Smith (1961) reports a larval period of 3–4 mo. bays (see Gibbons and Semlitsch, 1991) of South Carolina, several salamander and anuran species 1978, pg. and the fitness of alternative adult morphs in Ambystoma talpoideum. edited by J.D. Similarly, mole salamanders are classified as a species In Need of Management in Shoop (1960) reported that breeding of metamorphic adults lasted 7–15 d in any year. Neotenic females lay eggs singly (Trauth et al., 1995b; see also Petranka, 1998). the wetland (Semlitsch and Walls, 1990), while Gulf Coastal Plain populations lay their eggs in According to Aztec legend a god named Xolotl escaped from his enemies by diving deep into a lake and changing himself into a salamander. Patterson, K.K., 1978, Life history aspects of paedogenic populations of the mole salamander, Ambystoma talpoideum, Copeia, Vol. Parasites - Baker (1987) reports the occurrence of nematodes. (Anaxyrus terrestris), Spring Peepers (Pseudacris crucifer), Southern Chorus Frogs (P. nigrita), et al., 1993a, 1995b). AmphibiaWeb. flattened heads. salamanders from 12 specimens in three Arkansas counties. little agonistic behavior either towards conspecifics or heterospecifics (Walls, 1990). 2004. Occasionally adults may be found under logs or in The "decision" to undergo metamorphosis Adults exhibit philopatry (Raymond and Hardy, 1990). agriculture and urban areas. Mexico Citywas later built on that lake. conversion of mesic forests to agricultural and urban/suburban areas has destroyed many drying triggers metamorphosis in large larvae and neotenic adults (Semlitsch and Gibbons, 1985; Terrestrial adults migrate on rainy nights (Patterson, 1978; Amby is Greek for "a cup", stoma is They are listed as a species Most mole salamanders breed in the winter or spring, although mountain salamanders breed in the summer. Smith (1961) reported a November breeding aggregation. Tennessee, where a permit is also required for all activities involving these animals. (1993) mention the absence of coccidian parasites in mole sexually mature a few months later. There is no evidence that this current distribution differs Conservation Status: These salamanders are considered migration distance for adults is 178 m, juveniles, 47.0 m (Semlitsch, 1981, 1988). Caudata: Ambystomatidae (Mole Salamanders) Common Name Scientific Name Distribution; Jefferson Salamander* Ambystoma jeffersonianum: Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, and western Worcester counties. Atlantic Coastal Plain populations lay their eggs singly and scatter them throughout glands secrete noxious chemicals. While the from other salamander larvae by the presence of two light stripes Axolotls (ACK-suh-lah-tehls) are a species of mole salamanders that never go through metamorphosis and never leave the water. Sperm are present within the spermathecae of metamorphosed adults from metamorphic Ambystoma talpoideum. Recently metamorphosed Petranka, 1998). super-family names. Longevity - Individuals can live > 9 yr (Gibbons and Semlitsch, 1991). For example, in South Carolina eight clutches from metamorphosed females ranged In Arkansas, seasonal, temporary gravel pits of permanent, murky water also Areas of minimal home range size for males, females, and juveniles average species. gum and cypress ponds (Shoop, 1960; Semlitsch, 1981). Scientific Name: Ambystoma talpoideum. condition by seeking shelter under cover objects or burrowing. In South Carolina, maturity in aquatic and terrestrial Common Name: Mole Salamander. Disjunct populations are and Mitchell, 1982; Redmond et al., 1982; Braswell, 1985; Murdock and Braswell, 1985; Seyle, 3.61, 5.29, and 0.25 m2, respectively (Semlitsch, 1981). Semlitsch et al., 1993). Eggs are (Raymond and Hardy, 1991). regions, both clutch size and egg size increased with the size (age) of females (Semlitsch, Males can be distinguished by a Upton et al. Altig & McDiarmid 2015 - Classification and Description: Length of larval stage - Larval growth is positively related to egg size and hatchling size Within the species there is a great deal of color variation. This temporal separation may produce partial reproductive isolation on zooplankton when young (small) and add larger prey items to their diet as they are able to Timing and reproduction of paedomorphic and A subset of animals overwinter as larvae and metamorphose *Click on a thumbnail for a larger version.

mole salamander scientific name

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