Of course, always use caution when mixing fish. Freshwater Parrot Fish Compatibility. Average Adult Fish Size: 20cm / 8Inches. Scientific name: Parrot Cichlid. Hardiness: Easy; Minimum tank size: 50 gallons; Water temperature: 75 to 82°F; Blood Parrot Cichlid Profile. Breeders do not disclose the secret of breeding this species because it brings good income to the owners of fish farms and they rake good money when they sell these beautiful fishes! Table of Contents . Typical Tank setup: Planted aquarium with plenty of open swimming spaces. If you see any aggression being done, simply separate the fish. aquarium size for parrot fish blood tank mail parrot cichlid tank size parrot fish aquarium size parrotfish mail parrot fish tank size size of a parrot fish in aquarium tank size for parrot fish tropical parrot fish size what size tank should a 3 inch br parrot fish be kept in click to view entries! The blood parrot cichlid is a hybrid aquarium fish species around which notable controversy exists. Blood Parrot Cichlid Fish Facts: Adult size: Grow up to 10 inches; Average fish life span: up to 3 years with proper care; Origin: Crossbreeding between several different Central American Cichlids; Diet: Flake food, pellets, bloodworms or live brine shrimp. The truth is… if it can fit in your blood parrots mouth, it will be lunch! Common name: Parrot Cichlid, Blood Parrot Cichlid. Produced by crossing the midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus) and the redhead cichlid (Paraneetroplus synspilus), the blood parrot cichlid's genetic mixture has left the fish with a combination of physical traits that compromise the fish's ability to thrive. Below are a few blood parrot tank mates that can possibly be housed together with your blood parrot. Blood Parrot tank mates may have schooling requirements that should be kept in mind when selecting the final size of your aquarium. When it comes to determining Blood Parrot Cichlid tank mates you need to keep in mind … We have found that a tank size of 30-gallons for a single Blood Parrot is minimal, adding 10-gallons for each additional tank mate. Place of Origin: American Cichlids. Also, you are going to want to get fish that are bigger than the size of your blood parrots mouth. 10 gallon parosphromenus deissneri breeder. trending. Blood Parrot Cichlid is a hybrid fish that does not exist in nature. Recommended Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 250 Litres.