- - - - - This is one cool alternate shortcut for the more famous Ctrl + Z. Alt + Backspace. Most keyboard shortcuts require the user to press a single key or a sequence of keys one after the other. Delete including connections, draw.io Delete selected cells, Edius Pro 9 - Delete element, Nuendo 10 Delete current task (when task name is empty), Asana (Mac) Learn how your comment data is processed. Delete one character to the left, WinMerge Toggle HUD, Atlas Delete entry in a field. Overview System Requirements Related. Do try them and share your experience in the comments below. All rights reserved. Reset focus in orbital map, Kerbal Space Program - - Pressing [Backspace] deletes the characters to the left of the insertion point, one at a time. Delete, Harmony 20 (macOS) - Delete nodes, Nuke Browser: Go to parent folder, Sage 100 (MAS 90/200) - When you use Windows, you (can) use "backspace" key to go back. - Delete a character to the left of the caret. - (Tables) Delete, Adobe InDesign 2020 (Windows) - Untag edge, UVLayout 2.11 Drop equipment, Football Manager 2020 Go to previous image in current directory, Krita 3.0 Reset effects to default, Total War: Attila - - Undo last polygon pick, UCAT