Raiden inszenierte die Soul-Stealer-Geschichte selbst, um Shujinko beseitigen zu lassen, weil Shujinko die Schuld für Onagas Rückkehr trägt. Shujinko, led to believe he was working for the greater good, joins the others opposing Onaga. Als Erwachsener trägt er deutlich längere Haare und bindet sie zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammen. Both villains apparently survived the events of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance; Shao Kahn by the use of a clone, and Goro was saved on the battlefield by Kahn after having been left for dead by his allies. In the final events of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Raiden's Earthrealm warriors had failed to stop the Deadly Alliance. Single player, Multiplayer Später kann man den jungen Shujinko auch spielen, allerdings nur, wenn man das Spiel hackt. Der Spieler kann mehr oder weniger frei entscheiden, wann er welche Mission startet oder welche Welt er besucht. From there, Quan Chi and Tsung combined their powers to defeat Raiden, with Quan Chi levitating the helpless Thunder God and Tsung using a fireball to strike Raiden down. Mortal Kombat: Deception – Hara Kiri Suicides Theater (All Hara Kiri Video) [thx to mkfan786] Mortal Kombat: Deception – Death Trap Theater (All Death Traps Video) [thx to DKLacy] UNLOCKABLE CHARACTERS. Als Jugendlicher erscheint Schujinko mit kurzen, schwarzen Haaren und trägt einfache, rote und braune Kleidung. Mit fortschreitendem Alter erlangt Shujinko mehr und mehr Weisheit, trägt jedoch auch die Schuld für Onagas Rückkehr in das Reich der Lebenden. Shujinko ist der erste Charakter der Mortal Kombat-Serie, den man von Kindesalter an zu sehen bekommt. Er reist durch verschiedene Welten und erlernt Kampftechniken von verschiedenen Kämpfern. October 4, 2004 (PS2, Xbox), February 28, 2005 (GameCube) To win, your opponent will have squares stacked up all the way to the top of the opponents' screen. Stage Fatalities are always executed at close range. Seinen einzigen Auftritt hat er nach Cassie Cages Ende: Nachdem Cassie Shinnok besiegt hat, bekommt sie von Raiden den Auftrag, einen Soul Stealer, also einen Seelenräuber aufzuspüren und ihn zu töten. He had the upper hand for most of the fight, besting Tsung and Quan Chi, until Tsung absorbed a soul from the Soulnado and knocked him down with a fireball. Quan Chi knew that the Dragon King had come to claim his amulet. ", the character proceeds to kill themselves without input. Meet all the classic Mortal Kombat characters while exploring six different realms and collect fighting experience with the warrior Shujinko. Fighting Außerdem fordert Shujinko in Damashis Auftrag die Götterältesten heraus. In jungen Jahren wurde er von Onaga betrogen und für seine Zwecke benutzt. Those fighters not killed in the battle against the Deadly Alliance (Li Mei, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kenshi and Bo' Rai Cho) must now stand against him and his supporters. Gegen Ende des Spiels tritt Shujinko in einer langen, beige-farbenen Robe in Erscheinung, außerdem trägt er wieder lange Haare, erneut zu einem Pferdeschwanz zusammengebunden. And that ruler had returned: Onaga, former emperor of Outworld, the Dragon King. Mode(s) Nach seiner rituellen Reinigung durch Nightwolf, trägt Shujinko eine Rüstung und eine Glatze. Defying the Elder Gods' wishes, he alone challenged Quan Chi and Shang Tsung in Mortal Kombat, Earthrealm's last hope for freedom. Er reist durch verschiedene Welten und erlernt Kampftechniken von verschiedenen Kämpfern. Es gibt verschiedene mögliche Erklärungen für Shujinkos Auftritt, welche im folgenden erläutert wird: Ob Shujinko nach Cassies Ende stirbt, kann nicht mit Sicherheit bejaht werden, da Shujinko nach Abschluss der Sequenz zwar schwer verletzt am Boden liegt, aber noch am Leben ist. Möglicherweise wurde Shujinko auch aus eigenem Willen zum Soul Stealer. Also the Stage Fatality where the opponent is eaten by piranhas is probably