. So I decided to create this quiz, a tool to help you decide where to travel in 2020. Do you have a particular travel quiz you like? This travel quiz is purely challenging and fun! Test your geography know-how and powers of deduction with our superlative quiz You have to choose the flags of different countries, and put their capital on the map. This language quiz was developed by Quartz using audio clips from the Wikitongues project: a global project that documents and preserves the diverse selection of languages around the world. Travel Quiz Questions and Answers | The Best Travel Trivia 2020 General Knowledge Travel Quiz. Pit your wits against our toughest travel quiz to date – a 30-question, all-encompassing behemoth of world trivia. Plus 8 more quizzes to challenge your thirst for travel. Travel quiz 2020 BOB ECKER Jun 21, 2020 Jun 21, 2020 Updated Jul 27, 2020; Return to homepage × Please subscribe to keep reading. You have to listen to different languages and then guess the correct one out of four possible choices. It shows you the Google Street view and you have to make your guess where in the world this is. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. 21 Travel Quizzes That Will Help With Your Wanderlust. We share exclusive discounts to the best hostels in the world and keep you in the loop about new, stunning hostels. Because it wouldn’t be a travel quiz without a round on flags, would it? ), 39 Simple and effective Travel Safety Tips (both offline and online), Best 18 Songs every Backpacker has to know (with Videos), 75 Travel Songs to add to your Playlist in 2020 – Mixtape #2, Omio in Review – Easiest way to book Travel Transport (Buses, Trains, Flight, Donkeys, …), Best 17 Backpacker Songs Ever – Alternative Travel Songs for your Playlist. From the smallest countries in Africa, to the weirdest flags of the world – the travel quiz is on! For example, they may show you a photo of a Chinese statue, and it may be a China Town in some bigger city in the world, or, well, actually China. Let us know which travel quizzes you prefer! Your Basic Booking Guide, in Review – (Updated with Information to Corona Virus) The simple Shortcut to your Visa around the world, World Nomads Travel Insurance – From Wheel Chairs, Lost Items and Better Safe than Sorry, 20 Fun Things To Do in Taipei 2020 – Quirky Art, Stinky Food and Original Drinks, 32 Cool Things to Do in Dresden: Safaris, Hidden yards and the Instagrammy Stone Bridge, 14 Gorgeous Coffee Shops in Da Nang, Vietnam (Daily Design Shot and WiFi fast as lightning), Travel Tips - Useful and Best Travel Tips, travel quiz Why Do you Love The World by BBC here, guess the correct capitals of a country, and put them on the map, Airbnb in Review – How to use and 35€ Airbnb Coupon Code (that works in 2020! Obsessed with travel? Play the travel quiz by The Guardian here. Update: Here is a new quiz app for Android to get capitals to the countries in this world right. When we took this travel test, they told us the following: “For you, the only thing better than seeing a jaw-dropping view is capturing it forever. 5 Girls’ Trips to Take Before You Get Hitched