[36] The final investment decision for Sizewell C is only likely to take place after the Hinkley Point C build has started. The architectural design was carried out by Yorke Rosenberg Mardall.[11]. Sizewell already has a connection agreement in place for a new nuclear power plant to be built. A third power station, to consist of twin EPR reactors, is planned to be built as Sizewell C. The site of Sizewell A occupies 245 acres (99 hectares) north of Sizewell. 01 Jun 2017. [24], On 17 March 2010 Sizewell B was taken offline for an extended period because of high moisture levels in the containment building due to a pressuriser electrical heater fault, requiring difficult repairs. [24] A British Energy spokesman said that the fault involved conventional equipment at the plant rather than any part of the nuclear reactor. Numerous emergency services were called to the scene and the fire was brought under control by 3:30 the following day when the charcoal adsorber was flooded.[26]. EDF confirms commitment to Hinkley Point C and Sizewell. What they’re saying : "Sizewell C is a net-zero infrastructure project ready to kick-start the economy following the coronavirus crisis,” said Humphrey Cadoux-Hudson, managing director of the Sizewell C project. Sizewell C would be a near replica of the two-unit Hinkley Point C station, located in Somerset. PWR steam supply systems produce saturated steam at lower temperature and pressure than the dry superheated steam produced by AGR reactors or coal-fired power stations, and the high- and intermediate-pressure stages of the steam turbines have to be designed cope with this[13] Sizewell B can run at half power using one turbo-alternator. Don’t miss our exclusive [32] EDF plans to use Framatome's EPR design for any new-build reactors in the UK, this being the design of reactors currently being built in Finland, France and China. Sizewell B was meant to be the first of a UK series, with follow-on projects of the same reactor (or twins of the reactor) at Sizewell C, Hinkley Point C, Wylfa and two other sites. Sizewell A was the location where Thomas Dolby shot the music video to Europa and The Pirate Twins. EDF Energy officials in Suffolk said the HPC decision was “good news for Sizewell C”, but could not yet give a date when the next consultation will start. Defuelling and removal of most buildings is expected to take until 2034, followed by a care and maintenance phase from 2034 to 2092. The Pre-Construction Safety Case was submitted to the NII in August 1981. EDF reiterated its commitment to build Hinkley Point C this week while announcing a deferred start date of the end of 2018 for generation from the plant it is constructing at Flamanville in France. EDF Energy officials in Suffolk said the HPC decision was “good news for Sizewell C”, but could not yet give a date when the next consultation will start. [31], Since the sale of British Energy to Électricité de France (EDF) in February 2009, plans for a further twin-unit reactor to be built at Sizewell have looked increasingly likely. [43] The proposal was welcomed by Unite the Union. * EDF Energy to start public consultation in late Nov * No start-up date for new Sizewell C nuclear plant . EDF submitted proposals for Sizewell C in 2012 and CGN signed on as a partner in 2016. [27] As of June 2012[update], conditions improved and Sizewell B continued under carefully controlled operation. [20][21] Designed by Westinghouse, construction of Trojan began in 1970 and was completed in 1975. The government is considering backing Sizewell C, a twin-reactor plant on the Suffolk coast, despite concerns that the taxpayer could foot the bill for additional costs. A post-startup evaluation estimated generating cost at around 6p/kWh (2000 prices, which is 10.2p/kW at 2019 prices), excluding first-of-kind costs but using an 8% discount rate for the cost of capital.[23]. The chairman of the inquiry, Sir Frank Layfield, reported in early 1987 that, subject to a satisfactory safety case, there were no substantive reasons why the project should not proceed. 14 Jan 1995. City, State, Zip. There are some minor proposed changes to the boundary of the main development site since at Stage 4 to allow for updated proposals or as a result of discussions with landowners. Westinghouse continued to develop the design they had used for the Trojan plant into the SNUPPS design, built first at Callaway, and SNUPPS was adopted as the basis for the design approved by the CEGB in October 1981.[22]. Jackie Whitelaw 04 September 2015. It is not expected to start delivering power to the national grid until 2027