Amount 1. On June 1, as we kicked off Pride Month, our PRIDENTON team joined our community in the streets of Denton to proclaim that Black Lives Matter and that without justice there is no peace. Thanks to generous community backing, we are distributing FREE flags in support of Stillwater-area students, so f ly your flag and let's paint the town RED with Pony Pride! We are helping to bring more equality for LGBTI people around the World. Payment 3. With a $10 minimum donation, we will send you a FREE 3 by 5 foot American Flag. The collection consists of clothing, accessories, footwear, eyewear, intimates, and jewellery, all with the pride flag incorporated into the design. We are proudly supporting InterPride with a $100,000 USD donation. ... Help support independent student journalism with a donation… Secure donation. This tier also gives you the special PRIDE "Progress" Digital Pack, which includes wallpapers, and other goodies to spread your PRIDE on social media! Later that month, a derogatory note was found in the common room, targeting LGBTQ+ and Indigenous students. Your donation was not processed: Please correct the issues marked below and submit your donation again. Then this donation level is perfect for you! This tier gets you the 3" by 5" sticker version of the PRIDE "Progress" Flag Design. Small business owners meet to try and support each other during the struggling economy Name 2. Hey guys! Support our Troops Includes: PRIDE "Progress" Digital Pack PRIDE "Progress" Sticker Less MAY is Pony Pride Month! Mayors of Afton, Stillwater, Oak Park Heights and Bayport have issued proclamations making Pony Pride Month official. In addition, the Pride flag is being flown at all IKEA locations. Your donation Your donation $0 GoFundMe tip $0 Total due today $0. In October 2019, a Métis flag and a Pride flag were stolen from the fourth floor common room in Chown Hall. These funds will help build the global Pride movement & support InterPride’s Solidarity Fund that supports LGBTI organizations in economically-weak countries or hostile environments. The latest videos from WDVM 25. By continuing, you … Donate now. Pride began as an uprising led by Black and Brown trans femmes. Made in the USA, you can fly this flag with pride!