Steps in writing a "How-To" essay using a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich as an example This simple and yummy experiment allows your child see and taste sequence! Both worksheets were given to the children who read, cut out and sorted before pasting onto the … The Classic Sandwich to Order in Every State. Use these cards as an introduction to sequencing skills. Have your children break down the different steps they must take to make a sandwich, before arranging them into the correct order. This will help them to understand the process involved in this task and the logical order the individual steps must be taken in. We also have some other fantastic teacher-made … They read and followed the instructions, making a sandwich with some provided ingredients. Main Idea 3. Enjoy. (See below for the htm version or click here for the PDF.) It’s an overwhelming feeling standing in line at the deli trying to decide what sandwich you’re going to order -- they all look so good. Readers cannot understand and follow directions without it. Kids will love repeating this activity over and over until they finally can create the right set of directions for sandwich making. Put away the jelly and peanut butter. Some people have their diehard go-to meal, while others like to try new things, especially when in new places. INSTRUCTIONS - 'Sandwich Order' was used with Year 2 children. 4. SEQUENCING/FLOWCHARTS - 'Sandwich making' was used with the same children. Point out to your child that this order and sequence is necessary when writing. The peanut butter sandwich lesson shows kids in a funny way, how important it is to be clear when giving directions and writing anything. Writing is all about creating clear, defined sentences, but kids often take short cuts which results in vague, boring writing. My Google Slides™ Edition of How To Make a Sandwich writing is perfect for distance learning. On each slide is a picture p . Eat. Close the sandwich. Writing paragraphs The Sandwich Method (Main Idea and Topic Sentences) 1. Main Idea• The main idea of a paragraph is the central, or most important, thought or topic in the paragraph - what the paragraph is all about. Subjects: Writing-Expository, Computer Science - Technology, Life Skills. This product prevents skipping steps and gives your students the tools to complete a wonderful procedural writing. Writing Paragraphs Using the Sandwich Method 2. I have broken down the task of making a sandwich into steps.