Young wood is easiest to root, while roots and suckers are also excellent choices for mesquite cutting propagation. Many spontaneous hybrids have appeared naturally which display qualities of both ancestors. The dry wood will burn slowly and hot with very little smoke. For instance, the Chilean mesquite isn’t as tolerant of winter temperatures in Arizona. The Chilean mesquite has been widely planted in the Southwest and readily cross pollinates with the native species. And its importance is undeniable—mesquite wood is used for furniture, its flowers provide bees with nectar and pollen, and many homeowners rely on at least one for shade. The pods, wood and bark of the mesquite trees are very popular to use for barbeques. Its leaves are 4-7.5 cm long, compound, each with several pairs of pinnate leaflets. Growing mesquite trees from cuttings also guarantees a clone of the parent plant, where seed grown trees exhibit genetic variation. Native Americans throughout its range used the trees for food fiber and implements. However, growing mesquite trees from cuttings may be easier and quicker. It has a very unique aroma. Mesquite has an extremely long tap root capable of reaching deep underground. It branches freely and its wood is hard and reddish, with brown and fissured bark. It has a shallow and spreading root system. The Chilean mesquite (Prosopis chilensis (Molina) Stuntz) is a small to medium-sized legume tree up to 12 m in height and 1 m in diameter.

chilean mesquite wood

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