MEDICAL STAFF POLICIES / ORGANIZATION 3.1 Medical Staff Organization Chart 3.2 Officer & Department Chair Phone List 3.3 Job Descriptions – Officers & Department Chairs 3.4 Leadership Orientation 3.5 New Physician Orientation 3.6 Legal Counsel Access & Use 3.7 Governing Document Review / Revision 3.8 Medical Staff Annual Meeting 3.9 Election Process / Ballots 3.10 Emergency … Policies and Procedures in Healthcare Policies and procedures are an incredibly important part of making sure staff know how to care for patients and how to carry out tasks with confidence. MANUAL: MEDICAL STAFF POLICY/PROCEDURE Page 1 of 11 Effective Date: Approval /s/ Margaret McEvoy, M.D., Chief of Staff Reviewed/Revised: 06/02, 10/04, 12/06, 4/28/09, 08/11, 02/13, 2/17 Replaces Medical Staff Policy and Proce-dure on Peer Review and Focused Professional Practice Evaluation Policy . SCOPE: Medical Staff PROCEDURE: Virginia Mason Memorial (VMM) Medical Staff Office shall provide applications for appointment or reappointment/ credentialing or recredentialing to the Medical Staff and/or clinical privileges to all eligible applicants for evaluation by the Credentials Committee with recommendations to the Medical Executive Committee and Governing Board. I. To view medical and dental care policies, click on the HCDOM button below. I. Health care services are provided to patients consistent with a minimum community standard. VALUES CONTEXT . Medical … I. The purpose of this House Staff Policies and Procedures Manual is to provide residents and fellows ("residents") participating in Emory University School of Medicine's Graduate Medical Education with a general understanding of the policies and procedures governing the training programs. VALUES CONTEXT . If you have any feedback on the contents of this manual, please let designated staff members know, and he/she will take any necessary action. Health Care Policies and Procedures. Mon - Fri: 8.00am - 5.00pm Sat and Sun: Closed A Website.. %d bloggers like this: bloggers like this: MANUAL: MEDICAL STAFF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Page 1 of 5 Effective Date: 6/28/2016 Approval ____/s/ Jeannette Curry ,MD_____ Reviewed/Revised: Jeannette Currie, MD, Chief of Staff 53085726.2 . The Health Care Department Operations Manual (HCDOM) outlines the delivery of medical and dental care provided to patients. The Top 45 Medical Staff Policies and Procedures, Fifth Edition, is a user-friendly guide that will help you develop medical staff policies and procedures that comply with CMS and Joint Commission requirements and promote current industry best practices. This document will be maintained and updated by designated staff members. This manual includes the policies and procedures for Cardiology Medical Group and replaces all previous manuals and directives.