the most memorable stage fatality to me aside from the Pit. Bold indicates this arena must be unlocked. (Note: in the GameCube version, Noob-Smoke is playable without unlocking.). As suspicion and lust for power overcame both Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, the former allies turned on each other. The all new Custom Character Variations give you unprecedented control to customize the fighters and make them your own. Raiden wusste, dass Shujinko ein Soul Stealer geworden ist und lässt Cassie die "Arbeit" erledigen, damit unschuldige Seelen nicht mehr verschlungen werden können. Shujinko gibt sein Debüt in Mortal Kombat: Deception als Protagonist. Ultimately, the Deadly Alliance itself (Shang Tsung and Quan Chi) had completed their plan. Reiko ist ein finster aussehender Mann mit einem Hang zur Brutalität. Now Onaga has what he needs to shape the Realms as he sees fit. Onaga only reveals his identity and intentions after Shujinko has gathered all the Kamidogu. In Mortal Kombat (2011), the Stage Fatality is achieved by forcing the victim's head into the lava, burning the unfortunate soul's face off with their eye sockets leaking molten rock, screaming in horrible agony. Im Arcade-Modus ist Shujinko während des ersten Kapitels des Konquest-Modus als "junger" Shujinko spielbar. Only I can destroy this threat, born of deception.". Shujinkos Cameoauftritt wurde (und wird) in der Fanszene diskutiert. Shujinkos guter Wille wird von Damashi, Onagas Telegraf in Form einer Lichterscheinung, ausgenutzt, beispielsweise opfert er die Stadt Lei Chen an Hotaru oder benutzt sein Kriegermedaillon, um die Gunst der Lin Kuei für sich zu gewinnen. Erwähnenswert ist hierbei, dass Shujinko sogar den kontrovers diskutierten Kämpfer Meat antreffen kann. Shujinko ist der Protagonist des Konquest-Modus aus Mortal Kombat: Deception. 1. Puzzle Kombat: A mode where you can play a game that is similar to tetris. The character Noob-Smoke switches character models instead of fighting styles (Noob Saibot fights with Monkey style, Smoke with Mi Tzu), with no weapons style. When you try to steal a square from one of your enemies, you will fight that opponent for the square. Während man Shujinko im Konquest-Modus spielt, wird Shujinko von den Dorfbewohnern mit den Worten „Möge Raiden der Herr dich beschützen!“ begrüßt. Raiden’s sacrifice was in vain, for the blast had little effect on the Dragon King. Mortal Kombat: Deception precedes Shaolin Monks (in release date only) and follows Deadly Alliance. Mortal Kombat Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Shujinko ist der Protagonist des Konquest-Modus aus Mortal Kombat: Deception. Mortal Kombat enthält zum Teil äußerst explizite Gewaltdarstellungen, … Obwohl man Shujinko während des Spielverlaufs altern sieht und Jahre vergehen, altert außer ihm selbst keiner der anderen Mortal Kombat-Kämpfer. Er ist ein Abenteurer, der als Junge davon geträumt hat, eines Tages gegen Shang Tsung kämpfen zu können. BBFC: 18ESRB: Mature (M) In the end, only Raiden himself stood between Earthrealm and total destruction. Er hatte sein Debüt in Mortal Kombat 4. Zeitleiste: Gut > Böse (unfreiwillig), Im Konquest-Modus schließt Shujinko sich im jungen Alter dem. Welcome to Mortal Kombat Warehouse, the most complete Mortal Kombat source on the web., Characters are more specialized as well, boasting unique (though sometimes held over from. The characters that are included in this mode are: The arenas that are included in this mode are: The Krypt has exactly 400 koffins to unlock. Reiko ist ein Charakter der Mortal Kombat-Reihe. ", "Drink milk, get plenty of sleep, listen to your parents, do your homework. Es gelingt ihr, den Soul Stealer ausfindig zu machen; sie stellt und besiegt ihn. Special editions of the game would have one of five characters featured on their covers, along with a metallic card of the character: Characters in the Netherrealm and Chaosrealm are shown to talk backwards while interacting