Later, he taught that Mormons were Israelites, and that they may learn of their tribal affiliation within the twelve Israelite tribes. The book described itself as a chronicle of an early Israelite diaspora, integrating with the pre-existing indigenous peoples of the Americas, written by a people called the Nephites. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression. As you explore, I hope you'll discover my deep love for Jesus Christ, and come to know that this love and faith is central to the life of every member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. [33] According to Mormons this Apostasy involved the corruption of the pure, original Christian doctrine with Greek and other philosophies,[34] and followers dividing into different ideological groups. Both religions share a high emphasis on family life, charitable giving, chastity, abstention from alcohol, and a special reverence for, though not worship of, their founding prophet. Members of the LDS Church receive Patriarchal blessings which declare the recipient's lineage within one of the tribes of Israel. Mormons believe that Jesus paid for the sins of the world and that all people can be saved through his atonement. Biblically, however, the description of Jesus as the “only begotten” refers to his being the Father’s unique, one-of-a-kind Son for all eternity, with th… The two broad movements outside mainstream Mormonism are Mormon fundamentalism, and liberal reformist Mormonism. For example, the LDS Church excommunicates members who practice polygamy or who adopt the beliefs and practices of Mormon fundamentalism. We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. This is often referred to as universal or general salvation in Mormon literature. Others have formed new religions (many of them now defunct). [25] While the three beings are physically distinct, in Mormon theology they are one in thoughts, actions, and purpose and commonly referred to collectively as the "Godhead". Like most other Christian groups, Mormonism teaches that there are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but unlike trinitarian faiths, the LDS Church teaches that they are separate and distinct beings with the Father and Son having perfected physical bodies and the Holy Ghost having only a body of spirit. Whatever God commands is right, no matter what it is, although we may not see the reason thereof till long after the events transpire. Joseph Smith said the Book of Mormon was translated from writing on golden plates in a reformed Egyptian language, translated with the assistance of the Urim and Thummim and seer stones. [17], The largest group of Mormons (LDS Church) accepted Brigham Young as the new prophet/leader and emigrated to what became the Utah Territory. Islam insists upon the complete oneness and uniqueness of God (Allah), while Mormonism asserts that the Godhead is made up of three distinct "personages. Mormonism originated in the 1820s in western New York during a period of religious excitement known as the Second Great Awakening. [46] Mormons believe that one purpose of earthly life is to learn to choose good over evil. Islam and Mormonism both originate in the Abrahamic traditions. Mainstream Mormons, by contrast, believe that a single Celestial marriage is necessary for exaltation. From this conviction in the Savior stems all of our many other beliefs about family, salvation, life and religion—which you’ll find a list of below. It also teaches that everyone is entitled to personal revelation with respect to his or her stewardship (leadership responsibility). For the largest and most prominent branch of Mormonism, see, Links to official websites of specific Mormon denominations, For a discussion on a history of Mormon polygamy, see, Smith's 1838 written account of this vision was later canonized in a book called. According to The Book of Mormon, Lehi's family left Jerusalem at the urging of God c. 600 BC, and later sailed to the Americas c. 589 BC. Mainstream Mormonism is defined by the leadership of the LDS Church which identifies itself as Christian. [15] The displaced Mormons fled to Illinois, to a small town called Commerce. By reading the articles on each basic belief, you can begin to better understand the scriptural foundations and latter-day revelations that make Mormonism what it is today. According to Mormon scripture, the Earth's creation was not ex nihilo, but organized from existing matter. In the 1990s, Jewish groups vocally opposed the LDS practice of baptism for the dead on behalf of Jewish victims of the Holocaust and Jews in general. After Smith was killed by a mob while awaiting trial in 1844, most Mormons followed Brigham Young on his westward journey to the area that became the Utah Territory, calling themselves The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). [70][71] (In contrast, the second largest Latter Day Saint denomination, the Community of Christ, is Trinitarian and monotheistic.) No archaeological, linguistic, or other evidence of the use of Egyptian writing in ancient America has been discovered. Mormons believe that Jesus Christ was the firstborn spirit-child of the heavenly Father and a heavenly Mother. In Mormonism, the saving ordinances are seen as necessary for salvation, but they are not sufficient in and of themselves. Mormons believe that Smith and subsequent church leaders could speak scripture "when moved upon by the Holy Ghost. Both the special spectacles and the seer stone were at times referred to as the "Urim and Thummim". [7] Smith was seen by his followers as a modern-day prophet.[8]. The Nephites are portrayed as having a belief in Christ hundreds of years before his birth.

mormonism main beliefs

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