TITLE. An archaic meaning of receipt is recipe, the use of the word receipt to mean recipe survived until the latter part of the twentieth century in the United States, especially in the southern United States. !!!!! displays a title for the page in search-engine results Here are some tips for creating good titles: Go for a longer, descriptive title (avoid one- or two-word titles) STANDARD FORMAT This recipe format is easy to follow and takes up the least space. There may only be one title in any document. Ingredient list is a quick reference to determine if ingredients are on hand and listed in order of use in recipe. Step;by;step method follows ingredient list. The title of a document is specified by the TITLE element. Find and share everyday cooking inspiration on Allrecipes. The most popular title was “Salesperson” until that became a “dirty” word. Accountant: Accounting Clerk (or variation of this) An Accountant is usually a certified CPA or has some degree in accounting. The TITLE element should occur in the HEAD of the document. It should identify the content of the document in a fairly wide context. The title is not part of the text of the document, but is a property of the whole document. Receipt is derived from the Old French word recite, which means receipt, recipe, prescription. Discover recipes, cooks, videos, and how-tos based on the food you love and the friends you follow. An Account Representative does not always do sales though and might instead be the second in line after the sale has been made. In general, these titles mean the same thing. Recipe Formats There are three commonly used formats for recipes: Standard Format, Active Format, and Narrative Format.