Fittingly, John's close friend John Axouch, although he is recorded as having tried hard to persuade the dying emperor that Isaac was the better candidate to succeed, was instrumental in ensuring that Manuel's assumption of power was free from any overt opposition. All accounts agree that he was a faithful husband to his wife, an unusual trait in a medieval ruler. John II and Irene had 8 children:[70], For other people named John Komnenos, see, Monastery of Christ Pantocrator, Constantinople. [44][45][46] The Byzantines were confirmed in their control of Braničevo, Belgrade and Zemun and they also recovered the region of Sirmium (called Frangochorion in Choniates), which had been Hungarian since the 1060s. Anna was stripped of her property, which was offered to the emperor's friend John Axouch. Que si le ponían levadura al pan, que si el emperador podía tener importanci… Esta página se editó por última vez el 19 oct 2020 a las 07:57. Also, though it was relatively easy to extract submission and admissions of vassalage from the Anatolian Turks, Serbs and Crusader States of the Levant, converting these relationships into concrete gains for the security of the Empire had proven elusive. Having secured his route, John embarked on a new expedition into Syria determined to reduce Antioch to direct imperial rule. Isaac then became the guest of Masoud, the Seljuk Sultan of Rum, and subsequently of Leo, the Prince of Cilician Armenia. He is reputed never to have condemned anyone to death or mutilation. Hijo de Alejo I Comneno, se propuso como objetivo reconquistar el territorio bizantino que había caído en manos de árabes, turcos y cruzados. According to this view, John's campaigns benefited the Byzantine Empire because they protected the empire's heartland, which lacked reliable borders, while gradually extending its territory in Asia Minor. It has been suggested that references to Axouch's possession of the imperial seal early in the reign of John's successor Manuel I meant that he was, in addition to his military duties, the head of the civil administration of the Empire. [14] To safeguard his own succession, John crowned his young son Alexios co-emperor in 1122. Menos éxito tuvo en su intervención en las luchas entre pisanos y genoveses, sin lograr ayuda de ninguno para aliviar el dominio veneciano del comercio bizantino. John is recorded as citing two main reasons for choosing Manuel over his older brother Isaac: Isaac's irascibility, and the courage that Manuel had shown on campaign at Neocaesarea. [69], John II Komnenos married Princess Piroska of Hungary (renamed Irene), a daughter of King Ladislaus I of Hungary in 1104; the marriage was intended as compensation for the loss of some territories to King Coloman of Hungary. [47] This route was especially important as it also led to Cilicia and the Crusader states of Syria. However, Nikephoros remained on good terms with his brother-in-law. In particular little is known of the history of John's domestic rule or policies. Bertha of Sulzbach, Conrad's sister-in-law, was chosen and despatched to Byzantium. As Alexios lay dying in the monastery of the Mangana on 15 August 1118, John, relying on trusted relatives, especially his brother Isaac Komnenos, gained entry into the monastery and obtained the imperial signet ring from his father. The primary sources, Kinnamos and Choniates, give little detail about this campaign, no dates are specified, and what they do say differs considerably. This threat became especially acute after Roger II of Sicily made himself supreme in southern Italy and assumed the title of king. Soon afterwards, Adrian was appointed Archbishop of Bulgaria as John IV of Ohrid. Emperor Lothair III had Byzantine backing, including a large financial subsidy, for his invasion of Norman territory in 1136, which reached as far south as Bari. Attached to the monastery was a hospital, of 5 wards, open to people of all social classes. [21][22], The central tenet of the foreign policy of John II in the West was to maintain an alliance with the German emperors (Holy Roman Empire). [7] Despite this coronation, the accession of John was contested. [4], John was famed for his piety and his remarkably mild and just reign. [15], The family intrigues that challenged his succession to the throne probably contributed to John's approach to rulership, which was to appoint men from outside the imperial family to high office. The Development of the Komnenian Army: 1081–1180. [59], In early 1142 John campaigned against the Seljuqs of Iconium to secure