place the completed self-feeder in the pen with the hogs, and fill the pipes with commercial hog feed. I am always looking for new ways to feed my birds. DEAR JOAN: We had sunflower seedlings that were 2 feet high a few weeks ago, but our bird friends are eating the leaves.The birds are small, gray in color with yellow breasts — some kind of f… Stephanie Bradberry (author) from New Jersey on February 06, 2012: Hello Millionaire Tips. Use Acrylic tube for the feeder and it will be totally UV resistant. cathylynn99 from northeastern US on June 14, 2011: 1 steel yarn needle or small crochet hook. Voted up and useful. Reply A double bend will keep the water on the outside of the feeder which will help keep the seed dry. 126. This Day Is for the Birds. Acrylic lasts forever outdoors. on Step 1. Now I need to mark the holes for feeding. . Earning the top spot is a finch feeder that serves only finches. Half an hour later and he must have told his mates because we had a charm of 8 goldfinches around the feeder. So I would keep that in mind when you are cutting things down. It makes me feel like McGuyver a little bit. Thistle feeders can be a clear plastic tube feeder with very small dispensing holes. 126. Then bend the ends 90 degrees. Cut a straight piece about 13" long. Sheila Brown from Southern Oklahoma on March 20, 2013: Great idea! Cut a straight piece about 13" long. on Step 4. thistle seed is very tiny and the finch beak is very thin. 11 years ago About: TAP Plastics has been providing customers with unique fiberglass, plastic and related products since 1952. Buy some Thistle seed and enjoy some backyard wildlife. But for the shade areas this is a great idea I wish I had some shade to put some in I would make a bunch. I hope you are successful with your cutting and sewing. The store bought ones get filled from the top. I haven't counted 8 since, but there are usually some around in ones and twos. No other birds will eat at this feeder.and it is awesome to watch them land, swing over, and eat. Tip Stephanie Bradberry is a freelance writer and editor. Turn the sock right side out. You're done! Very cool. DIY Bird Feeder. A hacksaw would also work. 2 years ago Saved from To hang the feeder, use a wire coat hanger. I just discovered something about this feeder that is different from the store bought ones. Tie a knot to secure the thread to the needle. Thanks for the info, can't wait to try :). As for the finished size, I cut it so it was the standard size of a sock feeder...whatever that is. Thanks for the idea and directions! Push the rods through the 1/4" holes. Next I drilled 1/4" holes all the way through the tube at each of my marks. I needed a thistle seed feeder. Steps: Cut off 17 inches from the bottom of the laundry bag. This Day Is for the Birds. More information... People also love … I never have old seed to clean out of the feeder. Did you make this project? Continuing sewing around the corner of the bag to the bottom portion. We're big fans of TAP Plastics - you're our source for most of the plastic we use on internal projects! We all have used food tin cans just sitting there in the recyclables bin. Saved from They will see off any other nearby bird. Homemade Bird Feeders Diy Bird Feeder Finch Feeders Basket Crafts Make Your Own How To Make Backyard Birds In The Tree Bird Watching. Bend it into a 'U' shape. Tip on Step 8. Stephanie Bradberry (author) from New Jersey on June 14, 2011: carredsal, I am glad you think this is a good idea. Slip the bent ends into the two holes at the top of the feeder and bend them up further so they don't come out. Fold under about ½ inch in mesh on the bottom to form a more secure closure. Thistle feeders can be metal bird feeders with a small mesh screen. Then bend the ends 90 degrees. It took me less than 1/2 hour to make, and it works! I drilled 1/8" holes 2" above each of the big holes I just drilled. A single bend can direct rain water into the feeder because of the water surface tension and adhesion to the wire. So, the seed at the bottom just sits there and gets old and soggy. Hopefully they will take to this new feeder. I love thinking outside the box (even when it comes to feeding birds). The bird perches are already acrylic, so they are fine. This seed is chosen to attract colorful finches, whereas regular bird seed attracts the more common, less colorful birds. No, I didn’t need a sunflower bird feeder (I have one). You want to make sure you use something heavy like twine to sew up the sides and bottom so it will withstand the weather and weight better.

how to make a finch feeder sock

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