bacalao translation in Spanish - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'bacalao',baca',bacanal',bacilo', examples, definition, conjugation Some of these are: bacalhau (salgado) (Portuguese), bacalao salado (Spanish), bakailao (Basque), bacallà salat i assecat or bacallà salat (Catalan), μπακαλιάρος, bakaliáros (Greek), Klippfisch (German), cabillaud (French), baccalà (Italian), bakalar (Croatian), bakkeljauw (Dutch), bakaljaw (Maltese), makayabu (Central and East Africa), and kapakala (Finnish). It’s eaten at special events and at important annual meals – particularly at Christmas, Good Friday, and … Pacific Ocean's groundfish, the Pacific cod is also known as grey cod, true cod or P-cod. Translation for 'bacalao' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. What is it about this salty, … Ce restaurant propose une grande variété de produits de mer, du poissons. El bacalao es, desde el punto de vista económico, la especie más valiosa del Mar Báltico. first appears on a chart in 1508, but there are earlier accounts of, une carte en 1508, mais il y avait eu auparavant déjà des mentions de cette, Domingo de Repetición, a very traditional event held on the. of seafood, but some varieties to consider are: tilapia (white frozen fish), Les Hispaniques ne sont pas réputés pour être de grands consommateurs de fruits, variétés sont à envisager, notamment le tilapia (poisson blanc surgelé), le, , paleros and abakuás (adherents of religions of African origin) in today’s Cuba are not the. Bacalhau is the Portuguese word for cod and—in a culinary context—dried and salted cod. HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource. , known as “Chacha”, cannot be forgotten. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Translation for: 'arroz con bacalao' in Spanish->French dictionary. Dorther stammt auch die Soße Ppil-pil. It works well with ingredients like rice and potatoes, and bacalao … All rights reserved. , etc. Many recipes contain the fish, and it’s usually the main part of the recipe. Auf baskische Art schmeckt Bacalao besonders apart. Cookies help us deliver our services. This restaurant offers a wide variety of all kinds of seafood: fish. El bacalao representa el 10% de todo el pescado desembarcado anualmente en Irlanda del Norte. bacalao noun, masculine (plural: bacalaos m) cod n (almost always used) Los pescadores han salido a pescar bacalao. European Spanish: bacalao; Finnish: turska; French: cabillaud; German: Kabeljau; Greek: μπακαλιάρος; Italian: merluzzo; Japanese: タラ; Korean: 대구; Norwegian: torsk; Polish: dorsz; European Portuguese: bacalhau; Romanian: cod pește; Russian: треска; Latin American Spanish: bacalao; Swedish: torsk; Thai: ปลาคอด; Turkish: morina balığı 2 cups thinly sliced yellow onions. 1 tablespoon chopped garlic. Salt Fresh cod is referred to as bacalhau fresco. On this occasion, let's go beyond Mexico to find out what is served on the tables of other Latin American countries. Alkorta Alkorta is working on the new facilities of the Industrial area of Albitxuri. Whether it’s a Spanish “bacalao” recipe, Italian “baccala”, Portuguese “bacalhau”, French “morue” or West Indian “salt fish”, there are some amazing recipes out there. All Free. Over 100,000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases. », le «palero» ou l’«abakuá» cubain d’aujourd’hui est très différent de ce qu’il était à. néocoloniale, c’est-à-dire analphabète ou sous-scolarisé, marginalisé et confiné dans les métiers ou professions les plus dégradants. a la Vizcaína (Biscayne style cod), two dishes. Bacalao is a dried and salted cod, though the French use the term to refer to unsalted cod. during the festive season in Mexico. del Pacífico France : morue du Pacifique Grèce : siko Islande : del Pacifico Japon : tara, madara Pays-Bas : Pacifische kebeljauw Portugal : bacalhau-do-Pacifico Suède : stillahavstorsk Un des poissons de fond les plus recherchés du Pacifique Nord est la morue du Pacifique, aussi appelée « morue grise » en Europe. Doch auch wenn sich die Zutatenliste denkbar einfach liest: die Zubereitung braucht etwas Fingerspitzengefühl und vor allem Kraft in den Armen. 1 1/2 pounds 1 1/2 pounds salt cod. in the illiterate and undereducated neocolonial republic, when they were marginalized and confined to the lowest jobs and occupations. cortar el bacalao translation french, Spanish - French dictionary, meaning, see also 'cortar el bacalao',cortarse la coleta',cortar el paso a',Cortar el folio', example … Deselect All. Bacalao definition, codfish, especially when dried and salted. See more translations and examples in context for "bacalao" or search for more phrases including "bacalao": To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. the coast of Labrador as Ilha de Bacalhao and Tierra del, Plusieurs cartographes désignent Terre-Neuve et une partie de, sous les noms de Ilha de Bacalhao et Tierra del. The word “papas” in some Latin American countries is used colloquially to refer to “magnificent forms of breast and buttocks” and the phrase “tu bacalao con papas” can mean a slender body of girl with a … On ne peut pas oublier Estéban Domingo Vega. Den Stockfisch lieben die Spanier. Das frühere Armeleuteessen gilt als Delikatesse. Il y a quelques jours, nous avons dédié un article à la, et aux romeritos, qui donnent une saveur spéciale. Bacalao ist eingesalzener und getrockneter Kabeljau. Cod is the economically most valuable fish species in the Baltic Sea. fêtes au Mexique, mais en cette occasion, nous sommes allés plus loin pour savoir ce que l'on trouve au menu dans d'autres pays d'Amérique Latine et nous commencerons par le Pérou. With Reverso you can find the Spanish translation, definition or synonym for bacalao and thousands of other words.
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