with Shujinko in Konquest Mode. Zudem ist er Mitglied des White Lotus und bestitzt die Fähigkeit, wochenlang zu meditieren. Mortal Kombat: Deception is the sixth installment in the Mortal Kombat series. The Dragon King had indeed returned to Outworld to reclaim his army and impose his dominance. Nach Shujinkos erster Begegnung mit Damashi erhält Shujinko übernatürliche Kräfte „von den Göttern“. Stage Fatalities will always work in the middle of the arena, no matter whether your opponent is facing the center or the corner. Lumber Mill; Meteor Storm; Outworld Spire; Pyramid of Argus Death awaited all who stood in his way. So zeigt Reiko ein starkes Verlangen, Herrscher über Outworld zu werden. Er wurde eingeführt als eine Version des Ninjas der Reihe. Als der Soul Stealer halb tot und geschlagen auf dem Boden liegt, fragt Cassie ihm nach seinem Namen, woraufhin der weise aussehende Mann mit "Shujinko" antwortet. In Konquest Mode, if you run fast enough and hit A to open a door, you'll walk through the wall into the house. The Deadly Alliance had won. Mortal Kombat Deception - Opening Sequence, Mortal Kombat: Deception opening sequence, "It was not by chance that this struggle came to be. Seine neuen Kräfte erlauben Shujinko, die Fähigkeiten anderer Kämpfer zu kopieren. ", "Reiko is not Shao Kahn, though sometimes, he secretly wears the emperor's helmet. Mortal Kombat: Deception - Konquest Mode Guide. While mostly an adventure game, the combat elements all took place in the normal Deception fighting mode. ", The game was also referenced during an interaction between. Weil Shujinko die Schuld für Onagas Rückkehr trägt, aber gleichzeitig keine Möglichkeit mehr für eine Wiedergutmachung sah, schlug er sich auf die Seite der "Bösen", weil auch die "guten" Kämpfer nichts mehr mit ihm zu tun haben wollten. Personally my favorite stage is the Yin Yang Island from Mortal Kombat Deception. Chess Kombat: A mode where you can use characters as chess pieces including Leader, Champion, Sorcerer, Shifter, and Grunt. Even with Tsung, and then Raiden, helping him, they could not stop Onaga. Raiden, was defeated. Im Laufe des Spiels kann man viele Kämpfer aus Mortal Kombat antreffen. Cassie macht sich, im Glauben, es sei Shang Tsung, auf den Weg. Weapon impalements are no longer in the game, due to the introduction of death traps. Kitana, Kung Lao, Jax, Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage were defeated during their battle against the Tarkatan warriors, Frost was consumed by her own freezing ability and put into the tombs of the Cryomancers, and Sub-Zero was trapped in Outworld, trying to find the portal back to Earthrealm. Raiden fought well against the two sorcerers, and it seemed as though victory was at hand. The new graphics engine showcasing every skull-shattering, eye-popping moment, brings you so close to the fight you can feel it. Rating(s) You should be right next to your opponent. To look up the list of koffins, click on Mortal Kombat: Deception/Cheats. Mortal Kombat is back and better than ever in the next evolution of the iconic franchise. Shujinkos Cameoauftritt in Mortal Kombat X. This category shows all the arenas that appeared in Mortal Kombat: Deception This category should contain stages that originate from, or are based on aspects of, the Mortal Kombat series. However Mortal Kombat X is the first Mortal Kombat game to introduce additional positioning conditions. In the final events of Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Raiden's Earthrealm warriors had failed to stop the Deadly Alliance. Mortal Kombat: Deception Beetle Lair; Chamber of Artifacts; Dark Prison; Dragon King's Temple; Dragon Mountain; Falling Cliffs; Golden Desert; Hell's Foundry; Liu Kang's Tomb; Lower Mines; Nethership Interior; Nexus; Sky Temple; Slaughterhouse; Yin Yang Island; Introduced in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. So besaß er unter anderem die Kampftechniken von Liu Kang, Sindel, Sub-Zero, und