his lines of communication through Antalya. Descriptions of him and his actions indicate that he had great self-control and personal courage, and was an excellent strategist and general. İoannes Komnenos (tr); ヨアニス2世コムニノス (ja); Иоанн II Красивый, Иоанн Комнен, Иоанн II Комнен (ru); Ιωάννης Β´ Κομνηνός, Ιωάννης Β' Κομνηνός (el); Johannes 02 Komnenos (sv); Janez II. [28], The reign of John II was taken up with almost constant warfare and, unlike his father who delighted in active participation in theological and doctrinal disputes, John appears to have been content to leave ecclesiastical matters to the Patriarch and the church hierarchy. In the reign of Alexios I sebastokratores had wielded considerable power and Isaac would have had an expectation of a similar level of authority being devolved on himself. Irene died on August 13, 1134 and was later venerated as Saint Irene. Joscelin and Raymond conspired to delay the promised handover of Antioch's citadel to the emperor, stirring up popular unrest in the city directed at John and the local Greek community. [29], John, alongside his wife who shared in his religious and charitable works, is known to have undertaken church building on a considerable scale, including construction of the Monastery of Christ Pantokrator (Zeyrek Mosque) in Constantinople. Vamos un poco atrás. Dirigió personalmente numerosas campañas contra los Turcos selyucidas en Asia Menor. [42], Early in John's reign the Turks were pressing forward against the Byzantine frontier in western Asia Minor. [56] There then followed a joint campaign as John led the armies of Byzantium, Antioch, and Edessa against Muslim Syria. In order to restore the region to Byzantine control, he led a series of well planned and executed campaigns against the Turks, one of which resulted in the reconquest of the ancestral home of the Komnenoi at Kastamonu (Kastra Komnenon); he then left a garrison of 2,000 men at Gangra. [5] Charity was dispensed lavishly. Bulgaria was an autocephalous see and required a prestigious man as archbishop. Birkenmeier, John W. (2002). [24] At much the same time Roger II applied to John II for an imperial bride for his son, but was unsuccessful. This was necessary to limit the threat posed by the Normans of southern Italy to Byzantine territory in the Balkans. [37], After his accession, John II had refused to confirm his father's 1082 treaty with the Republic of Venice, which had given the Italian republic unique and generous trading rights within the Byzantine Empire. The palace guard at first refused to admit John without clear proof of his father's wishes, however, the mob surrounding the new emperor simply forced an entry. [11] Anna's husband Nikephoros had little sympathy with her ambitions, and it was his lack of support which doomed the conspiracy. The food served at the emperor's table was very frugal and John lectured courtiers who lived in excessive luxury. [50] He then marched for the final time against the Danishmend Turks, his army proceeding along the southern coast of the Black Sea through Bithynia and Paphlagonia. The triumph that John celebrated following his capture of Kastamuni in 1133 can be seen as being a public affirmation of John's legitimacy as emperor embodied in the celebration of the defeat of external foes. These invaders had been auxiliaries of the Prince of Kiev. Alejo was born in 1048, in Estambul, Turquía. [26], In the East John attempted, like his father, to exploit the differences between the Seljuq Sultan of Iconium and the Danishmendid dynasty controlling the northeastern, inland, parts of Anatolia. Komnenian restoration of the Byzantine Empire, Mosaic of John Komnenos, Eirene and Alexios in Hagia Sophia, Centre for Byzantine Studies, University of Thessaloniki, Theodora Megale Komnene ("Despina Khatun"),, Byzantine people of the Byzantine–Seljuq Wars, Burials at the Monastery of Christ Pantocrator (Constantinople), Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Maria Komnene (twin to Alexios), who married, Bucossi, Alessandra and Suarez, Alex R. (2016), Linardou, K. (2016) "Imperial Impersonations", in, Magdalino, P. (2016) "The Triumph of 1133", in, Stathakopoulos, D. (2016) "John II Komnenos: a historiographical essay", in, Bucossi, Alessandra and Rodriguez Suarez, (2016), This page was last edited on 28 November 2020, at 09:28. [57], Although John fought hard for the Christian cause in the campaign in Syria, his allies Prince Raymond of Antioch and Count Joscelin II of Edessa remained in their camp playing dice and feasting