colorimetric silica into solution after 1 year. W.A. Rendell. Asymmetric adsorption by quartz: A model for the prebiotic origin of optical activity. The coordination chemistry of weathering: III. Solubility and near-equilibrium dissolution rates of quartz in dilute NaCl solutions at 398–473K under alkaline conditions. Calculation of the thermodynamic and transport properties of aqueous species at high pressures and temperatures: Standard partial molal properties of inorganic neutral species. Calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) gel solubility data and a discrete solid phase model at 25 °C based on two binary non-ideal solid solutions. Titulaer, J.B.H. Dialysis of quartz powders against dilute sodium hydroxide. Christopher F. D'Elia, David M. Nelson, Walter R. Boynton. William A. Bonner, Percy R. Kavasmaneck, Forrest S. Martin, Jose J. Flores. Application of the Akinfiev–Diamond equation of state to neutral hydroxides of metalloids (B(OH)3, Si(OH)4, As(OH)3) at infinite dilution in water over a wide range of the state parameters, including steam conditions. Oceanographic Research Papers. Dirk Rickert, Michael Schlüter, Klaus Wallmann. Dissolution of primary minerals of basalt in natural waters. The dissolution of opaline silica of diatom tests in sea water. Daniel Armando Campos, Gabriele Ellen Schaumann, Allan Philippe. The solubility of quartz in H2O in the lower crust and upper mantle. George D. Miron, Thomas Wagner, Dmitrii A. Kulik, Christoph A. Heinrich. II. SupPhreeqc: A program for generating customized Phreeqc thermodynamic datasets from Supcrtbl and extending calculations to elevated pressures and temperatures. Stability of hectorite in weakly acidic solutions. Nestor Cruz, Yongjun Peng, Elaine Wightman. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry. Silica powders of respirable size. Electroosmotic zeta potential measurements on single crystals. Kinetics. You have to login with your ACS ID befor you can login with your Mendeley account. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Beziehungen zwischen Aktivierungsmechanismus und Strukturänderungen in Festkörpern Untersuchungen zur Verteilung amorpher Bereiche auf schwinggemahlenen Quarzoberflächen. Chapter 8 Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints on Silica and Carbonate Diagenesis in the Miocene Monterey Formation, Santa Maria and Ventura Basins, California. Greenwood, V.W. Fluid composition effects on silica gel aging. Adsorption and flotation studies with quartz: Part I. Adsorption of calcium, hydrogen and hydroxyl ions on quartz. Hideo Hirayama, Takashi Kawakubo, Akira Goto, Tadashi Kaneko. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. Friedrich K. Altenhein, Werner Lutze, Rodney C. Ewing. Find more information on the Altmetric Attention Score and how the score is calculated. The solubility of quartz in water in the temperature interval from 25to 300 1043 Some silica phase, presumably quartz, having a solubility of about 6 p.p.m., precipitated from a supersaturated silica solution at 25 and 1 atm … Measuring quartz solubility by in situ weight-loss determination using a hydrothermal diamond cell. Get article recommendations from ACS based on references in your Mendeley library. P.C. Siegel, J.P. Hassett. Long-Term Radioactivity Release from Solidified High-Level Waste - Part II Parametric Study of Waste form Properties, Temperature and Time. A contribution to the study of the solubility of oxidic solids in water: The disolution kinetics of silica gel and its interpretation. Quartz Dissolution as Influenced by pH and the Presence of a Disturbed Surface Layer. The role of carboxylic acids in albite and quartz dissolution: An experimental study under diagenetic conditions. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. Jansen, J.W. Interactions of clay minerals in copper–gold flotation: Part 2 — Influence of some calcium bearing gangue minerals on the rheological behaviour. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde. the very slow rate at which dissolved silica polymerizes to species appropriate to act as nuclei for quartz growth. LockA locked padlock Wolfram Vogelsberger, Thomas Mittelbach, Andreas Seidel. Socratis Loucaides, Philippe Van Cappellen, Vincent Roubeix, Brivaela Moriceau, Olivier Ragueneau. The Effect of the Starting Mineralogical Mixture on the Nature of Fe-Serpentines Obtained during Hydrothermal Synthesis AT 90°C. Hydrothermal alteration of basalt by seawater under seawater-dominated conditions. Akiyoshi Kamatani, John P. Riley, Geoffrey Skirrow. Effects of grinding on the preg-robbing potential of quartz in an acidic chloride medium. Deformation and dissolution of quartz under laboratory conditions. The dissolution kinetics of sand as function of particle size. Correlating quartz dissolution kinetics in pure water from 25 to 625°C. Pulmonary Retention and Clearance of Inhaled Biopersistent Aerosol Particles: Data-Reducing Interpolation Models and Models of Physiologically Based Systems: - A Review of Recent Progress and Remaining Problems. Investigation of the pH dependence of the kinetics of quartz dissolution at 25 °C. In lieu of an abstract, this is the article's first page. Reynolds. However, in those places where there is little or no circulation of water for long periods of time, it is quite possible that quartz may precipitate and thereby maintain a low silica content in the water. silica after 386 days and then dropped to 6 p.p.m. Silica transport during steam injection into oil sands. Sverjensky, E.L. The stability of silica and quartz suspensions. Thus, vigorous agitation of the liquid is necessary to remove dissolved silica from the vicinity of surfaces of both quartz and glass. Corrosion Behavior of Silicon Carbide in 290oC Water. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, Your Mendeley pairing has expired. Influence of Simple Inorganic Ions on Zeta Potential. J.H. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. A method of calculating quartz solubilities in aqueous sodium chloride solutions. Kinetics of reaction between silicic acid and amorphous silica surfaces in NaCl solutions. Dissolution rates in dilute hydrofluoric acid. Prediction of the thermodynamic properties of aqueous metal complexes to 1000°C and 5 kb. An experimental investigation of the quartz, Na-K, Na-K-Ca geothermometers and the effects of fluid composition. II. Dissolution rates in dilute hydrofluoric acid. Quartz dissolution in organic-rich aqueous systems. Interactions between silica sand and sodium silicate solution during consolidation process. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. Hans Poppe,, Alejandro Cifuentes, and. Saturated silica solutions in equilibrium with quartz were obtained in a few days at temperatures above 100°C. The dissolution kinetics of quartz as a function of pH and time at 70°C. Ronghua Zhang, Xuetong Zhang, Shumin Hu. It is concluded that quartz was precipitated at room temperature from this supersaturated solution and that 6 p.p.m. J.W. Multiple activated complex dissolution of metal (hydr) oxides: A thermodynamic approach applied to quartz. Dissolution rate of quartz in lead and sodium electrolyte solutions between 25 and 300°C: Effect of the nature of surface complexes and reaction affinity. Please reconnect. At room temperature and pressure, highly supersaturated silica solutions were obtained by continuously rotating quartz grains and water in plastic bottles at 75 rev/min. Deep Sea Research Part A. Criteria for Determining the hydrophilicity-hydrophobicity of Soils. Chromatographic studies in the field of silicate chemistry. Dissolution kinetics of biogenic silica from the water column to the sediments.

quartz solubility in water

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