Scorpion. Zudem ist Shujinko mit Hotaru, dem Wächter der Seidan, eng befreundet. Raiden concentrated his godlike essence into a single blast, which destroyed the palace and everything within, but Onaga was unharmed, and possessed the amulet. Konquest explored the history of Shujinko, starting prior to his training with Bo' Rai Cho and ending with the beginning of Deception. In disbelief, Quan Chi looked in shock and in great horror... Onaga, the Dragon King, had returned. Despite Tsung's efforts, Quan Chi proved too much for him., Orig. Mortal Kombat Wiki ist eine FANDOM-Videospiele-Community. The blame falls squarely upon my shoulders for giving evil the chance it needed and therefore fulfilling an ancient prophecy. Midway Im Gegenzug dazu ist seine Defensive eher schwach. 2. Seine Haare sind nun komplett weiß, sein Bart ebenso. "Shujinkō" (主人公) ist japanisch und bedeutet "Protagonist". When their dialogue is forwarded, they will say things such as: "I am talking backwards. Journey deep into the Mortal Kombat universe with Konquest mode. It also had a new gameplay mechanic called the Aggressor Bar that’s filled as the player fights and gives faster movement speed and stronger attack damage when filled. DVD-ROM. When you get a colored dragon symbol, you will use it to land it on a same color the symbol is to give your opponent more squares. Weil Raiden Cassie den Auftrag gibt, einen Soul Stealer zu töten, kommt der Mortal Kombat-Fan natürlich zunächst auf die Idee, dass der Verdächtige Shang Tsung sein muss, zudem sehen Shang Tsung und Shujinko sich ähnlich. Platform(s) Midway GameCube, PS2, Xbox A number of characters from this game are present in the trading card game, Epic Battles. Im Konquest-Modus kann man Shujinko, eingesperrt in einer Zelle, in. Quan Chi defeated Shang Tsung and revelled in his conquest. Seine Kleidung besteht zu diesem Zeitpunkt aus einem beige-farbenen GI. Mortal Kombat Trilogy was a second update to the third game following Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3.This title brought back many stages and characters from the first and second games in the series. In the Yin Yang arena, whenever the trees are the snakes and you knock an opponent against it, a coconut will still fall down on your opponent. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Shujinko wurde einer Verwechslung zum Opfer. Sworn enemies joined forces to kombat a greater threat. 5 stage Fatalities we'd like to see in Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath Mostly revamps on old classics, but also one brand new stage finisher that seems all but necessary These include the Tarkatan horde (led by Baraka) and their former allies, who were resurrected by Onaga and are under his control. Raiden became corrupted by his suicide by Onaga's magic and resurrected Liu Kang's body and sent it on a rampage. Like Deadly Alliance, players can unlock characters, arenas and other kontent. Shujinko ist bemüht, seinen Fehler wieder gut zu machen. Andere Dorfbewohner rufen ihm in Rückwärtssprache „Du wurdest betrogen!“ nach, in Anspielung auf Damashi, dem sprechenden Nachrichtenüberbringer von Onaga. Shao Kahn and Goro are playable characters in the GameCube and Play Station Portable versions, included to offset the lack of online play offered by the PS2 and Xbox versions. Deception was developed and published by Midway for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox in October 2004. After. Nach dem Ende des Konquest-Modus schaltet man Shujinko frei. In the story explored in Konquest mode, a young man named Shujinko is deceived (hence the game's title) into spending his life collecting the Kamidogu for Onaga, who uses the guise of an emissary of the Elder Gods named Damashi. Deception was released in two versions for the Playstation 2 and Xbox, a regular version, and a 'Kollector's Edition', which added a metal trading card and a bonus disc containing a history of Mortal Kombat, several video