instead of helping to press the siege of the city of Shaizar. In giving asylum to Álmos, a blinded claimant to the Hungarian throne, John aroused the suspicion of the Hungarians. Irene, taken by surprise, was unable either to persuade her son to step down, or to induce Nikephoros to contend for the throne. In 1119, the Seljuqs had cut the land route to the city of Attaleia on the southern coast of Anatolia. [34], Though he fought a number of notable pitched battles, the military strategy of John II relied on taking and holding fortified settlements in order to construct defensible frontiers. This was done partly to cow the Serbs into submission (Serbia was, at least nominally, a Byzantine protectorate), and partly to strengthen the Byzantine frontier in the east against the Turks. [63] John initially ignored the wound and it became infected. That Alexios I favoured John to succeed him is made obvious by the elevation of his son to the position of co-emperor. However, immediately afterwards, in 1122, John quickly transferred his troops to Europe to counter a Pecheneg invasion across the Danube frontier into Paristrion. After a Byzantine retaliatory attack on Kerkyra, John exiled the Venetian merchants from Constantinople. By the time of his death substantial territories had been recovered, and the goals of the recovery of control over central Anatolia and the re-establishment of a frontier on the Euphrates seemed achievable. John appointed a number of his father's personal retainers to senior administrative posts, men such as Eustathios Kamytzes, Michaelitzes Styppeiotes and George Dekanos. Both his parents were unusually pious and John surpassed them. '[16] Such an appointment was remarkable, and a radical departure from the nepotism that had characterised the reign of Alexios I. [2]​ Durante su reinado la población del Imperio se recuperó hasta aproximadamente 10 millones de habitantes. These works were ordered to be burnt by the Patriarch of Constantinople, Leo Styppes, in May 1140, on the grounds that they incorporated elements of Bogomil belief and practices. Juan II Comneno, emperador bizantino (13 de septiembre de 1087 - 8 de abril de 1143), hijo y sucesor de Alejo I Comneno. However, despite being given the highest of court titles, that of sebastokrator, Isaac later became estranged from his brother and became an active conspirator. Juan II intervino en los Balcanes aplastando a los restos de los pechenegos (1122), e intervino también en Hungría y Serbia. He organised a number of disputations between Greek and Latin theologians. In the palace John was acclaimed emperor. However, this alliance proved unable to resist Roger, who extracted by force a recognition of his royal title from the Pope in 1139 (Treaty of Mignano). With the season well advanced John decided to take his army into winter quarters in Cilicia, proposing to renew his attack on Antioch the following year. He died a number of days after the accident, on April 8, probably of septicaemia. [a], The Latin historian William of Tyre described John as short and unusually ugly, with eyes, hair and complexion so dark he was known as 'the Moor'. En particular se conoce poco sobre su gestión y políticas internas. [12][13] One of the very few records of John's own words concerns the plot against him; he says that after ascending the throne, God "destroyed the cunning plots of my visible and invisible enemies and rescued me from every trap subjecting all my enemies under my feet". Juan II Comneno Ducas was born on month day 1087, to Alejo I Comneno and Irene Comneno (born Ducaena). [15] After a challenging campaign, the details of which are obscure, the emperor managed to defeat the Hungarians and their Serbian allies at the fortress of Haram or Chramon, which is the modern Nova Palanka; many Hungarian troops were killed when a bridge they were crossing collapsed as they were fleeing from a Byzantine attack. Further Byzantine military successes, Choniates mentions several engagements, resulted in a restoration of peace. [4], John II succeeded his father as ruling basileus in 1118, but had already been crowned co-emperor by Alexios I between 1 September and early November, 1092. [19], The increase in military security and economic stability within Byzantine western Anatolia created by John II's campaigns allowed him to begin the establishment of a formal provincial system in these regions. Planeaba un nuevo avance hacia Siria y Palestina cuando fue herido mortalmente en un accidente de caza. [54][55] This opened the route to