Huell visits Yosemite's high country for a walk through spectacular Tuolumne Meadows. Esperemos que una joya cinematográfica como esta no tenga un destino parecido a su predecesor soviético. It looks like we don't have a Synopsis for this title yet. Perhaps it's because of the freedom Bridgeman says he was granted by the film's producer — the controversial Emilio Azcarraga, owner of the widely reviled Mexican media giant Televisa — and, of course, it helps that Bridgeman doesn't have Joseph Stalin breathing down his neck. Movies. Hecho en México. Just below that it reads "Ticket Confirmation#:" followed by a 10-digit number. Director Duncan Bridgeman (1 Giant Leap, What About Me?) Tal vez eso es a causa de la libertad de expresión que, según Bridgeman, le fue otorgado por el productor Emilio Azcárraga, dueño de la cadena mexicana de medios Televisa. ENTER CITY, STATE OR ZIP CODE GO. Synopsis. You're almost there! Ciertamente ayuda que Bridgeman, a diferencia de Eisenstein, no tiene que lidiar con los arranque de furia de un tal José Stalin . We want to hear what you have to say but need to verify your email. Coming Soon. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! With Diego Luna, Kinky, Lila Downs, Molotov. Coming Soon. Mexican rock and pop band Zoé recently added their documentary to a number of films that capture the essence of Latin artists and music. Es algo que yo jamás hubiese esperado y el resultado es excelente. Hecho en Mexico Doc with Latin Rock Band Kinky. Watch; Shows; Support KCET; TV Schedule; Search; Donate ; Arts & Entertainment. Be the first to contribute! Title: USA: Documentary "Hecho en Mexico" explores the country's rich culture Date: 28th November 2012 Summary: LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES (NOVEMBER 27, 2012) (REUTERS) (SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) ACTOR SERGIO ARAU SAYING: "The fact that a foreigner made this film, gives it a certain coldness, a distance, if I would of done it or any Mexican, we would of chosen other people and maybe … It's also practically a musical; Bridgeman used to be a musician himself. With Bridgeman, Fainchtein — who has worked in political films and is an outspoken critic of the Televisa media monopoly — says we're bombarded daily by news of drug-related horror stories in Mexico, as well as immigration controversies accompanied by daunting images of walls and those who seek to scale them. Aún si no logran distribución en EE.UU., está destinada convertirse en un clásico del cine. They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. Interviews with Diego Luna, Lila Downs and others are included in an exploration of Mexico's rich musical heritage. The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing Hecho en Mexico near you. Yet at the core of the movie — and the director's stated intent — is the desire to go beyond the well-publicized problems that afflict Mexico, and to align the concerns of Mexicans with more universal issues of death, spirituality, modernity and gender relations. There are no featured audience reviews for Hecho En Mexico at this time. Coming Soon, Regal This 10-digit number is your confirmation number. It reduces them to anecdotes and statistics rather than allowing for realistic portraits of Mexicans as human beings: worried about issues like getting older, having children, falling in love. Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers. A pesar de todo eso, Hecho En México busca ir más allá de estos problemas que todos sabemos afectan a la nación, y de reflexionar sobre los problemas más universales con los que todos convivimos a diario: la mortalidad, la espiritualidad, la modernidad, las relaciones entre sexos. The film showcases the richness of Mexican music both young and old, from traditional music to pop rock and rap blended with interviews from Diego Luna, Lila Downs and many more leading personalities. Hecho En México se estrena en Los Ángeles el 30 de noviembre, y esta en negociaciones para ser distribuida a lo largo de los Estados Unidos. Fainchtein, who has worked as music producer for films such as Amores Perros, Babel, Maria Full of Grace and Precious, has pooled all her resources and compiled a stellar soundtrack. Please click the link below to receive your verification email. Pero a pesar de sus apasionadas intenciones, la película fue un fracaso total: sofocada por la censura del gobierno mexicano pos-revolucionario, acribillada por la ineficiencia de Eisenstein, y por la indiferencia de las compañías de cine estadounidenses. HECHO EN MEXICO is back for its second edition with six stunning new documentaries that reveal the communities, legacies, dreams, realities, and unseen forces shaping contemporary life in Mexico.. An extravagant former beauty queen. Durante su reciente visita a Alt.Latino esta semana, el director británico Duncan Bridgeman bromeó que por suerte Hecho En México ha tenido más suerte que el projecto de Eisenstein. Just leave us a message here and we will work on getting you verified. Regal Mexican singer Carla Morrison is featured in the movie Hecho en Mexico. and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango. Coming Soon. Hace mucho que no veo una película con una fotografía tan alucinante que hace justicia a la impactante visualidad México. Y en Estados Unidos, las pocas veces que recibimos noticias que no se tratan de esto, suelen ser notas acerca de la inmigración, acompañadas por imágenes dantescas de los muros y alambrados de la frontera y las personas que los atraviesan desesperadamente. The trailer for Hecho En Mexico, which opens in Los Angeles Nov. 30. and the Terms and Policies, Sin embargo, se lograron varias versiones cortas con el material que grabó Eisenstein, y en 1979 el director Grigori Alexandrov publicó la película con el título ¡Qué viva México!, el nombre que había propuesto Eisenstein desde un principio. Music, culture, and poetry blend together to create a portrait of contemporary Mexico in the new documentary “Hecho en Mexico.” While these are important issues, the lack of a more comprehensive view of Mexico strips everyday Mexicans of their basic humanity. Hecho en Mexico is a visually stunning, poetic and musically breathtaking new movie. Don’t worry, it won’t take long. Your Ticket Confirmation # is located under the header in your email that reads "Your Ticket Reservation Details". Don't have an account? Donate. La película Hecho En México no es la primera instancia en que un extranjero compone una oda cinematográfica al gigante latinoamericano. There are no approved quotes yet for this movie. Please enter your email address and we will email you a new password. Keep checking Rotten Tomatoes for updates! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Its unlikely collaborations between artists who represent most aspects of Mexican culture include controversial pop icon Gloria Trevi collaborating with indigenous folk musicians.