Toshitaka Gamo, Urumu Tsunogai, Akinari Hirota, Noriko Nakayama, Dong-Jin Kang, Kyung-Ryul Kim. Cyanobacteria blooms: A neglected facilitator of CH4 production in eutrophic lakes. Methanotrophy controls groundwater methane export from a barrier island. A Simple Automated Continuous-Flow-Equilibration Method for Measuring Carbon Monoxide in Seawater. Surface Methane Concentrations Along the Mid‐Atlantic Bight Driven by Aerobic Subsurface Production Rather Than Seafloor Gas Seeps. Lucía Gutiérrez-Loza, Marcus B. Wallin, Erik Sahlée, Erik Nilsson, Hermann W. Bange, Annette Kock, Anna Rutgersson. Dissolved gases in brackish thermal waters: an improved analytical method. (Plain bonds represent bonds in the plane of the image; wedge and dashed bonds represent those directed toward and away from the viewer, respectively.). Tetrahedral geometry of methane: (A) stick-and-ball model and (B) diagram showing bond angles and distances. Impacts of a deep reactive layer on sedimentary phosphorus dynamics in a boreal lake recovering from eutrophication. Kuypers, Carsten J. Schubert. Document Type. Lenka Brablcová, Iva Buriánková, Pavlína Badurová, Prem Prashant Chaudhary, Martin Rulík. Discovery and quantification of a widespread methane ebullition event in a coastal inlet (Baltic Sea) using a novel sonar strategy. Ingeborg Bussmann, Steffen Hackbusch, Patrick Schaal, Antje Wichels. David Bastviken, Jonathan J. Cole, Michael L. Pace, Matthew C. Van de Bogert. in hydrothermal plume samples. Jeffery, I.S. Improved sampling technique to collect natural gas from hydrate-bearing pressure cores. Rock comminution as a source of hydrogen for subglacial ecosystems. K. Zepp Falz, C. Holliger, R. Großkopf, W. Liesack, A. N. Nozhevnikova, B. Müller, B. Wehrli, D. Hahn. Variations in Dissolved Methane in the Yellow Sea During the Spring Algal Blooms of 2009. The Aegean Sea as a source of atmospheric nitrous oxide and methane. Pathways of methane in seawater: Plume spreading in an Arctic shelf environment (SW-Spitsbergen). Ulrich Berner, Jürgen Poggenburg, Eckhard Faber, Detlef Quadfasel, Andrea Frische. The boiling point of methane is −162 °C (−259.6 °F) and the melting point is −182.5 °C (−296.5 °F). Representative regional sampling of carbon dioxide and methane concentrations in hemiboreal headwater streams reveal underestimates in less systematic approaches. 2 Calculation of the thermodynamic and transport properties of aqueous species at high pressures and temperatures: Standard partial molal properties of inorganic neutral species. Measurements were also made for the solubility of methane in water at 25° to 125°C and pressures up to 18 MPa in order to confirm the accuracy of the experimental technique. P Gold(I) complexing in aqueous sulphide solutions to 500°C at 500 bar. Michael Nielsen, Niels P. Revsbech, Michael Kühl. Evaluation of a seawater equilibrator for shipboard analysis of dissolved oceanic trace gases. Mike Peacock, Joachim Audet, Sabine Jordan, Jacob Smeds, Marcus B. Wallin. D. Müller, T. Warneke, T. Rixen, M. Müller, A. Mujahid, H. W. Bange, J. Notholt. Methane seepage and its relation to slumping and gas hydrate at the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand. Cyclic 100-ka (glacial-interglacial) migration of subseafloor redox zonation on the Peruvian shelf. Dissolved hydrogen and nitrogen fixation in the oligotrophic K. J. Dinsmore, M. F. Billett, K. E. Dyson. Hydrogen cycling in the waters near Bermuda: the role of the nitrogen fixer, Oscillatoria thiebautii. Dissolved methane concentration profiles and air-sea fluxes from 41°S to 27°N. Tom Jilbert, Sami Jokinen, Timo Saarinen, Ulpu Mattus-Kumpunen, Asko Simojoki, Saija Saarni, Sarianna Salminen, Juha Niemistö, Jukka Horppila. Mahmood Sadat-Noori, Damien T. Maher, Isaac R. Santos. Stephen Punshon, Robert M. Moore, Huixiang Xie. Dan Mei, Ming Ni, Xia Liang, Lijun Hou, Feifei Wang, Chiquan He. The oceanic cycle of carbon monoxide and its emissions to the atmosphere. Tuning a physically-based model of the air–sea gas transfer velocity. Effects of Vascular Plants on Seasonal Pore Water Carbon Dynamics in a Lotic Wetland. Prausnitz and Shair quote Hansen and report = 14.0 MPa 1/2 at 298 K and 1 atm for the dispersion partial solubility parameter, which for methane is the total solubility parameter. Dissolved methane distributions and air-sea flux in the plume of a massive seep field, Coal Oil Point, California. Jean-Louis Tison, Bruno Delille, Stathys Papadimitriou. Jorge Encinas Fernández, Frank Peeters, and Hilmar Hofmann . Factors controlling the variability and emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) in