November space limited for guided float trips for the Miracle Mile Brown Trout Spawn. No activity on the brown trout spawn, this won’t happen until lateer into the fall, we will keep you posted. Miracle Mile tailwater flows have dropped to 1800cfs and the water clarity is good. Everyone is hunting so its a great time to float the Mile, call us and book today 307-267-2559, 9/19/18 September is flying by and the river is clear low and producing some great fishing if you can throw a dry fly it is especially good right now on trico’s and hoppers. We have reduced staff hours but we are still filling orders with normal business hours. Brown trout spawn still a couple weeks out, but some fish being spotted in suspect areas so it won’t be long. From time to time we do drop ship orders directly from the manufacturer, but some of are suppliers are shutting down their warehouses. I would have to rate this a 9 on a scale of 10 for a fishing trip. We’ll be in touch. Remember to give us a call when your looking for a guided float trip to the famous Miracle Mile, our guides work the Mile more than any outfitter in the area and your sure to get a good honest hard working guide that cares about his customers. The weeds at the Mile are not as bad as Grey Reef and the float fishing has been excellent. 1,200 CFS since mid – February. Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 to book your trip today. Its almost February and our customers are still catching the big Browns! We will keep you posted on spawn activity for both Grey Reef and Miracle Mile. The trout were taking worms, eggs, bwo’s, midges, and scuds. Now is the time to start paying close attention to the Miracle Mile. To book your Miracle Mile Wyoming float trip call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559. For your next float trip call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 or email us at or simply click the contact button at the upper right side of the page. GRA guides and clients really enjoying the size of trout at the Miracle Mile. Miracle Mile Canyon Float available by request…call Jason or Judi at Grey Reef Anglers 307-267-2559 or click the contact button at the top right. January Fishing here on the Grey Reef and Miracle Mile is great, we had GRA guides Kyle & Andy out this week and they spent the day with clients working the water primarily wade fishing and both groups had great success, big fish of the day was 22, but some bigger fish were hooked up but came unhooked prior to netting…par for the coarse. He had little action on midges. But how can we complain we are having fun enjoying some unseasonably warm weather and the nymph fishing is great. Big Laramie River Fishing Report The Big Laramie River begins in the Never Summer Mountains and is one of the main tributaries of the North Platte River. Gary had about 30 or so fish to the net on the day and one nice brown trout pictured left here. Today took our clients on the upper grey reef and we caught fish on dries, nymphs, and streamers! The trout are in frenzy mode with the colder weather and dropping water temps every fish in the river is trying to pack on weight before winter sets in. 21inch Grey Reef Cuttbow caught & released. Water temps are at 50deg at Grey Reef and 58deg at the Miracle Mile. Golden Stone Hatch is over but pmd’s and plenty of Caddis still hatching…But Lots of boats and LOts of wade guys with such low flows makes for a GONG SHOW! Mayhen midges in gray and black as well as your favorite blue wing olive nymph are great options to drop off the rock worm. 1/28/14 Miracle mile is producing well with nymphs and streamers. Fishing is solid with standard Mile nymph rigs of worms, leaches and midges. Book your fly fishing trip today call Judi 307-267-2559. 06/02/20 Miracle Mile float trips are going very well, lots of healthy rainbows with a few nice browns mixed in! The fish population at Miracle Mile is about 50/50 Rainbows and Browns. Call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 to book your Miracle Mile float trip. North Platte River | Wyoming Spring Fever DATE. Book your trip today and call 307-267-2559 or email us at, 11/19/12 World Class Brown Trout being caught daily with Grey Reef Anglers…Our guides continue to put clients on fish of a lifetime during the annual Brown Trout run here on the North Platte River. 6/18/13 Miracle Mile water flows are way up making the boat fishing fantastic! We welcome any Miracle Mile fishing reports that you would like to provide. These guides work hard, have fun, and really enjoy showing people a great time on the river, oh yea and they put people on tons of fish! Still have some openings for July give us a call at 307-267-2559, 6/28/16 Irishman Joe McDonnell and Arizona Fly Casters Club Member John Doss joined guide Andy Brust for a 3day Grey Reef Miracle Mile fly fishing adventure…the fallowing is John Doss in his own words describing this trip…. All sections of Grey Reef from the Dam to Casper are fishing great…if you know how to present your flies according to the hatch…our guides are really tuned into each hatch and how to present the dry fly or the nymph in a way that is very productive. 5/21/13 Miracle Mile guided float trips going very well…worked the Miracle Mile stretch 3 of the last 4 days, fishing was real good yesterday as return client Doug Benson landed some nice trout over 20inches and a bunch of 18-19inch trout. 7/12/17  Despite the stone hatch waining the dry fly fishing and fishing overall has been quite good. In addition to great fishing the wild life was spectacular. Hatches Now: Midges mid afternoon, few blue wings fading out, mainly sucker spawn, Water Clarity: On sunny 5-7ft water is very clear and cold. Get with us and get your spring trophy trout trip booked, space is limited, but we do have some openings in April…call Jason or Judi at 307-267-2559 or email us at, 4/1/13 Miracle Mile…Our guides have been enjoying very clear water conditions at the Miracle Mile recently, might be the clearest I’ve seen the Mile. 3/6/13 Clients catching a lot of great fish right now…I have to say the weather is great for March and the fishing is good to great depending on the day…I have to brag up on our guides a bit, they are coming out of the gates this season swinging…this was a feedback email from one of our trips over the weekend. 4/11/19 Miracle Mile Fly Fishing Report…Mile flows have increased to 2000cfs…one of our guides was on the Mile floating with clients when they raised the river on Wednesday, lot of floating junk, but it fished great! Our guides have been out a bunch with customers and they are killing it. These are fish of a lifetime and are being caught right now. Flows at Grey Reef are much the same 510cfs, low slow and clear is how the guides describe it, BUT with the clear water again come some great dry fly opportunities. On another note the Mile has been good floating the river with clients, you get away from the crowds and get to fish water people can’t wade fish. The Mile is a tailwater section of the North Platte River below Seminoe Reservoir in Central Wyoming that runs into Pathfinder Reservoir. Conditions and fly fishing reports & Website Specials is best main bugs of! Rainbow spawn is on…Brown trout and miracle mile fishing report % rainbow trout Plains fly PR s..., 2015 dropping out at over 25inches and was nudged to 640 cfs this.... Trout has a single fishermen and they are full close attention to the net all! 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miracle mile fishing report

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