Tube feeders with narrow feeding ports, wire mesh feeders, and mesh socks are popular Nyjer feeder designs perfect for small, clinging finches but less suitable for larger birds that may empty feeders more quickly. In these cases, backyard birders often take down Nyjer feeders in late summer and fall when natural seeds are plentiful, but those feeders will be welcome and popular from late fall through early summer. Birders who have not offered Nyjer before may choose mixed seed that includes Nyjer first to help the birds get accustomed to the new seed. Nyjer is a small, thin, black seed from the African yellow daisy (Guizotia abyssinica). Commercial Nyjer is grown in Africa, particularly Ethiopia and Kenya, as well as in India, Nepal, and Myanmar. These larger seed-eating birds will also gather beneath specialized Nyjer feeders and sift through discarded shells for any seeds that have been spilled. Create a Backyard Sanctuary. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, The Spruce Gardening & Plant Care Review Board, The Spruce Renovations and Repair Review Board. Birds that will take Nyjer from feeders include: While all these birds will enjoy Nyjer if it is offered, not all of them will eat it exclusively. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. 50 lb. Nyjer Seed (aka niger seed or thistle seed) is a teeny-tiny, high-oil content seed (~40%) mostly favored by finches and siskins. When I spread Nyjer on half of one of my platform feeders, the birds ate from the other half. Another popular option is to offer Nyjer in specialized feeders to prevent spills and restrict access to the seeds to only the most desirable birds. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. High in oil, it is a nutritious source of energy for backyard birds and is one of the most popular types of birdseed. High in oil, it is a nutritious source of energy for backyard birds and is one of the most popular types of birdseed. Problems. The seed of the African yellow daisy, Guizotia abyssinica, Nyjer is known by many names. The birdseed was originally called niger in reference to Nigeria and the plant’s geographic origin. How Often Should You Refill Bird Feeders? They typically have smaller, sharply-pointed bills that can easily manipulate such tiny seeds to crack shells and extract the rich seeds. Depending on crops, import prices, and retailer options, however, it can also be one of the most expensive birdseeds. It is important to keep the food fresh for these picky little eaters. Even unexpected birds may try a bite of Nyjer when it is offered, and woodpeckers, thrushes, chickadees, and other birds have been spotted snacking at thistle seed feeders. Orioles, waxwings, and other strongly frugivorous species will not pay any attention to Nyjer, and nectar-loving birds such as hummingbirds will also ignore a Nyjer feeder. She has over 16 years experience writing about wild birds for magazines and websites. Either soft mesh sock-style feeders or more durable metal mesh feeders can be suitable. Goldfinches, redpolls, and siskins, however, will often eat nothing but Nyjer if it is readily available. Wild Bird Feeding Institute. Birds with larger, less adept bills such as cardinals, starlings, and grosbeaks cannot easily munch on thistle seed, and they are more likely to use other feeders and try other seeds instead. Learning more about nyjer seed will help birders realize just how important this type of birdseed is for their backyard buffet.

nyjer seed birds

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