More from this Member | Report Response, "If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be?" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "nothin" More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Have you considered doing any bench research instead of clinical research once in medical school. but she was nice. | Report Response, "When did you decide to become a doctor? More from this Member | Report Response, "what specialty are you hoping to get into" Even if I don't get in, it was a great visit." More from this Member It seemed like a really nice place to go to school. (At which point I blanked and couldn't remember any book I'd read...) What is your favorite book? Review to beable to describe my research brief and concisely" they'd also read my file and knew it inside out" | Report Response, "The students seemed really happy. More from this Member Really makes you want to hang around the lab more often! | Report Response, "What excites you about Sinai?" | Report Response, "Read SDN feedback, practiced with someone else, read my application and Sinai website" | Report Response, "What is one issue you'd like to fix in healthcare today?" | Report Response, "What should I tell the admissions staff about you?" | Report Response, "My interviewers were really friendly, open, and thoughtful. The second interviewer was like talking to a piece of cement. (I have been working in clinical research for 5 years.)" | Report Response, "just go through file" | Report Response, "It is cold in October. For me, two were with MDs and the other two were with PhDs. More from this Member | Report Response, "Why didn't you decide to pursue research?" | Report Response, "I thought I would like this school a lot coming in, but I guess the disorganized interview day and weird students rubbed me the wrong way. More from this Member Tell me about this, that activity. Sinai?" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member 11:30-12 Financial Aid. | Report Response, "we had to rush through our lunch and then we went outside in the really cold weather (I wish I had put my jacket on before)" My interviewers could not have been nicer :) Then there's a financial aid session, lunch and two tours. | Report Response, "How do you deal with stress? | Report Response, "related to healthcare" | Report Response, "Have you read any books recently? Apartments - ~$500/month for gorgeous apartments on the Upper East side. More from this Member | Report Response, "why sinai? | Report Response, "That I was going to spend the entire day doing absolutley nothing." More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member 2) sinai hospital is private (im very interested in public hospitals)....they have a lot of public affiliates, but their main hosp is private As a non-traditional applicant, this may have been more stressful for me than for your basic straight-out-of-college interviewee. Both of the interviewers had read my application very thoroughly, and they mostly asked questions about my research and extracurricular activities (nothing picky)." More from this Member | Report Response, "Researched Sinai" Why not?" One of them was skimming through my amcas as I talked and asked me random questions that just reflected how poorly they have prepared" Also it is in the hospital so everyone has somewhere to be, so try not to get in anyones way on the way there." describe your research." More from this Member Why are you there for undergrad? | Report Response, "What are you doing right now?" However the students seem happy and for the most part the facilities are nice (The lazy-boy chairs in the library are the best!!) Neither of them asked any challenging questions, and both were very drab." How would you solve it?" | Report Response, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. | Report Response, "Can you teach me how to dance in the next 20 minutes?" They all seemed very enthusiastic. The student body is very chill, the hospital is huge and impressive, the interviewers read my file in depth and asked specific questions, the housing is cheap and very nice, the area is safe but also close enough to East Harlem so you get a wide variety of patients at Mount Sinai and the affiliates." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "I was very impressed with the school, the hospital, and all the people. Their apartments are nice for NYC housing. | Report Response, "That my train would be delayed. The housing was really cheap, close to the school, and attractive...but I'm not sure I can go back to having roommates again after living on my own for several years " The tour guide confessed that the school was called "Camp Sinai" because they never did any work. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "I don't know how to describe it: this indeterminate happiness of the students. New York. both made a real effort to tell me about the school as much as they could, they really sold it to me. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member Was tiring to hear students go on and on about how great the school was after 6 hours of hearing it already! | Report Response, "You mentioned a space elevator,´by what principle of physics do they work?" !After that, you have two interviews. It was much more "scheduled" than other interviews I went to that ran over. More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "SDN, Mt. All seemed extremely happy with the program, with their fellow students, with the camaraderie, and of course with NYC. | Report Response, "Everything! More from this Member More from this Member the faculty member was also chill." More from this Member | Report Response, "Nepotism is rampant with the Humanities in Medicine program. | Report Response, "Nothing was particularly interesting - everything was cut-and-dry, catered to my application." Phew. More from this Member | Report Response, "Improve the interview day packet." More from this Member (he jotted them all down right in front of me)" More from this Member | Report Response, "Tell me about yourself." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response, "Location in NYC, students, professors."

icahn school of medicine sdn

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