Quantum mechanics covers the whole of classical mechanics as well, but in the macroscopic limit both become equivalent. The other answers are amazing and describes the distinction between classical Mechanics and QM really well. Others have noted that unintuitive nature of QM but if you lay that aside the math for QM is really not that difficult. Quantum Mechanics addresses questions where Classical Mechanics failed miserably. For example discretized energy states become so close, that you can thing of them as a continuum of states. One of The first critical questions, was why electrons can orbit a nucleus while not giving off electromagnetic waves and crashing into the nucleus. Overview Classical and Damped Motion. Classical mechanics is about macroscopic things. The classical theory of mechanics is a theory that describes the motion of a macroscopic object. Although classical mechanics breaks down when applied to determining the behaviour of tiny objects such as electrons, protons, etc, it has been providing correct answers to mechanical phenomena at the macroscopic level. Therefore, at this level, quantum theory should be consistent with classical mechanics. The events of the movement are predictable according to classical theory. Checkout some of the older threads below for more insight. … Is there anythingρ can’t do? Classical Mechanics vs Quantum Mechanics Gert van der Zwan August 2, 2014. Statistical mechanics can be employed to consider many, quantum or classical, like systems and how they evolve. Classical mechanics came a few hundred years before Quantum mechanics. However, no answer has mentioned something which is really essential to the very foundation of QM itself. QM provided the answer and a new way to look at nature. Despite being outdated, Classical mechanics can still be used for many everyday problems with bigger and slower moving objects. Classical and Quantum mechanics are the two main fields of mechanics in physics. The type of macroscopic object may vary from projectiles to astronomical objects such as space crafts. Subsequently it is less accurate and less reliable then the more recent mechanic field of Quantum mechanics.