the Principality of Antioch, where Raymond of Poitiers, Prince of Antioch, and Joscelin II, Count of Edessa, recognized themselves as vassals of the emperor in 1137. He then assembled his armed followers and rode to the Great Palace, gathering the support of the citizenry on the way. [32] No records from the reign of John mention such persecution, though countermeasures against heresy by the Byzantine Church remained in force. However, the Greeks of the interior of Anatolia were becoming increasingly accustomed to Turkish rule and often found it preferable to that of Byzantium. The city was taken, but the citadel defied assault. In an effort to demonstrate the Byzantine ideal of the emperor's role as the leader of the Christian world, John marched into Muslim Syria at the head of the combined forces of Byzantium and the Crusader states; yet despite the great vigour with which he pressed the campaign, John's hopes were disappointed by the evasiveness of his Crusader allies and their reluctance to fight alongside his forces. John was a pious and dedicated monarch who was determined to undo the damage his empire had suffered … Con la idea de demostrar el ideal bizantino del papel del emperador como líder de la Cristiandad, Juan se dirigió a la Siria musulmana a la cabeza de las fuerzas combinadas del Imperio y de los Estados Cruzados. In 1132 John had to return from campaign in haste, when news reached him that conspirators in Constantinople had made an appeal to Isaac to become their ruler. But this produced further retaliation, and a Venetian fleet of 72 ships plundered Rhodes, Chios, Samos, Lesbos, Andros and captured Kefalonia in the Ionian Sea. During this campaign his eldest son and co-emperor Alexios died of a fever. [8], John Axouch was John II's closest adviser and was his only intimate friend. He then advanced on Antioch demanding that the city and its citadel be surrendered to him. In the southeast, John extended Byzantine control from the Maeander in the west all the way to Cilicia and Tarsus in the east. Yet resistance, particularly from the Danishmends of the northeast, was strong, and the difficult nature of holding the new conquests is illustrated by the fact that Kastamonu was recaptured by the Turks even as John was in Constantinople celebrating its return to Byzantine rule. [27], In the Crusader states of the Levant it was generally admitted that the Byzantine claims over Antioch were legally valid, though it was pragmatically viewed that only when the Byzantine emperor was in a position to enforce them militarily were they likely to be recognised in practice. However, Alexios' influential wife, Irene, favoured the Caesar Nikephoros Bryennios, the husband of her eldest child Anna Komnene. Isaac aimed at replacing his brother as emperor. The breakaway Byzantine regime of Constantine Gabras in Trebizond was ended, and the region of Chaldia brought back under direct imperial control. Juan … The high point of John's diplomacy in the Levant was in 1137 when he extracted formal homage from the rulers of the Principality of Antioch, County of Edessa and the County of Tripoli. [42] The Hungarians attacked Belgrade, Nish and Sofia; John, who was near Philippopolis in Thrace, counterattacked, supported by a naval flotilla operating on the Danube. También conocido como "Juan el Hermoso" o "Juan el Bueno" (Kaloïōannēs), fue el hijo mayor y sucesor de Alejo I Comneno y de Irene Ducas, y el segundo emperador del periodo conocido como la Restauración Comneno. Emperador bizantino (1118–43). [58] The emperor was distracted by a Seljuq raid on Cilicia and developments in the west, where he was pursuing a German alliance directed against the threat posed by the Normans of Sicily. The theme (province) of Thrakesion was re-established, with its administrative centre at Philadelphia. King Fulk of Jerusalem, fearing that the emperor's presence with overwhelming military force would constrain him to make an act of homage and formally recognise Byzantine suzerainty over his kingdom, begged the emperor to bring only a modest escort. This monastery, with its three churches, has been described as one of the most important and influential architectural constructions of Middle Byzantine Constantinople. [39], John's marriage to the Hungarian princess Piroska involved him in the dynastic struggles of the Kingdom of Hungary. Antes de la llegada de la dinastía de los Comnenos, el Imperio bizantino vivió muchas cosas que marcaron su historia y su futuro. Juan had 2 siblings: Teodora Angelo (born Comnena