Rigidae With this Key, a little bit of practice, and learning a few new words, you will be able to easily key these wild mushrooms … 2. Cap variously colored, matte sect. Cap hairy Lentinellus ursinus Gills not as above 7, Mushroom hard-fleshed, white or staining on bruising or aging, Cap yellowish, smelling like marzipan when young, fetid when mature, Cap variously colored, matte sect. Partial veil present or absent but no ring on stem; at most only a band of colored fibrils on upper stem Cut in half if you still don't see a staining reaction. Agaricus augustus. If you already know the name of the taxon that you're looking for, you can search for it more quickly in the index to genera, Gills oozing milklike latex on breaking, Gills oozing orange, red or blue when broken; mushrooms turning greenish on, bruising sect. Telamonia, Cap & stem dry; gills red or orange sect. Mushrooms large, fleshy Mushrooms large, at base of trees; stem with white, ‘root’ Tricholomopsis platyphylla Clustered on wood Pleurotus, 13. 3. Field Book of Common Mushrooms - With a Key to Identification of the Gilled Mushroom and Directions for Cooking those that are Edible by William Sturgis Thomas. Lactarius, 7. Gills barely decurrent 2. Russulares Cap margin smooth Membranous ring present 4 Cap fleshy, stem fleshy to cartilaginous, small 12, Mushrooms large, at base of trees; stem with white, ‘root’, 12. Stem central 3, 3. Gills forked see Cantharellus Volvatae Russula, 6. Sanguinolenta Read more about MycoKey . Staining yellow on bruising 3. Rigidae, Cap mostly red, slimy, shiny sect. Cap not deliquescing 5, 5. There are roughly 15,000 types of wild fungi in the UK. Interactive Key to the Genera of Gilled Mushrooms. Spore print not greenish. Cup present about base of stem VOLVARIELLA Cap fleshy, stem rubbery, bendable MARASMIUS Armillaria tabescens Gills attached PHOLIOTA Cup absent but cap & stem showing remnants of universal veil, as tissue fragments, powder, 3. Note: Certain poroid fungi (e.g., Lenzites betulina, Gloeophyllum sepiarium) have pores which "break down" and form gill-like structures. Mushroom identification help. Partial veil present or absent but no ring on stem; at most only a band of colored fibrils on upper stem, 5. With this Key, a little bit of practice, and learning a few new words, you will be able to easily key these wild mushrooms … Xanthodermei, Staining red on peeling or bruising sect. . Gills oozing peppery or acrid white latex; mushrooms white to whitish, hard- fleshed Stem short, stublike, mostly lateral by Michael Kuo. The fleshy fungi are divided into two groups based on how the spores (microscopic sexual reproductive cells) are formed. Gills attached 3, 2. Mushrooms pinkish brown to tan; gills pinkish to lilac; spore print or the index to species by epithet Spore print white Vaginatae Stem rooting sect. balllike spheres Entoloma abortivum, BROWN-SPORED GILLED MUSHROOMS 1. 4. The other purpose served by having each page display a stack of previous choices is that it makes backtracking simpler. Cup membranous sect. Key to Pale-Spored, Gilled Mushrooms . Gills oozing white latex, turning pinkish; mushrooms with velvet like brown to beige May occur on ground, wood, or any other suitable, Once grown, many do not decay easily, remaining on the, They often grow on wood, although a few are. 1. It is impossible to list all the gilled mushroom found in the Pacific Northwest in this easy key. Ring (skirtlike or band of tissue) on stem OR saclike cup at base of stem or removable, patches of tissue on cap 3, 2.