Suppose my machine takes a person as an input and turns them into someone who isn't a liar. The argument would be the exact and concrete input I put into my car. Command line argument is an important concept in C programming. It counts the file name as the first argument. Perhaps you would like to have a function that will accept any number of values and then return the average. In my case, the argument would be: 40 litres of unleaded petrol/gasoline. Call by value is the default method of passing parameters in C. Different memories are allocated for the formal and actual parameters. It is important to note that the value of argc should be greater than or equal to 0. agrv: It refers to “argument vector”. There are 2 components of Command Line Argument in C: argc: It refers to “argument count”. In logic and philosophy, an argument is a series of statements (in a natural language), called the premises or premisses (both spellings are acceptable), intended to determine the degree of truth of another statement, the conclusion. C Program to Pass Arguments as Call by Value An argument is a particular and specific example of an input. Command Line Argument in C. Command line argument is a parameter supplied to the program when it is invoked. In this case, display() uses both the default parameters c = '*' and n = 1. display('#') is called with only one argument… Variable Argument Lists in C using va_list. Command line arguments are passed to the main() method. Syntax: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) The parameters must be valid C identifiers, separated by commas and optionally whitespace. The family of functions is an example of functions that use variable argument lists.printfargument-declaration-list. Functions with variable arguments. To access arguments after those declared, use the macros contained in the standard include file as described below. No argument passed: *** First argument passed: ### Both arguments passed: $$$$$ Here is how this program works: display() is called without passing any arguments. The first argument is the file name always. By Alex Allain. e.g. Let's see the example of command line arguments where we are passing one argument with file name. Any change in the formal parameters of the function have no effect on the value of actual argument. One way you could make the function would be … You don't know how many arguments will be passed in to the function. The argv[] contains the total number of arguments. Example 3 - Elaboration on Arguments. Example. Here, argc counts the number of arguments. Function-like macros can take arguments, just like true functions.To define a macro that uses arguments, you insert parameters between the pair of parentheses in the macro definition that make the macro function-like. 3.3 Macro Arguments. It is mostly used when you need to control your program from outside. It is the first parameter that we use to store the number of command line arguments.