Porfirogéneta) and one other sibling. John had little choice but to leave Syria with his ambitions only partially realised. John was a pious and dedicated monarch who was determined to undo the damage his empire had suffered following the Battle of Manzikert, half a century earlier. Juan II Comneno, (Griego: Ίωάννης Βʹ Κομνηνός, Iōannēs II Komnēnos, 13 de septiembre de 1087-8 de abril de 1143), fue emperador bizantino entre 1118 y 1143. Italics indicates a junior co-emperor, while underlining indicates a usurper. [51][52][53], In the Levant, the emperor sought to reinforce Byzantine claims to suzerainty over the Crusader States and to assert his rights over Antioch. Axouch was immediately appointed Grand Domestic (in Greek: μέγας δομέστικος, megas domestikos), upon the accession of John II. John personally conducted approximately twenty five sieges during his reign. 1143). Muchos de ellos, cautivos en el conflicto, se establecieron como soldados-granjeros dentro de las fronteras bizantinas. Axouch was a Turk captured as a child at the Siege of Nicaea, who had been given as a gift to John's father. His speech was dignified, but he engaged in repartee on occasion. Angold, Michael, (1997) The Byzantine Empire 1025–1204, a political history, Longman, (Second Edition). Fulk cited the inability of his largely barren kingdom to support the passage of a substantial army. Two rather ambiguous Byzantine rhetorical allusions were the basis of this theory – all contemporary historical writing unanimously agrees on an accidental cause for the death of John II. Axouch wisely declined and his influence ensured that Anna's property was eventually returned to her and that John II and his sister became reconciled, at least to a degree. Yet the change in policy was not motivated by financial concerns. [c] John's final action as emperor was to choose Manuel, the younger of his surviving sons, to be his successor. The Byzantine desire to be seen as holding a level of suzerainty over all of the Crusader states was taken seriously, as evidenced by the alarm shown in the Kingdom of Jerusalem when John informed King Fulk of his plan for an armed pilgrimage to the Holy City (1142). John's marriage policy, of bringing new families into the imperial orbit, may have been directed towards lessening the influence of certain prominent aristocratic clans, such as the Doukas, Diogenes and Melissenos families, some of which had produced emperors themselves in the past. The Crusader Princes were suspicious of each other and of John, and neither wanted the other to gain from participating in the campaign. [13] A number of 'new men' were raised to prominence by John II, these included Gregory Taronites who was appointed protovestiarios, Manuel Anemas and Theodore Vatatzes, the latter two also became his sons-in-law. También conocido como "Juan el Hermoso" o "Juan el Bueno" (Kaloïōannēs), fue el hijo mayor y sucesor de Alejo I Comneno y de Irene Ducas, y el segundo emperador del periodo conocido como la Restauración Comneno. The monastery also served as the imperial sepulchre for the Komnenian dynasty. It has been suggested that John was assassinated by a conspiracy within the units of his army of Latin origins who were unhappy at fighting their co-religionists of Antioch, and who wanted to place his pro-western son Manuel on the throne. Raymond of Poitiers played for time, putting the proposal to the vote of the Antiochene general assembly. The decisive moment of the battle was when John led the Varangian Guard, largely composed of Englishmen, to assault defensive Pecheneg wagon laager, employing their famous axes to hack their way in. John descended rapidly on northern Syria, forcing Joscelin II of Edessa to render hostages, including his daughter, as a guarantee of his good behaviour. Despite his personal austerity, John had a high conception of the imperial role and would appear in full ceremonial splendour when this was advantageous. Irene was born in 1088. [38] Eventually John was forced to come to terms; the war was costing him more than it was worth, and he was not prepared to transfer funds from the imperial land forces to the navy for the construction of new ships. The chronology presented here, 1127–1129, follows that of Angold and other scholars, Fine has the events taking place earlier, in 1125–1126. [40][41][b] John launched a punitive raid against the Serbs, who had dangerously aligned themselves with Hungary, many of whom were rounded up and transported to Nicomedia in Asia Minor to serve as military colonists. The