Suggest to meet in person to discuss it further. Images: Pexels (11); Unsplash, William Stitt. But if you want the argument to end quickly, make it a point to sit near each other instead. It seems so simple, but it works like a charm. We all have that one person in our life whose face just ruins our day. Kinda funny but still so sweet, don't you think? Agree To Disagree. Or you can back down from the argument. You walk away mid-argument. As couples therapist Evie Shafner says, "Say to your partner, 'Let me see if I understand you' and then reflect back what you heard your partner say." That one who is enough to kill our appetite, change our smile into a frown and to make us clinch our fists hoping for a second that we might get to punch them. People make arguments to defend their standpoints while also showing that their opponent’s argument is flawed in some way. Some people opt to back down but to do so in a way that's manipulative and really just postpones that argument to a later date. Ultimately, determine your side of the argument and make sure you can back up your point of view with reasoning and evidence. They almost have to - you are using all their good lines first. Definitely worth it. Whether you and your partner are fighting over something big, or something seemingly insignificant (like who should do the dishes), it's always good to know how to end any argument. "This is nonjudgmental and can put an end to a stalemate without anybody losing face or feeling like theyâre backing down," Greenberg says. Arguing in person? Many men shut down in an argument because they know they have had their limit and are afraid they will say something deeply hurtful to you. Gather Evidence . When having a disagreement, it can be tempting to yell at each other from across a room (or over the phone). It really can make all the difference in the world. Work against the opposing point of view and prove why your stance is correct. This is their way of being protective to the woman in their life, although it can feel like anything but that when it occurs. So make sure you do your part when it comes to hearing (and understanding) what's being said during a fight. I would be furious too!" Yes, (if you're home and you're both cool with it) getting naked with your partner really can help end an argument. "People 'dig in their heels,' and partners become polarized against one another.". Researchers analysed two years of posts on forum site ChangeMyView If you keep a few tricks up your sleep, and know how to defuse such situations, you can get back to a happier, stress-free life â and maybe even save your relationship. And if they complain, I would lean right back into it. Sometimes holding hands or sitting with knees touching is all it takes. There are some topics that are so difficult to agree on that it might be necessary … One of the most frustrating things ever is that sense your partner isn't really, truly listening. "Ultimately it should make you remember that you are both just human." Totally worth it. As Davila says, "Being skilled at knowing how to end an argument can stop what begins as a small disagreement or hurt from turning into a relationship-ending disaster." As Claus says, "sometimes a change of scenery is enough to clear the air.". "Arguing on the phone? Should you come across one, here are five arguments you can expect to hear, and how you can shut them down. I seldom ever try to shut down an ongoing argument with anyone who seems sincere, fair, and philosophically charitable. Do a few laps around the block and things should be a-OK. Take a moment to look at the issue in comparison to your relationship and your larger goals. If you two have been arguing for hours, it's more than time to take it outside, so to speak. "When couples can't resolve their arguments it leads to deepening blame and resentment" relationship expert Dr. Joanne Davila, PhD tells Bustle. To win arguments, be prepared to use evidence to show why you’re right. Sounds pretty necessary, right? Stonewalling — when a person completely shuts down or disengages in the middle of an argument without warning — makes your partner feel as though you’ve pulled the rug out from under them. Mintified felt our longing hearts, and has come up with these 11 lines you can use next time to just shut them up. Here are 11 good roasts to shut your friends up & win an argument. It could be your ex, it could be the aunty next door who is always pushing you to get married, or it could just be that one teacher or boss who gives you shit tonnes of work. No matter how I communicate it to him, he seems just dazed and lost. Go out to a coffee shop, or drive home from the restaurant. There's no denying knowing what to say, what not to say, and when to say it can make both your lives easier.