biographies of characters, and an 'arcade perfect' version of the original Mortal Kombat. Genre(s) Deception contained a RPG-style game named 'Konquest.' Das er eine äußerliche Ähnlichkeit mit Shang Tsung gemeinsam hat, tat sein Übriges. Browse the site choosing a game from the menu, here you'll find Story, Screenshots, Arenas, Props and Fighters of the game, each fighter page includes: A complete Spritesheet, Biography, Animations, Props, Movelist, Fatality Videos, Ending, Renders, Cut-Out Pictures, Wallpapers and more! The Elder Gods had advised Raiden not to interfere, but he defied their wishes; alone he challenged the alliance of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, in Mortal Kombat. Media In June of 2005, Xbox Live hosted a Game with Fame with Chicago Punk Band Rise Against playing, Tanya is the only character who debuted in. You can fight at classic arenas such as Courtyard, The Pit, Dead Pool, Portal, and Living Forest. Both characters follow the storyline of trying to return Shao Kahn to power. Deutlich älter wird Shujinko nach dem Betreten des berüchtigten Pools in Chaosrealm, in welchem man schnell altert. But the combined might of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung proved to be overwhelming even for a Thunder God. Seine einfache Kleidung tauscht er durch einen blauen GI und eine beige-farbene Hose aus. Nearly every fighter in the entire series makes a cameo in Mortal Kombat: Deception.. In Konquest Mode, on one part of Baraka's training, his blades will sometimes turn purple. Pues bien, Mortal Kombat VI hace uso de los"Hara-Kiri", en donde podrás (en caso de haber perdido un combate) matarte a ti mismo antes de sufrir la humillación de que te hagan un fatality. This is prior to Onaga's resurrection in the body of Reptile. General Information Release date(s) And so it was that a new alliance formed out of desperation. When Quan Chi stood alone, a hulking form entered the tomb, and the mummies of the Dragon King's army turned to kneel. In Konquest Mode, when training with a character, sometimes they will do their fighting style in a fast movement. Die Ironie dieses Grußes spiegelt sich in Raidens möglichem Ende wider, in der Raiden Shujinko tötet, weil Shujinko für Onagas Rückkehr verantwortlich ist. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Certain stages also contain unique stage weapons often following the stage's theme, that any character can pick up and use. ", "If you have decoded this, you have way too much time on your hands, my friend. If a Hara-Kiri is performed on the wrong character, and the right character is ahead, after you hear "Finish Her/Him! The prophecy had been fulfilled. The Deadly Alliance was no more. Shujinko gibt sein Debüt in Mortal Kombat: Deception als Protagonist. The spirit of Liu Kang joins Ermac to help him save his friends. Am wohl bekanntesten ist Schujinko in dieser Erscheinung. Kitana, Kung Lao, Jax, Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage were defeated during their battle against the Tarkatan warriors, Frost was consumed by her own freezing ability and put into the tombs of the Cryomancers, and Sub-Zero was trapped in Outworld, trying to find the portal back to Earthrealm. Introduced in Mortal Kombat: Deception. The Deadly Alliance was no more and Tsung found himself facing his one time partner Quan Chi. Raiden's Earthrealm champions had failed to stop the Deadly Alliance from fully resurrecting the mummified army of the Dragon King. Er ist ein Abenteurer, der als Junge davon geträumt hat, eines Tages gegen Shang Tsung kämpfen zu können. Their victory was short-lived. It represents the fantasy element of Mortal Kombat that I love so much. Er war zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort. Note: The story of this konquest mode takes place long before the first Mortal Kombat game. Diese Möglichkeit kann aber, wenn man Shujinkos Ende in Deception im Arcade-Modus als Canon betrachtet, ausgeschlossen