• Apocalyptic asteroid will hit in the next decade and space agencies are covering it up, says biblical scholar The Cosmic and Spiritual Significance of December 21, 2020. * FREE postage orders over $200 I also felt compelled to follow Steve’s urging to spread the news. He has urged people to share this news far and wide, for it seems the prophecy can only be fulfilled with our input. Mon Dec 21. Pin 103. The Dawn of the Age of Aquarius is really coming! For the last 200 years, the Great Conjunction has occurred almost always in earth signs, but now, on December 21, 2020… After receiving identical information about the prophecy from several unrelated Aboriginal Elder sources over the past 3 years, Steven Strong of ‘Forgotten Origins’, decided to reveal it. Okay, so… doomsday prophecies, like the ones we have read about in the past in July and September of 2016, the three predictions in January of 2017, again in February, twice in May, and December, then again in January, April and July of 2018, and yet again in June, October and November of 2019, as well as in February and June of 2020, have failed to actually materialize. • Humans could become extinct in the near future and most people don’t really care, says new study "December 21, 2020, during the great conjunction when Jupiter and Saturn come within 0.1 degrees of one another and create the brightest star in the skies since the star of Bethlehem. Ignore the fact that December 21, 2020 also just so happens to be Begley’s birthday. “It’s going to be on December 21, 2020. Three Big Events Dec. 21, 2020 Change Everything Forever: 1. Special Report: the U.N. group that reveres 'Lucifer' Saints of the day Mass readings Medjugorje Message Prayer of promises Mary's Calendar, November Prayer Requests. Posted by The Truth November 16, 2020 November 16, 2020 Posted in Uncategorized. You are here: Home; World; Winter Solstice ; The Winter Solstice marks the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year (in the Northern Hemisphere), all thanks to the tilt of the earth. * $15 flat-rate postage on all other orders, International Orders • Planet X Is Still Coming To End The World, World Leaders Are Just Covering It Up, Say ‘Experts’ Newsletter 3:  Uluru Prophecy – More Information. Regardless of whether or not something extraordinary does come to pass on Decemeber 21st, 2020, I believe our Planet can only benefit from the union of our energy towards a common high-intentional goal. At their closest, they’ll be only 0.1 degrees apart. “It will be the closest Jupiter and Saturn have been since 1623 and it won’t even come that closes again for another 500 years. 1K Shares. * Postage calculated at Checkout. December 21, 2020 ?! • The University of Oxford has disturbing news about the chance of human extinction within the next year Significant Spiritual Days for December 2020. Planetary Liberation I recently became aware of some potentially Planet-transforming information related to the fulfillment of an ancient Australian Aboriginal Prophecy on December 21st 2020. Previously… The response to the three newsletters I have since sent out on the topic, reveals how deeply this Prophecy is resonating with many people. Earth will approach closest to both these gas-giant planetsin July–something astronomers call planetary opposition. “December 21, 2020, during the great conjunction when Jupiter and Saturn come within 0.1 degrees of one another and create the brightest star in the skies since the star of Bethlehem. Heads Up, An Asteroid From A Hidden Planet Is Going Hit Earth Causing A Devastating Tsunami NEXT MONTH! • Doesn’t Matter Who’s President, Because A Rogue Planet Is Heading For Earth To ‘Destroy All Human Life’. 2020, November 19: The crescent moon is 5,4° to the lower left of Saturn, while Jupiter is 3.3° to the lower right of the Ringed Wonder. Look toward the southwest about one hour after sunset. on december 21, 2020 our entire galaxy will move into the fifth dimension, also known as, the new age of aquarius and, the sixth golden age! I will continue to share whatever further information comes my way in regard to the Uluru event. “And they made a prediction if this wasn’t the end of the world today, certainly my birthday will come again,” he continued. Our Planet is about to go through a HUGE Metamorphosis and SHIFT in the coming months. The Daily Express reports Pastor Begley said, “Of course, the Mayan elders said this could have been the end of the world today. “Well, they obviously made a mistake on December 21, 2012, so they said maybe today would be the end of the world.”. Spiritual Significance of December 21, 2020 All of the cosmic energy this year has been leading us to the closing of a massive karmic cycle for the planet. Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. I recently became aware of some potentially Planet-transforming information related to the fulfillment of an ancient Australian Aboriginal Prophecy on December 21st 2020. 1K Shares. I am sure that as we move closer to the time (I am writing this on October 6, 2020) that I will have more insights that come through. With that out of the way, it’s now time to pay heed to prominent Christian evangelist Paul Begley who says the Mayans got it all wrong when they tried to predict the end of the world. • Planet X Nibiru Will Appear On April 23 To Signify The End Of The World, So Plan Accordingly Let us therefore, send all our Love, Good Intention, and Gratitude to Uluru at 9.02pm Northern Territory time, Australia,  on December 21st, in the hope that a mass awakening of humanity may ensue.

december 21, 2020 spiritual

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