Floods are a great threat to the living things; floods also make way for mosquitoes to thrive thereby leading to all communicable diseases such as malaria, Dengue etc. Floods cause mass destruction. Agricultural lands are destroyed due to crops being submerged in water. Surge floods are floods that occur in the coast regions due to surges and tidal changes that occur in the sea or ocean. Post flood, there is a huge risk in the spreading of water borne diseases. iii. Similarly, we have river floods in which the areas around a river are flooded due to the swelling of the river. Another primary factor of Flood is increase in the atmospheric temperature i.e., Global Warming. Your email address will not be published. They can even happen any time of the year, not just in winter. The need to control floods in the country is paramount (supreme). Flood barriers can be used as a defense during Flood crisis. In such cases clogged drainages lead to even more flooding of the area. These may be kept empty for the absorption of rainwater or glacier flow. Rivers overflow due to heavy rains that increase water levels in rivers beyond its capacity therefore resulting in floods. Rising sea levels and the overflowing river. It likewise devastated 11,827 hectares of products and demolished the occupation of 300,000 fishermen. Destruction of property and infrastructure negatively affects the economy of the region affected and economic activities are at a standstill due to disrupted livelihoods. They spare neither villages nor towns nor cities. Hence there is a need to know about them so as to understand and analyse what can be done in order to minimise such destruction in future years. Any dry land filled by excess water is called flood. Taking this into account we have come up with long essays for children to help them understand this otherwise natural disaster. This can happen if the quantity of rainfall is a lot more than the capacity of the drainage system. Another type of floods is fluvial floods that occurs due to overflow of rivers. Dams are constructed to be able to hold the water that is flowing downwards from an area of land that is higher. If the dams get broken sometimes, it is likely to lead to flood. It has a lot of harmful consequences. Flood, simply put is an overflow of water from several sources. Flooding can also happen as a result of water overflowing from bodies of water like lakes, oceans and rivers. Owing to the excessive development work which we have been carried out and harming the environment, too many rivers have diverted from their natural courses. Soybeans, corn, rice, and cotton are planted in the Mississippi River area in the spring when flooding occurs. There is a lot more to it. Required fields are marked *. The level of flood can vary a lot – from a few inches to a level that goes up to meters high like a roof level of a house. This is due to the amount of water that rivers bring with them, because of heavy rainfall or melting snow in the mountainous regions. Floods are mainly happening there due to the lack of drainage In conclusion, it is evident that floods are destructive. Governments around the world can reduce the risk of flooding by building a solid drainage system. They wreck houses, particularly kuccha houses in the villages. On the whole, floods cause multiple hardships and turn the livelihood of affected people upside-down. Sometimes, excessive water can be released intentionally by the dam to stop the dam from breaking which also results in flood but the flood from the intentional release of water isn’t as harsh as that from the dam breaking. Pluvial floods are caused by surface water as a result of heavy rainfall. Floods cause large-scale death of human beings and animals and destruction of property, crops, trees and vegetation. Global warming leads to an increase in temperature of oceans, which in turn leads to more and stronger hurricanes and tropical storms since hurricanes get their energy from the seawater.. The dam can sometimes break when they can’t hold a large quantity of water and this causes the areas nearby to experience flooding. The bottom line remains the fact that we should all try and minimize the negative impact we are having on the environment. All electronic and digital communication seizes. Firstly, the main cause of floods is, of course, excessive (too much) rainfall on the mountains and in the catchment areas. Global warming: Owing to the increase in global temperature, the ice cap is melting and the increased level of water in the river bed is going to cause a flood. Flood waters also strip the ground of needed nutrients. Some of these are the Gangetic plains, coastal Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, Brahmaputra valley and South Gujarat. Thirdly, there are breaches in the existing dams or water reservoirs causing the inundation (flooding) of wide areas, destruction of whole villages and towns. Floods mostly disrupt the normalcy of living things on the planet. The most common calamities that our country faces are storms and floods.According to PAGASA, flood is a natural hydrological phenomenon. Flood is one of the recurring natural disasters which is an outcome of above average rainfall and accumulation of excessive water in every living area. Global warming is associated with intense climatic changes like heavy storms, snowing and raised sea water levels. Heavy rains: owing to climate changes, many a times, it so happen that it rains torrentially. Last year I added a new habit of reading books to by daily rituals. There are a lot of causes of flood; a few of them are discussed below: As discussed earlier, flood is mostly caused by an extended period of rain. First, they can destroy houses and make them inhabitable. The rain happened some time before the start of rainstorm season, getting numerous off guard. For me, my family and friends are everything. Don’t forget to share it! Floods may occur due to overflow of water from the reservoirs or due to heavy down pour of rain in places where the drainage systems are not properly maintained. To ensure the meteorological departments are well equipped to provide flood warnings to the indicated zones.