Small or dwarf evergreen shrubs are perfect for enhancing any type of garden landscape. Email Share Tweet. This symbol denotes a tree that retains its leaves, therefore is green, all year round. Once the leaves have fallen, its trunk and stems provide winter interest, as the chestnut- coloured bark peels away to reveal the new, orange-red bark beneath. Unlike trees that have a single trunk, shrubs have multiple woody stems growing from the ground. Dwarf varieties of rhododendrons grow between 2 and 6 ft. (0.6 – 1.8 m), depending on the variety. The low-growing shrub has needle-like foliage that provides excellent year-round ground cover with minimal care. This versatile little shrub can grow as a vine or ground-cover plant for full sun. Most of these trees do not grow above eight metres tall and take years to reach full maturity. Grow the ornamental shrub in full sun as a little border shrub, specimen plant, or 3-foot (1-m) high flowering hedge. Some of the best dwarf arborvitae cultivars: Grow the compact ‘Golf Ball’ Pittosporum shrub with its rounded shape in a sunny location. They typically have dark purple foliage, as well as white, pink, or red flowers, depending on the variety. See more ideas about Conifers garden, Garden shrubs, Plants. #dwarf #trees #evergreen #flowering Small, compact, evergreen spruce shrubs are some of the most popular conifers for gardens. Refine Selection . Find out which plants can be used for hedges in landscaping, ornamental gardening, or can be grown in pots. The graceful stems have a weeping growth habit that gives the shrub a bushy appearance. 17. Their delicate needle-like foliage can be emerald green or bluish-green, depending on the cultivar. Top Ten Evergreen Trees for Smaller Gardens. Grow in full sun as a small hedge, border shrub, or accent plant. These trees carry leaves all year round and are a bold, permanent presence in a garden. And evergreen leaves aren’t always green – they also come in greys, yellows, reds and grey/blues, as well as variegated combinations. Due to their small size, you can plant many different types of ornamental dwarf conifers or evergreen plants in a large backyard. When grown together, junipers can make low hedges, and they are generally drought and deer resistant. Small, flowering Prunus trees are variously called cherry or plum trees. Evergreen trees. Junipers are ornamental shrubs that have needle-like foliage that is sharp or scaly. GB 133 4164 42. Small, round leathery leaves make up its dense foliage. Most compact yews have upright growth and thrive in full sun. Not growing taller than one foot (1 m) winter heath provides plenty of color to late winter and early spring landscapes. Some of the best small spruce shrubs are: The spreading low growing nature of Juniper ‘Nana’ makes it an ideal ground-cover evergreen shrub or great for landscaping a rock garden. Acacia implexa Hickory Wattle, Lightwood. The best short, compact pine shrubs for front or backyards: The low growing golden charm false cypress is an evergreen shrub and is great for front of house landscaping. Boxwood shrubs can also grow as specimen plants, and their rounded growth creates attractive features in front yards. Dwarf yew cultivars are hardy and dense evergreen shrubs. We have a wide range of evergreen trees and have carefully selected this range for their suitability for smaller gardens As well as their virtue in being evergreen all year round, many have blossom or berries or both. This dwarf, shade-loving shrub has dense foliage made up of leather, lance-shaped leaves. Like other Serbian spruces, this dwarf form has green needles with white striping on the undersides, giving the tree a soft appearance. Generally 6 – 8m however smaller cultivars are available. in the picture: English yew ‘Repandens’ (left) and Taxus media Densiformis (right). Along with their scientific names, the list of plants below includes descriptions and pictures of these compact shrubs to help you choose the best ones for your garden. Some of the best small or dwarf evergreen shrubs include: Place small evergreen shrubs in the front of house to increase the curb appeal or as a decorative element in your backyard. The ornamental small winter heath shrub is grown for its evergreen foliage and purple flowers. Magnolia grandiflora – Look for the cultivars Kay Parris, Little Gem and Teddy Bear.