three estuaries of the Southern Iberian Atlantic Basin during July 2017. Methane in the Baltic and North Seas and a reassessment of the marine emissions of methane. Masafumi Sasaki, Noboru Endoh, Satoshi Imura, Sakae Kudoh, Takashi Yamanouchi, Shinji Morimoto, Gen Hashida. Interannual Variability of Methane and Nitrous Oxide in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Anaerobic methane oxidation is an important sink for methane in the ocean's largest oxygen minimum zone. Methane Release through Resuspension of Littoral Sediment. F. Gal, W. Kloppmann, E. Proust, P. Humez. Samuel T. Wilson, Sara Ferrón, David M. Karl. Impact of Na Grete Algesten, Sebastian Sobek, Ann-Kristin Bergström, Anders Jonsson, Lars J. Tranvik, Mats Jansson. Beate Stawiarski, Stefan Otto, Volker Thiel, Ulf Gräwe, Natalie Loick-Wilde, Anna K. Wittenborn, Stefan Schloemer, Janine Wäge, Gregor Rehder, Matthias Labrenz, Norbert Wasmund, Oliver Schmale. Anna C. Nydahl, Marcus B. Wallin, Hjalmar Laudon, Gesa A. Weyhenmeyer. S. Mau, T. Gentz, J. H. Körber, M. Torres, M. Römer, H. Sahling, P. Wintersteller, R. Martinez, M. Schlüter, E. Helmke. Methane dynamics in the coastal – Continental shelf transition zone of the Gulf of Cadiz. Dissolved CH4 coupled to photosynthetic picoeukaryotes in oxic waters and to cumulative chlorophyll a in anoxic waters of reservoirs. Determination of the Carbon Monoxide Binding Constants of Myoglobin Mutants: Comparison of Kinetic and Equilibrium Methods. 2 Carbon dioxide dynamics from sediment, sediment-water interface and overlying water in the aquaculture shrimp ponds in subtropical estuaries, southeast China. Methane dynamics downstream of a temperate run-of-the-river reservoir. Timothy R. Barber, Roger A. Burke, William M. Sackett. G A Systematic Comparative Study of Hydrogen-Evolving Molecular Catalysts in Aqueous Solutions. Denise Müller, Hermann W. Bange, Thorsten Warneke, Tim Rixen, Moritz Müller, Aazani Mujahid, Justus Notholt. Hu Wang, Huaiyang Zhou, Qunhui Yang, Marvin D. Lilley, Jialin Wu, Fuwu Ji. Jordan F. Clark, Libe Washburn, J. Scott Hornafius, Bruce P. Luyendyk. −2. James H. Butler, John E. Pequegnat, Louis I. Gordon, Ronald D. Jones. 2.1.32. Christopher H. Gammons, William Henne, Simon R. Poulson, Stephen R. Parker, Tyler B. Johnston, John E. Dore, Eric S. Boyd. Impact of an abrupt cooling event on interglacial methane emissions in northern peatlands. Excess of bottom-released methane in an Arctic shelf sea polynya in winter. Chinagarn Kunacheva, Yan Ni Annie Soh, Antoine P. Trzcinski, David C. Stuckey. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. Methane is one of the simplest gases, and its solubility in water has been well studied at low pressures. Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 and CH4 at Subzero Temperatures. Jon Telling, Ken Voglesonger, Chelsea N. Sutcliffe, Georges Lacrampe-Couloume, Elizabeth Edwards, Barbara Sherwood Lollar. Wei-Lei Wang, Gui-Peng Yang, Xiao-Lan Lu. Methane emissions from UK estuaries: Re-evaluating the estuarine source of tropospheric methane from Europe. Stephen Punshon, Kumiko Azetsu-Scott, Craig M. Lee. Mihai Leonte, Carolyn D. Ruppel, Angel Ruiz‐Angulo, John D. Kessler. Toward High-Resolution Vertical Measurements of Dissolved Greenhouse Gases (Nitrous Oxide and Methane) and Nutrients in the Eastern South Pacific. O from temperate agricultural dams: fluxes, sources, and processes. Rapid Mapping of Dissolved Methane and Carbon Dioxide in Coastal Ecosystems Using the ChemYak Autonomous Surface Vehicle. Kevin Faure, Jens Greinert, Ingo A. Pecher, Ian J. Graham, Gary J. Massoth, Cornel E. J. de Ronde, Ian C. Wright, Edward T. Baker, Eric J. Olson. Shaburova, L.G. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. T. S. Rhee, P. D. Nightingale, D. K. Woolf, G. Caulliez, P. Bowyer, M. O. Andreae. Methane fluxes from tropical coastal lagoons surrounded by mangroves, Yucatán, Mexico. Tonya DelSontro, Karina K. Perez, Sébastien Sollberger, Bernhard Wehrli. Qian Wang, John E. Dore, Timothy R. McDermott. G. J. Brunskill, K. A. Burns, I. Zagorskis. Pär Jansson, Jack Triest, Roberto Grilli, Bénédicte Ferré, Anna Silyakova, Jürgen Mienert, Jérôme Chappellaz. Drivers of diffusive CH4 emissions from shallow subarctic lakes on daily to multi-year timescales. Katy J. Sparrow, John D. Kessler, John R. Southon, Fenix Garcia-Tigreros, Kathryn M. Schreiner, Carolyn D. Ruppel, John B. Miller, Scott J. Lehman, Xiaomei Xu. A.P. Part I: model description and role of heat generated by organic matter decomposition.

solubility of methane

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