One alternative to intensive poultry farming is free-range farming using lower stocking densities. RSPCA exposes horror of intensive chicken farming. According to the World Watch Institute, 74 percent of the world's poultry meat, and 68 percent of eggs are produced intensively. This high demand for chickens … In the year to June 2012, 551 million chickens were slaughtered in Australia ().Chickens are the largest number of intensively farmed animals in Australia and also have the shortest life of all animals kept in intensive … The average American ate a record-breaking 93 pounds of chicken in 2018, making it by far the main source of animal protein in the American diet.. Poultry … By SEAN POULTER. Last updated at 11:32 26 September 2006 Editor’s note: This article originally ran in late 2017. Alamy Stock Photo Broiler chickens on the brooding area of a commercial poultry farm.. WASHINGTON—The world’s addiction to intensive animal farming, in which thousands of stressed … In the spirit of keeping important small-farming topics current, we’ve updated information and links, and reposted. Facts of the Australian chicken farming industry. A "factory farm" is a large-scale industrial operation that houses thousands of animals raised for food—such as chickens, turkeys, cows, and pigs—and treats them with hormones and antibiotics to prevent disease and maximize their growth and food output. ... wheat and soy that are grown through intensive industrial farming …