werden, da Shujinko dort Onaga tötet. Developer(s) A PlayStation Portable Port was released in 2006, renamed Mortal Kombat: Unchained, which included new characters. Mortal Kombat (deutsch Kampf der Sterblichen) ist ein Videospiel aus dem Fighting-Game-Genre, welches von Programmierer Ed Boon und Designer John Tobias konzipiert und von der US-amerikanischen Softwarefirma Midway (heute unter dem Namen NetherRealm Studios) entwickelt wurde, und erstmals 1992 in Spielhallen erschien. Players seeking to unlock much of the bonus content in Deception were required to play through the Konquest mode, which critics regarded as a sub-par addition to the game. Wenn Shujinko seine Fatalities einsetzt, benutzt er zwei Schwerter, doch wenn er während des Kampfes im. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt ist Shujinko als sehr stark einzuschätzen. But it is said that there is only one true ruler of Outworld. Mortal Kombat wurde als Antwort auf das populäre Capcom-Spiel Street Fighter II entwickelt. There was only one chance left. October 4, 2004 (PS2, Xbox), February 28, 2005 (GameCube). Deception follows the 3D path the MK series has taken with Mortal Kombat 4 and Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.It also brought back the Stage Fatalities, which were absent in the previous installment, now doable even during the match, and increased the mayhem by adding several stages more than two traps, a Combo Breaker system, and a hara-kiri move, which the character can use to … In seinen jungen Jahren wurde Shujinko von Meister Bo' Rai Cho trainiert, der auch schon Liu Kang und Kung Lao das Kämpfen lehrte. Weil es hier zu vielen Ungereimtheiten kommen kann, betrachten einige Fans die Geschichte des Konquest-Modus als Non-canon, während andere die Geschehnisse als Canon akzeptieren. This swap would be retained for, It was rumored that there would be "Super Unlockables" in the game. Sowohl in Mortal Kombat: Deception als auch in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon hat Shujinko die effektisvsten Signature-Moves und gleichzeitig die längsten Combos. Mit der Zeit entwickelte er einige Ähnlichkeiten mit Shao Kahn. In France, the title had been changed to "Mortal Kombat: Mystification". Spooky, isn't it? Shaolin Trap Dungeon - A Stage Fatality can be performed where the defeated opponent is uppercutted into the air. A Nintendo GameCube version was published in January 2005. How to unlock Havik – Found in a treasure chest on map H-4 In Choasrealm in Konquest (check the houses). Publisher(s) With Raiden defeated, the Deadly Alliance turned on each other, with Tsung wanting Quan Chi's amulet. Shujinkos Cameoauftritt kann jedoch auch einen ganz simplen Grund haben: Die Macher von Mortal Kombat wollten für eine Überraschung sorgen. Raiden began to realize that even their combined might was not enough to defeat the Dragon King. Due mostly to the inclusion of several cameos in Konquest mode (as well as in the Dark Prison arena), Stages like the Dead Pool, the Living Forest and the Pit were brought back due to fan complaints as they were popular stages in the, Although the deceased Earthrealm warriors from, In scenes that feature these characters, Kung Lao is depicted wearing his alternate outfit instead of his primary outfit. Quan Chi used his powers against Onaga, but he could not stop him. Im Konquest-Modus kann Shujinko mit nahezu allen Dorfbewohnern sprechen, Kämpfe austragen und Nebenmissionen erfüllen. Nun trägt Shujinko einen langen Spitzbart, kleine graue Häärchen sind bereits hier zu erkennen. They are playable after unlocking, and appear in Arcade Mode as sub-bosses. Im Vorfeld der Veröffentlichung von Mortal Kombat X wurde über ein Comeback Shujinkos diskutiert, da er seit Armageddon praktisch nicht mehr präsent war. I was the fool who brought him this power. Onaga now seeks to use six artifacts called Kamidogu to fuse the realms into the One Being, resulting in the destruction of everything therein.