Grafting with an American grape vine species; Chemical treatments, using Confidor Energy, Nuprid, Mospilan, Actara, Karate Zeon; This is a polyphagous pest which attack several plant species. As a result of the growth of these malformations, the tissues break open and several pests get into the plant. After the attack the skin turns brown and the berries break open. is it possible to send picture of the problem , all the flowers have turned rustic After the attack, the sprouts are sensitive to frost, the grapes no longer grow as they should and they have a low sugar quantity. If causes flower abortion and leaf and sprout wilting. Big and specific tumors grow on the trunk, small and coral shaped little tumors grow on the cordons. Two species of mealybugs, longtailed mealybug and citrus mealybug, are known to transmit grape leafroll viruses among grapevines in California vineyards. This makes its way into the marrow and destroys the bark of the roots. The plant’s growth is not affected. This pest feed on the plant’s cellular juice. The grapes need to be harvested later than usual if the plant is attacked by this fungus; Cutting the leaves around the grape branches to increase the air circulation; Chemical treatments, using Bravo 500 SC, Ortiva 250 SC, Rovral 500 SC, Teldor 500 SC, Switch 62.5 WG; The first symptoms can be seen once the first inflorescences appear. As the disease evolves, during summer the spots grow, turn brown-black and the affected tissues will have longitudinal cracks. As the disease evolves, the fruits will get covered by a grey mold. Grapevines have specific cultural requirements. Once honeydew-producing insects are suppressed, sooty molds will gradually weather away. Applying 2 chemical treatments: one during blossoming and the second one during the ripe phase of the grapes. This gets into the plants through stomates and cause new infections. The disease is transmitted through spores which get into the plant through different wounds resulted from maintenance works. As the disease evolves, the leaves twist alongside the veins. This acari exclusively attack the grape vine leaves. The leaves can also be affected and they can have the same symptoms as the sprouts. The grape vine is a creeper plant which is part of the Vitaceae family. It is not uncommon to find deep- and shallow-lobed leaves on the same vine. How Long Can Grapes Sit After Being Picked? The red grape species have red leaves and the white grape species have yellow leaves as a result of the disease. Therefore, small and pointy spots can be seen on the leaves, next to which, the tissues turn brown. The affected trunks will become dry after 4 years of infection. Did you apply any fungicide? This disease is specific to the crops which are not taken care of, where no phytosanitary protection measures have been taken. The attack of the leaves is insignificant, only alerting the pest’s presence. This disease normally attacks during hot and dry period of times. This disease is frequent on the clay and moist soils and it spends the winter as sclerotium inside the soil or on the affected roots. If you have removed the red bark, it is recommended to wait. During autumn, the plants are more resilient to the attack of this disease. It causes damage to the leaves and inflorescences. Most of the damage is caused by the attack on the roots. Sometimes, on the affected organs, greasy spots appear, which give the plant a mosaic aspect. The virus is transmitted through the European fruit lecanium and through the infected vegetal material. Products to be used: Champ, Funguran, Melody Compact; During the vegetation, treatments using Verita or Mikal Flash; The leaves of the affected plants are small, bleached and they fall off prematurely.