Grand Domestic was the commander in chief of the Byzantine armies. The ensuing Battle of Beroia was hard fought, John was wounded in the leg by an arrow, but by the end of the day the Byzantine army had won a crushing victory. The imperial family harboured some degree of resentment at this decision, which was reinforced by the fact that they were required to make obeisance to John Axouch whenever they met him., Emperadores del Imperio bizantino de la dinastía de los Comnenos, Emperadores del Imperio bizantino del siglo XII, Bizantinos de las guerras bizantino-selyúcidas, Wikipedia:Artículos buenos en la Wikipedia en ruso, Wikipedia:Artículos buenos en la Wikipedia en inglés, Wikipedia:Artículos buenos en la Wikipedia en francés, Wikipedia:Artículos destacados en la Wikipedia en italiano, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores VIAF, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores ISNI, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores BNE, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores GND, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores LCCN, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores BIBSYS, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores UB, Wikipedia:Páginas con enlaces mágicos de ISBN, Licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0. Revisa las traducciones de 'Juan II Comneno' en Gallego. This was an unofficial position known at the time as the mesazon, and equivalent to a vizier or 'prime-minister. Irene retired to a monastery and Anna seems to have been effectively removed from public life, taking up the less active occupation of historian. Juan II Comneno, (Griego: Ίωάννης Βʹ Κομνηνός, Iōannēs II Komnēnos, 13 de septiembre de 1087-8 de abril de 1143), fue emperador bizantino entre 1118 y 1143. The Mousai are addressed directly to John II and exhort him, amongst other things, to maintain justice during his reign and a full treasury. [20], The younger brother of John II, Isaac, had been of essential support during the accession crisis. Juan II fue un monarca pío y dedicado que estaba determinado a deshacer el daño que el Imperio había sufrido desde la Batalla de M… [1]​ También derrotó a Hungría y Serbia. John II and Axouch the Grand Domestic besieged and recaptured Laodicea in 1119 and took Sozopolis by storm in 1120, re-opening land communication with Attaleia. [9][10], Alexios died the night following his son's decisive move to take power. In the extensive artwork that Isaac commissioned, he made much of his porphyrogenete status and his relationship with his imperial father, Alexios I, but he made little or no reference to his relationship to his brother John, or to the title of sebastokrator that he had received from him. [15][36] The battle put an effective end to the Pechenegs as an independent people; many of the captives taken in the conflict were settled as soldier-farmers within the Byzantine frontier. Aleppo proved too strong to attack, but the fortresses of Balat, Biza'a, Athareb, Maarat al-Numan, and Kafartab were taken by assault. An incident involving the abuse of a member of the imperial family by Venetians led to a dangerous conflict, especially as Byzantium had depended on Venice for its naval strength. In 1130 John became aware of a plot involving Isaac and other magnates as he was leaving to campaign against the Turks. War with the Hungarians and Serbs (1127–1129 – chronology uncertain), War of attrition against the Anatolian Turks (1119–20, 1130–35, 1139–40), Campaigning in Cilicia and Syria (1137–1138), Alexios I was the subject of an extensive biography, the. [64] However, there is very little overt support for this hypothesis in the primary sources. In 1134 the Seljuq sultan Masoud provided troops for John's attack on the Danishmend-held city of Kastamuni (reoccupied immediately after the Byzantine conquest of 1133), however, the alliance proved unreliable as the Seljuq troops abandoned the expedition, decamping during the night. John had lost all confidence in his allies, and a Muslim army under Zengi was approaching to try to relieve the city, therefore the emperor reluctantly accepted the offer. Under John, the empire's population recovered to about 10 million people. That Isaac was seeking aid from these princes in a bid to take the Byzantine throne by force is highly likely. They had one son: Andrónico Comneno de Hungría. [17], John's unwillingness to allow his family to influence his government to any great extent was to remain constant for the rest of his reign.